Previewing a form

  1. Select an asset you want to preview, and click Preview aem6forms_preview in the actions toolbar.

    To select an asset, switch to List view from the default Card view. Click aem6forms_viewlist or aem6forms_viewcard to switch views.
  2. Clicking Preview lists the possible preview options applicable for the selected Asset Type. Click the desired option to render the selected asset in a new tab.

    Your options are:

    • Preview as HTML
    • Preview with Data
    • Preview as PDF (available for form templates)

Preview with Data

When you select Preview with Data, you can see how the form looks with real data entered in it. Preview with Data option lets you upload an XML that contains sample user data. The sample user data is used to populate the preview form in the format you choose.

  1. Select an asset, click Preview aem6forms_preview , and select Preview with Data.
  2. In the Preview Form dialog, provide FormData as an XML file. Click Preview to render the form with the merged data from XML.

Experience Manager