Experience Manager/Dynamic Media Classic integration versus Dynamic Media

Experience Manager users have a choice between two solutions to work with Dynamic Media. You can use one of the following:

  • Integrate your instance of Experience Manager with Dynamic Media Classic.
  • Use Dynamic Media that is integrated into Experience Manager.

Use the following criteria to determine which solution to choose:

  • Are you an existing Dynamic Media Classic customer whose assets reside in Dynamic Media Classic for publishing and delivery, but you want to integrate those assets with Sites (WCM) authoring, or Experience Manager Assets, or both? If so, use the Experience Manager/Dynamic Media Classic point-to-point integration described in this document.

  • If you are a new Experience Manager customer who has rich media delivery needs, select the Dynamic Media option. This option makes the most sense if you do not have an existing S7 account and many assets stored in that system.

  • In certain cases, use both solutions. The dual-use scenario describes that scenario.

Experience Manager/Dynamic Media Classic point-to-point integration

When you work with assets in this solution, you do one of the following:

  • Upload assets directly to Dynamic Media Classic and then access by way of the Dynamic Media Classic content browser for page authoring or
  • Upload to Experience Manager Assets and then enable automatic publishing to Dynamic Media Classic; you access via Assets content browser for page authoring

The components you use for this integration are found in the Dynamic Media Classic component area in Design mode.

Experience Manager Dynamic Media

Experience Manager Dynamic Media is the unification of Dynamic Media Classic features directly within the Experience Manager platform.

When you work with assets in this solution, you follow this workflow:

  1. Upload single image and video assets directly to Experience Manager.
  2. Encode videos directly within Experience Manager.
  3. Build image-based sets directly within Experience Manager.
  4. If applicable, add interactivity to images or videos.

The components you use for Dynamic Media are found in the Dynamic Media component area in Design mode. They include the following:

  • Dynamic Media - The Dynamic Media component is smart - depending on whether you add an image or a video, you have various options. The component supports image presets, image-based viewers such as image sets, spin sets, mixed media sets, and video. In addition, the viewer is responsive - the size of the screen changes automatically based on-screen size. All viewers are HTML5 viewers.

  • Interactive Media - The Interactive Media component is for assets such as carousel banners, interactive images, and interactive video. Such assets have interactivity in them such hotspots or image maps. This component is smart. That is, depending on whether you add an image or a video, you have various options. In addition, the viewer is responsive - the size of the screen changes automatically based on-screen size. All viewers are HTML5 viewers.

Dual-Use Scenario

Out of the box, you can use both Dynamic Media and Dynamic Media Classic integration features of Experience Manager simultaneously. The following use cases table describes when you turn certain areas on and off.

To use Dynamic Media and Dynamic Media Classic simultaneously:

  1. Configure Dynamic Media Classic in Cloud Services.

  2. Follow the specific instructions particular to your use case:

    Dynamic MediaDynamic Media Classic Integration
    If you are ...Use Case WorkflowImaging/VideoDynamic Media ComponentS7 Content Browser and ComponentsAutomatic Upload from Assets to S7
    New to Sites and Dynamic MediaUpload assets to Experience Manager and use Experience Manager Dynamic Media component to author assets on Sites pages


    (See step 3)

    In retail, and new to Sites and Dynamic MediaUpload NON-product assets to Experience Manager for management and delivery. Upload PRODUCT assets to Dynamic Media Classic and use Dynamic Media Classic content browser in Experience Manager and component to author Product Detail Pages on Sites.


    (See step 3)

    New to Assets and Dynamic MediaUpload assets to Experience Manager Assets and use published URL/embed code from Dynamic Media


    (See step 3)

    New to Dynamic Media and TemplatingUse Dynamic Media for imaging and video. Author image templates in Dynamic Media Classic and use Dynamic Media Classic content finder to include templates in Sites pages.


