Description of reusable components description-of-reusable-components
AEM Forms workspace is composed of reusable components which are organized in a specific folder structure in CRX™. Each component has model, view, and template file at location specified in the folder structure, JavaScript™ dependencies on other component files, events listened by the component and JavaScript objects which trigger these events in AEM Forms workspace. The complete list of reusable components with constituent filenames and dependencies is given here.
TaskList tasklist
This component can be used independently of AEM Forms workspace, provided you trigger filterSelected event for this component from your custom application.
Task task
Workspace calls fetchTasks function of TaskList model to create Task models for this component.
FilterList filterlist
Filter filter
TeamQueues teamqueues
TeamFilter teamfilter
TeamFilter gets the event indicating which task has been selected from TaskList component. Although these components share the model class, there is no other dependency.
TaskDetails taskdetails
CategoryList categorylist
This component uses model classes of some other components like StartPointList, StartPoint, and Task. Besides this dependency, CategoryList can be used independently.
Category category
StartPointList startpointlist
StartPointList and CategoryList components share the model class, hence the former depends on the latter. CategoryList accesses the information about which category’s start points are shown. To use StartPointList independently, simulate the event trigger from CategoryList.
StartPoint startpoint
StartProcess startprocess
StartProcess and StartPointList components share the model class. This component becomes relevant you select a startpoint from StartPointList.
ProcessNameList processnamelist
ProcessNameList does not depend on other components. However, internally it depends on ProcessInstanceList model class that in turn depends on other components. Hence, ProcessNameList uses many model classes like ProcessInstanceList, ProcessInstance, TaskList, Teamtask, and Task. Besides these dependencies, ProcessNameList can be used independently.
ProcessName processname
ProcessInstanceList processinstancelist
ProcessInstanceList expects an event from ProcessNameList indicating the process name for fetching and displaying instances. To use ProcessInstanceList independently, simulate the event trigger separately.
ProcessInstance processinstance
ProcessInstanceHistory processinstancehistory
ProcessInstanceHistory expects an event from ProcessInstanceList indicating which process instance’s history is to be shown. Besides this dependency the component can be used independently.
OutofOffice outofoffice
OutofOffice can be used independently.
ShareQueue sharequeue
ShareQueue can be used independently.
UISettings uisettings
UISettings can be used independently.
AppNavigation appnavigation
AppNavigation can be used independently.
UserInfo userinfo
UserInfo can be used independently.
WSError wserror
UserSearch usersearch
SearchTemplate searchtemplate
SearchTemplateList searchtemplatelist
SearchTemplateDetails searchtemplatedetails