
This journey is designed for the developer persona, laying out the requirements, steps, and approach of an AEM Headless project from a developer’s perspective. The journey defines additional personas with which the developer must interact for a successful project, but the point-of-view for the journey is that of the developer.

The following are the personas that interact in this journey.

PersonaDescriptionRole in This Journey
Developer (target audience)Has experience developing headless applications which consume content from different sourcesTarget audience of this journey
Content AuthorCreates and manages content that is delivered headlesslyContent Authors create content that the developer delivers headlessly.
AdministratorManages the base setup and configuration of AEMThe developer works with the administrator to make configuration changes needed for development.
Content ArchitectAnalyzes the requirements for the data that must be delivered headlessly and defines the structure for this dataDevelopers work with the content architect to understand the structure of the data and requirements for delivering it headlessly.

Information in this journey can be useful to all personas, but some information may be superfluous to certain roles. Stay tuned for forthcoming journeys covering additional roles.

The Headless Developer Journey

You will explore many topics in this journey. The following articles give you foundational knowledge of headless in AEM and link out to detailed technical documentation.

Although you can go directly to a particular part of the journey, many concepts build on ones in previous articles. Therefore if you are new to headless in AEM, Adobe recommends that you start at the beginning and progress sequentially.

0AEM Headless Developer JourneyThis document
1Learn about CMS Headless DevelopmentLearn about Headless Technology and when to use it.
2Getting Started with AEM HeadlessLearn about AEM Headless prerequisites
3Path to your first experience using AEM HeadlessSetup your development environment and learn how to integrate a simple app with AEM Headless
4How to model your contentLearn how to model your content structure. Then realize that structure for Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) using Content Fragments Models and Content Fragments, for reuse across channels.
5How to access your content via AEM delivery APIsLearn how to use GraphQL queries to access your Content Fragments content.
6How to update your content via AEM Assets APIsLearn how to use REST API to access and update your Content Fragments content.
7How to put it all together - your app and your content in AEM HeadlessLearn how to take your AEM Project and prepare it for going live with the AEM Headless SDK.
8How to go live with your headless applicationLearn how to deploy application live and take your local code in Git and move it to Cloud Manager Git for CI/CD pipeline.
9Optional - How to create single page applications (SPAs) with AEMOnce you understand AEM’s headless features, explore how to combine headful and headless delivery and learn how you can create editable SPAs using AEM’s SPA Editor framework.

What’s Next

You are now ready to get started on your Adobe Headless journey. We encourage you to continue on to the next part of the journey and read the article Learn about CMS Headless Development.

Choose Your Own Adventure

However, Adobe wants you to succeed as you get started with your AEM Headless project, regardless of your learning style. So consider these two options.

  • If you prefer to continue to learn about headless concepts and AEM’s headless technologies, you should continue your AEM headless journey as recommended by next reviewing the document How to Model Your Content as AEM Content Models where you learn how to model your content structure in AEM.
  • If you prefer to learn by doing, you can jump to the Getting Started with AEM Headless hands-on tutorial where you will jump directly into AEM Headless development by implementing a simple project to expose AEM headless content.

Additional Resources

Documentation journeys show you how AEM solves a business problem by providing a narrative that guides you through complex, interrelated processes and features. A journey illustrates how multiple features work together to serve a single business need.

As such, journeys are designed to stand on their own. However, several them can be related to each other. Check out these additional journeys for more information on how AEM’s powerful features work together.

  • AEM Headless tutorials - If you prefer to learn by doing and are technically inclined, take our hands-on tutorials organized by API and framework, that explore creating and using applications built on AEM Headless.

  • AEM Headless Translation Journey - This documentation journey gives you a broad understanding of headless technology, how AEM serves headless content, and how you can translate it.

  • Headless Authoring Journey - Start here for a guided journey through the powerful and flexible headless features of AEM, their capabilities, and how to model your content on your first headless project.

  • Headless Architect Journey - Start here for an introduction to the powerful, and flexible, headless features of Adobe Experience Manager, and how to model content for your project.

  • AEM technical documentation - If you already have a firm understanding of AEM and headless technologies, you may want to directly consult our in-depth technical docs.

  • The AEM Developer Portal

Experience Manager