    (See step 3)

    An existing Dynamic Media Classic customer and are new to SitesUpload assets to Dynamic Media Classic and use Experience Manager Dynamic Media Classic content browser to search and author assets on Sites pagesOffOffOnOff
    An existing Dynamic Media Classic customer and are new to Sites and AssetsUpload assets to DAM and automatically publish to Dynamic Media Classic for delivery. Use Experience Manager Dynamic Media Classic content browser to search and author assets on Sites pages.OffOffOn


    (See step 4)

    Existing Dynamic Media Classic customer and new to Assets

    Upload assets to Experience Manager and use Dynamic Media to generate renditions for download/share. Automatically publish Experience Manager assets to Dynamic Media Classic for delivery.

    Important: Incurs duplicate processing and renditions generated in Experience Manager are not synchronized to Dynamic Media Classic


    (See step 3)



    (See step 4)

  3. (Optional; see use case table) - Set up the Dynamic Media cloud configuration and enable the Dynamic Media server.

  4. (Optional; see use case table) - If you choose to enable Automatic Upload from Assets to Dynamic Media Classic, then you must add the following:

    1. Set up automatic upload to Dynamic Media Classic.
    2. Add the Dynamic Media Classic upload step after all the Dynamic Media workflow steps at the end of Dam Update Asset workflow ( https://<server>:<host>/cf#/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset.html)
    3. (Optional) Restrict Dynamic Media Classic asset upload by MIME type in https://<server>:<port>/system/console/configMgr/com.day.cq.dam.scene7.impl.Scene7AssetMimeTypeServiceImpl. Asset MIME types not in this list are not uploaded to Dynamic Media Classic server.
    4. (Optional) Set up video in Dynamic Media Classic configuration. You can enable video encoding for either or both Dynamic Media and Dynamic Media Classic simultaneously. Dynamic renditions are used for preview and playback locally in Experience Manager instance, whereas Dynamic Media Classic video renditions are generated and stored on Dynamic Media Classic servers. When setting up video encoding services for both Dynamic Media and Dynamic Media Classic, apply a video processing profile to the Dynamic Media Classic asset folder.
    5. (Optional) Configure Secure preview in Dynamic Media Classic.


When you have both Dynamic Media Classic and Dynamic Media enabled, there are the following limitations:

  • Manually uploading to Dynamic Media Classic by selecting an asset and dragging it to a Dynamic Media Classic component on an Experience Manager page does not work.
  • Even though Experience Manager-Dynamic Media Classic synced assets are updated to Dynamic Media Classic automatically when the asset is edited in Assets, a rollback action does not trigger a new upload. As such, Dynamic Media Classic does not get the latest version immediately after a rollback. The workaround is to edit again after rollback is complete.
  • Is it necessary for you to use Dynamic Media for one use case and Dynamic Media Classic integration for another so that Dynamic Media assets do not interact with the Dynamic Media Classic system? If so, then do not to apply the Dynamic Media Classic configuration to the Dynamic Media folder. And, do not apply the Dynamic Media configuration (processing profile) to a Dynamic Media Classic folder.

Best practices for integrating Dynamic Media Classic with Experience Manager

When integrating Dynamic Media Classic with Experience Manager, there are some important best practices that must be observed in the following areas:

  • Test-driving your integration
  • Uploading assets directly from Dynamic Media Classic recommended for certain scenarios

Test-drive your integration

Adobe recommends that you test-drive your integration by having your root folder pointing to a subfolder only rather than an entire company.

Importing assets from an existing Dynamic Media Classic company account can take a long time to show in Experience Manager. Ensure that you designate a folder in Dynamic Media Classic that does not have too many assets (for example, the root folder often has too many assets and can crash your system).

Upload assets from Experience Manager Assets versus from Dynamic Media Classic

You can upload assets either by using the Assets (digital asset management) functionality or by accessing Dynamic Media Classic directly in Experience Manager by way of the Dynamic Media Classic content browser. Which one you choose depends on the following factors:

  • Dynamic Media Classic asset types that Experience Manager Assets does not yet support must be added to an Experience Manager website from Dynamic Media Classic directly, by way of the Dynamic Media Classic content browser. For example, image templates.

  • For asset types that are supported by both Experience Manager Assets and Dynamic Media Classic, deciding how to upload them depends on the following:

    • Where the assets are today AND
    • How important managing them in a common repository is

Suppose that the assets are already in Dynamic Media Classic and managing them in a common repository is not important. If that is the case, then exporting the assets to Experience Manager Assets only to sync them back to Dynamic Media Classic for delivery is an unnecessary roundtrip. Adobe recommends that you keep assets in a single repository and sync to Dynamic Media Classic for delivery only.

Configure Dynamic Media Classic integration

You can configure Experience Manager to upload assets to Dynamic Media Classic. Assets from a CQ target folder can be uploaded (automatically or manually) from Experience Manager to a Dynamic Media Classic company account.

Adobe recommends that you use only the designated target folder for importing Dynamic Media Classic assets. Digital assets that reside outside of the target folder can only be used in Dynamic Media Classic components on pages where the Dynamic Media Classic configuration has been enabled. In addition, they are placed in an on-demand folder in Dynamic Media Classic. The on-demand folder is not synchronized with Experience Manager (but assets are discoverable in the Dynamic Media Classic content browser).

To configure Dynamic Media Classic to integrate with Experience Manager:

  1. Define a cloud configuration - Defines the mapping between a Dynamic Media Classic folder and an Assets folder. Complete this step even if you only want one-way (Experience Manager Assets to Dynamic Media Classic) synchronization.
  2. Enable the Adobe CQ s7dam Dam Listener - Done in the OSGi console.
  3. If you want Experience Manager Assets to automatically upload to Dynamic Media Classic, you must turn on that option and add Dynamic Media Classic to the DAM Update Asset workflow. You can also manually upload assets.
  4. Adding Dynamic Media Classic components to the sidekick. This functionality lets users use Dynamic Media Classic components on their Experience Manager pages.
  5. Map the configuration to the page in Experience Manager - This step is required to view any video presets that you have created in Dynamic Media Classic. It is also required if you must perform a publish an asset from outside the CQ target folder to Dynamic Media Classic.

This section covers how to perform all of these steps and lists important limitations.

How synchronization between Dynamic Media Classic and Experience Manager Assets works

When setting up Experience Manager Assets and Dynamic Media Classic synchronization, it is important to understand the following:

Upload to Dynamic Media Classic from Experience Manager Assets

  • There is a designated synchronization folder in Experience Manager for Dynamic Media Classic uploads.
  • Uploads to Dynamic Media Classic can be automated if the digital assets are placed in the designated synchronization folder.
  • The folder and subfolder structure in Experience Manager is replicated in Dynamic Media Classic.
Experience Manager embeds all the metadata as XMP before uploading it to Dynamic Media Classic, so all properties on the metadata node are available in Dynamic Media Classic as XMP.

Known limitations and design implications

With the synchronization between Experience Manager Assets and Dynamic Media Classic, there are currently the following limitations/design implications:

Limitation/design implicationDescription
One designated synchronization (target) folderYou can only have one designated folder per company in Experience Manager for Dynamic Media Classic uploads. You can create multiple configurations if you must have access to more than one company account in Dynamic Media Classic.
Folder structureIf you delete a synced folder with assets, all Dynamic Media Classic remote assets are deleted but the folder remains.
On-demand folderAssets that reside outside the target folder that are manually uploaded to Dynamic Media Classic in WCM are automatically placed in a separate on-demand folder on Dynamic Media Classic. You configure this folder in the cloud configuration in Experience Manager.
Mixed mediaMixed media sets appear in Experience Manager although they are not supported in Experience Manager.
PDFsGenerated PDFs from eCatalogs in Dynamic Media Classic get imported into the CQ target folder.
UI refreshingWhen synchronizing between Experience Manager and Dynamic Media Classic, be sure to refresh the user interface to view changes.
Video thumbnailsIf uploading a video to Experience Manager Assets for encoding via Dynamic Media Classic, the video thumbnails and encoded videos can take some time to be available in Experience Manager Assets, depending on video processing time.
Target subfolders

If you use subfolders within the target folder, make sure you either use unique names for each asset (regardless of location). Also, make sure you configure Dynamic Media Classic (in the Setup area) to not overwrite assets, regardless of location.

Otherwise, assets with the same name that are uploaded to a Dynamic Media Classic target subfolder are uploaded, but the same-named asset in the target folder is deleted.

Configure Dynamic Media Classic servers

If you run Experience Manager behind a proxy or have special firewall settings, you must explicitly enable the hosts of the different regions. Servers are managed in content in /etc/cloudservices/scene7/endpoints and can be customized as required. Select a URL and then edit to change the URL, if necessary. In previous versions of Experience Manager, these values were hard-coded.

If you navigate to /etc/cloudservices/scene7/endpoints.html, you see the servers listed (and can edit them by tapping the URL):


Create a cloud configuration for Dynamic Media Classic

A cloud configuration defines the mapping between a Dynamic Media Classic folder and an Experience Manager Assets folder. It must be configured to synchronize Experience Manager Assets with Dynamic Media Classic. See How Synchronization Works for more information.

Importing assets from an existing Dynamic Media Classic company account can take a long time to show in Experience Manager. Ensure that you designate a folder in Dynamic Media Classic that does not have too many assets. For example, the root folder often has too many assets.
If you would like to test-drive the integration, have the root folder point to a subfolder only, instead of the entire company.
You can have multiple configurations: one cloud configuration represents one user at a Dynamic Media Classic company. If you want to access other Dynamic Media Classic companies or users, you must create multiple configurations.

To create a cloud configuration for Dynamic Media Classic:

  1. Select the Experience Manager icon and navigate to Deployment > Cloud Services so you can access Adobe Dynamic Media Classic.

  2. Select Configure now.


  3. In the Title field, and optionally in the Name field, enter the appropriate information. Select Create.

    When creating more configurations, the parent configuration field displays.
    Do not change the parent configuration. Changing the parent configuration can break the integration.
  4. Enter the email address, password, and region of your Dynamic Media Classic account and select Connect to Dynamic Media Classic. You are connected to the Dynamic Media Classic server and the dialog expands with more options.

  5. Enter the Company name and Root Path. This information is the published server name together with any path you want to specify. If you do not know the published server name, in Dynamic Media Classic, go to Setup > Application Setup).

    The Dynamic Media Classic root path is the Dynamic Media Classic folder Experience Manager connects to. It can be narrowed down to a specific folder.
    Depending on the size of the Dynamic Media Classic folder, importing a root folder can take a long time. In addition, Dynamic Media Classic data could exceed the Experience Manager storage. Ensure you are importing the correct folder. Importing too much data can stop your system.


  6. Select OK. Experience Manager saves your configuration.

If you are reconnecting:
  • When reconnecting to Dynamic Media Classic on publish, reset the password on publish or reconnecting does not work (not an issue on the Author instance).
  • If you modify values such as your region, company name, you must reconnect to Dynamic Media Classic. If configuration options have been modified but not saved, Experience Manager erroneously still indicates that the configuration is valid. Be sure to reconnect.

Enable the Adobe CQ Dynamic Media Classic Dam Listener

Enable the Adobe CQ Dynamic Media Classic Dam Listener, which is disabled by default.

To enable the Adobe CQ Dynamic Media Classic Dam Listener:

  1. Select the Tools icon, then navigate to Operations > Web Console.

  2. In the Web console, navigate to Adobe CQ Dynamic Media Classic Dam Listener and select the Enabled check box.


  3. Select Save.

Add configurable timeout to Dynamic Media Classic Upload workflow

When an Experience Manager instance is configured to handle video encoding through Dynamic Media Classic, by default, there is a 35-minute timeout on any upload job. To accommodate potentially longer-running video encoding jobs, you can configure this setting.

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr/com.day.cq.dam.scene7.impl.Scene7UploadServiceImpl.


  2. Change the number as desired in the Active job timeout field. Any non-negative number is accepted with the unit of measure in seconds. By default, this number is set to 2100.

    Best practice: Most assets are ingested within minutes at most (for example, images). But in certain instances - larger videos for example, - increase the timeout value to 7200 seconds (two hours) to accommodate long processing time. Otherwise, this Dynamic Media Classic upload job is marked as UploadFailed in the JCR (Java™ Content Repository) metadata.
  3. Select Save.

Autoupload from Experience Manager Assets

Beginning with Experience Manager 6.3.2, Experience Manager Assets is configured so that any uploaded digital assets are updated to Dynamic Media Classic, if the assets are in a CQ target folder.

When an asset is added into Experience Manager Assets, it is automatically uploaded and published to Dynamic Media Classic.

The maximum file size for automatic uploading from Experience Manager Assets to Dynamic Media Classic is 500 MB.

To autoupload from Experience Manager Assets:

  1. Select the Experience Manager icon and navigate to Deployment > Cloud Services.

  2. Under the Dynamic Media heading, under Available Configurations, select dms7 (Dynamic Media).

  3. Select the Advanced tab, select the Enable Automatic Upload check box, then select OK. Configure the DAM Asset workflow to include uploading to Dynamic Media Classic.

    See Configuring the state (published/unpublished) of assets pushed to Dynamic Media Classic for information on pushing assets to Dynamic Media Classic in an unpublished state.


  4. Navigate back to the Experience Manager welcome page and select Workflows. Double-click the DAM Update Asset workflow so it opens.

  5. In the sidekick, navigate to the Workflow components, and select Dynamic Media Classic. Drag Dynamic Media Classic to the workflow and select Save. Assets added to Experience Manager Assets in the target folder are automatically uploaded to Dynamic Media Classic.


    • When adding assets after automating, if they are not placed in the CQ target folder, they are not uploaded to Dynamic Media Classic.
    • Experience Manager embeds all the metadata as XMP before uploading it to Dynamic Media Classic, so all properties on the metadata node are available in Dynamic Media Classic as XMP.

Configure the state (published/unpublished) of assets pushed to Dynamic Media Classic

If you are pushing assets from Experience Manager Assets to Dynamic Media Classic, you can either publish them automatically (default behavior) or push them to Dynamic Media Classic in an unpublished state.

It is possible that you do not want to publish assets immediately on Dynamic Media Classic if you want to test them in a staging environment before going live. You can use Experience Manager with Dynamic Media Classic’s Secure Test environment to push assets directly from Assets into Dynamic Media Classic in an unpublished state.

Dynamic Media Classic assets remain available via secure preview. Only when assets are published within Experience Manager do the Dynamic Media Classic assets also go live in production.

If you want to publish assets immediately when pushing them to Dynamic Media Classic, you do not need to configure any options. This functionality is the default behavior.

However, if you do not want assets pushed to Dynamic Media Classic to publish automatically, this section describes how to configure Experience Manager and Dynamic Media Classic to do perform this functionality.

Prerequisites to push assets to Dynamic Media Classic unpublished

Before you can push assets to Dynamic Media Classic without publishing them, you must set up the following:

  1. Use the Admin Console to create a support case. In your support case, request the enabling of secure preview for your Dynamic Media Classic account.
  2. Set up secure preview for your Dynamic Media Classic account.

These steps are the same ones you would follow to create any secure test setup in Dynamic Media Classic.

If your installation environment is a UNIX® 64-bit operating system, see https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kb/enable-xmp-write-back-64-bit-redhat.html regarding other configuration options you must set.

Known limitations for pushing assets in unpublished state

If you use this feature, note the following limitations:

  • There is no support for version control.
  • If an asset is already published in Experience Manager and a subsequent version is created, that new version is immediately published live to production. Publish upon activation only works with the initial publish of an asset.
If you want to publish assets instantly, best practice is to keep Enable Secure Preview set to Immediately and use the Enable Automatic Upload feature.

Set the state of assets pushed to Dynamic Media Classic as unpublished

If a user publishes the asset in Experience Manager, it automatically triggers the S7 asset to the production/live asset (the asset is no longer in secure preview/unpublished).

To set the state of assets pushed to Dynamic Media Classic as unpublished:

  1. Select the Experience Manager icon and navigate to Deployment > Cloud Services.

  2. Select Dynamic Media Classic.

  3. Select your configuration in Dynamic Media Classic.

  4. Select the Advanced tab.

  5. In the Enable Secure View drop-down menu, select Upon AEM Publish Activation to push assets to Dynamic Media Classic without publishing. (By default, this value is set to Immediately, where Dynamic Media Classic assets are published immediately.)

