Audience: Beginner
Objective: Learn how to model your content structure, then realize that structure using AEM Content Fragment Models and Content Fragments:
- Introduce concepts and terminology related to data/content modeling.
- Learn why content modeling is needed for Headless content delivery.
- Learn how to realize this structure using AEM Content Fragment Models (and author content with Content Fragments).
- Learn how to model your content; principles with basic samples.
Content Modeling
It’s a big, bad world out there.
Maybe, but maybe not. It is certainly an overwhelmingly complicated world out there. Data modeling is used to define a simplified representation of a very (very) small sub-section, using the specific information that is needed for a certain purpose.
For example:
There are many Schools, but they all have various things in common:
- A Location
- A Head Teacher
- Many Teachers
- Many members of non-teaching staff
- Many pupils
- Many ex-teachers
- Many ex-pupils
- Many classrooms
- Many (many) books
- Many (many) pieces of equipment
- Many extra-curriculum activities
- and so on…
Even in such a small example, the list can seem endless. But if you simply want your application to perform a simple task, you can limit the information to the essentials.
For example, advertising special events for all schools in the area:
- School Name
- School Location
- Head Teacher
- Type of Event
- Date of Event
- Teacher Organizing the Event
What you want to describe are referred to as Entities - basically the “things” that you want to store information about.
The information that you want to store about them are the Attributes (properties), such as Name, and Qualifications for the teachers.
Then there are various Relationships between the entities. For example, usually a school only has one head teacher, and many teachers (and usually the head teacher is also a teacher).
The process of analyzing and defining this information, together with the relationships between them, is called Content Modeling.
Often, you can start by drawing up a Conceptual Schema that describes the entities and their relationships. Usually this is high-level (conceptual).
After this is stable you can translate the models into a Logical Schema that describes the entities, together with the attributes, and the relationships. At this level, examine the definitions closely to eliminate duplication and optimize your design.
For example, do you need separate entities for Head Teacher
and Teacher
, or simply an additional attribute on the Teacher
Ensuring data integrity
Data integrity is needed to guarantee the accuracy and consistency of your content, over its entire life-cycle. This includes ensuring that content authors can easily understand what to store where - so the following are vital:
- a clear structure
- a structure that is as concise as possible (without sacrificing accuracy)
- validation of individual fields
- where appropriate, restrict the content of specific fields to what is meaningful
Eliminating data redundancy
Data redundancy occurs when the same information is stored twice within the content structure. This should be avoided as it can lead to confusion when creating the content, and errors when querying; not to mention the misuse of storage space.
Optimization and Performance
By optimizing your structure you can improve the performance, both for content creation and querying.
Everything is a balancing act, but creating a structure that is too complex, or has too many levels, can:
Be confusing for authors generating the content.
Severely affect performance if the query has to access multiple nested (referenced) Content Fragments to retrieve the required content.
Content Modeling for AEM Headless
Data Modeling is a set of established techniques, often used when developed relationship databases, so what does Content Modeling mean for AEM Headless?
To ensure that your application can consistently and efficiently request and receive the required content from AEM, this content must be structured.
This means that your application knows in advance the form of response and therefore, how to process it. This is easier than receiving free-form content, which has to be parsed to determine what it contains and therefore, how it can be used.
Introduction to How?
AEM uses Content Fragments to provide the structures needed for Headless delivery of your content to your applications.
The structure of your content model is:
- realized by the definition of your Content Fragment Model,
- used as a basis of the Content Fragments used for your content generation.
Requests for your content are made using the AEM GraphQL API, a customized implementation of the standard GraphQL API. The AEM GraphQL API lets you perform (complex) queries on your Content Fragments, with each query being according to a specific model type.
The content returned can then be used by your applications.
Creating the Structure with Content Fragment Models
Content Fragment Models provide various mechanisms that let you define the structure of your content.
A Content Fragment Model describes an entity.
Within a model:
- Data Types let you define the individual attributes.
For example, define the field holding a teacher’s name as Text and their years of service as Number. - The data types Content Reference and Fragment Reference let you create relationships to other content within AEM.
- The Fragment Reference data type lets you realize multiple levels of structure by nesting your Content Fragments (according to the model type). This is vital for your content modeling.
For example:
Data Types
AEM provides the following data types for you to model your content:
- Single-line text
- Multi-line text
- Number
- Boolean
- Date and time
- Enumeration
- Tags
- