Configure JS actions

Some of the Assets components require JS functions defined in component.js. Copy this file to your component directory and link it.

<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= component.getPath() %>/component.js"></script>

The sample loads this JavaScript source in head.jsp(/apps/geometrixx/components/asseteditor/head.jsp).

Additional style sheets

Some of the Assets components use the widgets library. To be rendered properly in the content context, an additional style sheet has to be loaded. The tag action component requires one more.

<link href="/etc/designs/geometrixx/ui.widgets.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

Geometrixx Style Sheet

The sample page components require that all selectors start with .asseteditor of static.css (/etc/designs/geometrixx/static.css). Best practice: Copy all .asseteditor selectors to your style sheet and adjust the rules as desired.

FormChooser: Adjustments for eventually loaded Resources

The Asset Editor uses the Form Chooser, which lets you edit resources - in this case assets - on the same form page by simply adding a form selector and the path of the form to the URL of the asset.

For example:

The sample handles in head.jsp (/apps/geometrixx/components/asseteditor/head.jsp) do the following:

  • They detect if an asset is loaded or if the plain form has to be displayed.
  • If an asset is loaded, they disable WCM mode as parsys can only be edited on a plain form page.
  • If an asset is loaded, they use its title instead of the one on the form page.
 List<Resource> resources = FormsHelper.getFormEditResources(slingRequest);
    if (resources != null) {
        if (resources.size() == 1) {
            // single resource
            FormsHelper.setFormLoadResource(slingRequest, resources.get(0));
        } else if (resources.size() > 1) {
            // multiple resources
            // not supported by CQ 5.3
    Resource loadResource = (Resource) request.getAttribute("cq.form.loadresource");
    String title;
    if (loadResource != null) {
        // an asset is loaded: disable WCM

        String path = loadResource.getPath();
        Asset asset = loadResource.adaptTo(Asset.class);
        try {
            // it might happen that the adobe xmp lib creates an array
            Object titleObj = asset.getMetadata("dc:title");
            if (titleObj instanceof Object[]) {
                Object[] titleArray = (Object[]) titleObj;
                title = (titleArray.length > 0) ? titleArray[0].toString() : "";
            } else {
                title = titleObj.toString();
        catch (NullPointerException e) {
            title = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
    else {
        title = currentPage.getTitle() == null ? currentPage.getName() : currentPage.getTitle();

In the HTML part, use the preceding title set (either asset or page title):

<title><%= title %></title>

Create a simple form field component

This example describes how to build a component that shows and displays the metadata of a loaded asset.

  1. Create a component folder in your projects directory, for example, /apps/geometrixx/components/samplemeta.

  2. Add content.xml with the following snippet:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jcr:root xmlns:sling="" xmlns:cq="" xmlns:jcr=""
        jcr:title="Image Dimension"
        componentGroup="Asset Editor"/>
  3. Add samplemeta.jsp with the following snippet:

      Sample metadata field component
    --%><%@ page import=",
           " %><%
    %><%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%><%
        String value = "";
        String name = "dam:sampleMetadata";
        boolean readOnly = false;
        // If the form page is requested for an asset loadResource is the asset.
        Resource loadResource = (Resource) request.getAttribute("cq.form.loadresource");
        if (loadResource != null) {
            // Determine if the loaded asset is read only.
            Session session = slingRequest.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(Session.class);
            try {
                session.checkPermission(loadResource.getPath(), "set_property");
                readOnly = false;
            catch (AccessControlException ace) {
                // checkPermission throws exception if asset is read only
                readOnly = true;
            catch (RepositoryException re) {}
            // Get the value of the metadata.
            Asset asset = loadResource.adaptTo(Asset.class);
            try {
                value = asset.getMetadata(name).toString();
            catch (NullPointerException npe) {
                // no metadata dc:description available
    <div class="form_row">
        <div class="form_leftcol">
            <div class="form_leftcollabel">Sample Metadata</div>
        <div class="form_rightcol">
            if (readOnly) {
                %><c:out value="<%= value %>"/><%
            else {
                %><input class="text" type="text" name="./jcr:content/metadata/<%= name %>" value="<c:out value="<%= value %>" />"><%
  4. To make the component available, you need to be able to edit it. To make a component editable, in CRXDE Lite, add a node cq:editConfig of primary type cq:EditConfig. So that you can remove paragraphs, add a multi-value property cq:actions with a single value of DELETE.

  5. Navigate to your browser, and on your sample page (for example, asseteditor.html) switch to design mode and enable your new component for the paragraph system.

  6. In Edit mode, the new component (for example, Sample Metadata) is now available in the sidekick (found in the Asset Editor group). Insert the component. To be able to store the metadata, it must be added to the metadata form.

Modify metadata options

You can modify the namespaces available in the metadata form.

Currently available metadata are defined in /libs/dam/options/metadata:

  • The first level inside this directory contains the namespaces.
  • The items inside each namespace represents a metadata, such as results in a local part item.
  • The metadata content contains the information for the type and the multi-value options.

The options can be overwritten in /apps/dam/options/metadata:

  1. Copy the directory from /libs to /apps.

  2. Remove, modify, or add items.

If you add new namespaces, they must be registered in your repository/CRX. Otherwise submitting the metadata form will result in an error.

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