    See Dynamic Media Classic documentation for more information on testing assets before making them public.


  6. Select OK.

Enabling Secure Preview means that your assets are pushed to the secure preview server unpublished.

To see if Secure Preview is enabled, navigate to a Dynamic Media Classic component on a page in Experience Manager. Select Edit. The asset has the secure preview server listed in the URL. After publishing in Experience Manager, the server domain in the file reference gets updated from the preview URL to the production URL.

Enable Dynamic Media Classic for WCM

Enabling Dynamic Media Classic for WCM is required for two reasons:

  • It enables the drop-down list of universal video profiles for page authoring. Without this list, the Universal Video Preset drop-down is empty and cannot be set.
  • If a digital asset is not in the target folder, you can upload the asset to Dynamic Media Classic if you enable Dynamic Media Classic for that page in the page properties. Then drag and drop the asset on a Dynamic Media Classic component. Normal inheritance rules apply (meaning that child pages inherit the configuration from the parent page).

When enabling Dynamic Media Classic for the WCM, as with other configurations, inheritance rules apply. You can enable Dynamic Media Classic for WCM in either the touch-optimized or classic user interface.

Enable Dynamic Media Classic for WCM in the touch-optimized user interface

  1. Select the Experience Manager icon and navigate to Sites, then the root page of your web site (not language specific).

  2. In the toolbar, select the settings icon and select Open Properties.

  3. Select Cloud Services and select Add Configuration and select Dynamic Media Classic.

  4. In the Adobe Dynamic Media Classic drop-down list, select the desired configuration and select OK.


    Video presets from that configuration of Dynamic Media Classic are available for use in Experience Manager with the Dynamic Media Classic video component on that page and child pages.

Enable Dynamic Media Classic for WCM in the Classic user interface

  1. In Experience Manager, select Websites and navigate to the root page of your web site (not language specific).

  2. In the sidekick, select the Page icon and select Page Properties.

  3. Select Cloud Services > Add services > Dynamic Media Classic.

  4. In the Adobe Dynamic Media Classic drop-down list, select the desired configuration and select OK.

    Video presets from that configuration of Dynamic Media Classic are available for use in Experience Manager with the Dynamic Media Classic video component on that page and child pages.

Configure a default configuration

If you have multiple Dynamic Media Classic configurations, you can specify one of them as the default for the Dynamic Media Classic content browser.

Only one Dynamic Media Classic configuration can be marked as default at a given moment. The default configuration is the company assets that display by default in the Dynamic Media Classic Content Browser.

To configure a default configuration:

  1. Select the Experience Manager icon and navigate to Deployment > Cloud Services.

  2. Select Dynamic Media Classic.

  3. Select your configuration in Dynamic Media Classic.

  4. To open the configuration, select Edit.

  5. In the General tab, select the Default Configuration check box to make it the default company and root path that appears in the Dynamic Media Classic content browser.


    If there is only one configuration, selecting the Default Configuration check box has no effect.

Configure the Ad-hoc folder

You can configure the on-demand folder that assets are uploaded to in Dynamic Media Classic when the asset is not in the CQ target folder. See Publishing assets from outside the CQ target folder.

To configure the Ad-hoc folder:

  1. Select the Experience Manager icon and navigate to Deployment > Cloud Services.

  2. Select Dynamic Media Classic.

  3. Select your configuration in Dynamic Media Classic.

  4. To open the configuration, select Edit.

  5. Select the Advanced tab. In the Ad-hoc Folder field, you can modify the Ad-hoc folder. By default, it is the name_of_the_company/CQ5_adhoc.


Configure universal video presets

To configure universal video presets for the video component, see Video.

Enable MIME type-based Assets/Dynamic Media Classic upload job parameter support

You can enable configurable Dynamic Media Classic upload jobs parameters that are triggered by the synchronization of Digital Asset Manager/Dynamic Media Classic assets.

Specifically, you configure the accepted file format by MIME type in the OSGi (Open Service Gateway initiative) area of the Experience Manager Web Console Configuration panel. Then, you can customize the individual upload job parameters that are used for each MIME type in the JCR (Java™ Content Repository).

To enable MIME type-based assets:

  1. Select the Experience Manager icon and navigate to Tools > Operations > Web Console.

  2. In the Adobe Experience Manager Web Console Configuration panel, on the OSGi menu, select Configuration.

  3. Under the Name column, find and select Adobe CQ Dynamic Media Classic Asset MIME type Service to edit the configuration.

  4. In the Mime Type Mapping area, select any plus sign (+) to add a MIME type.

    See Supported MIME types.

  5. In the text field, type the new MIME type name.

    For example, you would type a <file_extension>=<mime_type> as in EPS=application/postscript OR PSD=image/vnd.adobe.photoshop.

  6. In the lower-right corner of the configuration window, select Save.

  7. Return to Experience Manager and in the left rail, select CRXDE Lite.

  8. On the CRXDE Lite page, in the left rail, navigate to /etc/cloudservices/scene7/<environment> (substitute <environment> for the actual name).

  9. Expand <environment> (substitute <environment> for the actual name) to reveal the mimeTypes node.

  10. Select the mimeType that you just added.

    For example, mimeTypes > application_postscript OR mimeTypes > image_vnd.adobe.photoshop.

  11. On the right side of the CRXDE Lite page, select the Properties tab.

  12. Specify a Dynamic Media Classic upload job parameter in the jobParam value field.

    For example, psprocess="rasterize"&psresolution=120 .

    See the Adobe Dynamic Media Classic Image Production System API for more upload job parameters you can use.

    If you are uploading PSD files, and you want to process them as templates with layer extractions, enter the following in the jobParam value field:
    Be sure that your PSD file has “layers.” If it is strictly one image or an image with mask, it is processed as an image because there are no layers to process.
  13. In the upper-left corner of the CRXDE Lite page, select Save All.

Troubleshoot Dynamic Media Classic and Experience Manager integration

If you are having trouble integrating Experience Manager with Dynamic Media Classic, see the following scenarios for solutions.

If your digital asset publishing to Dynamic Media Classic fails:

  • Check that the asset you are uploading is in the CQ target folder (you specify this folder in the Dynamic Media Classic cloud configuration).

  • If it is not, you must configure the cloud configuration in Page Properties for that page to allow uploading to the CQ ad hoc folder.

  • Check the logs for any information.

If your video presets do not appear:

  • Ensure that you have configured the cloud configuration of that page through Page Properties. Video presets are available in the Dynamic Media Classic video component.

If your video assets do not play in Experience Manager:

If new or modified assets in Experience Manager do not automatically upload to Dynamic Media Classic:

  • Ensure that the assets are in the CQ target folder. Only assets that are in the CQ target folder are automatically updated (provided you configured Experience Manager Assets to automatically upload assets).

  • Ensure that you have configured the Cloud Services configuration to Enable Automatic Uploading and that you have updated and saved the DAM Asset workflow to include Dynamic Media Classic uploading.

  • When uploading an image into a subfolder of the Dynamic Media Classic target folder, ensure you do one of the following:

    • Make sure that the names of all assets regardless of location are unique. Otherwise the asset in the main target folder is deleted and only the asset in the subfolder remains.
    • Change how Dynamic Media Classic overwrites assets in the Setup area of the Dynamic Media Classic account. Do not set Dynamic Media Classic to overwrite assets regardless of location if you use assets with the same name in subfolders.

If your deleted assets or folders are not synchronized between Dynamic Media Classic and Experience Manager:

  • Assets and folders deleted in Experience Manager Assets still show up in the synchronized folder in Dynamic Media Classic. Delete them manually.

If your video upload fails:

Importing assets from an existing Dynamic Media Classic company account can take a long time to show in Experience Manager. Ensure that you designate a folder in Dynamic Media Classic that does not have too many assets. For example, the root folder often has too many assets.
If you would like to test the integration, have the root folder point to a subfolder only, instead of the entire company.

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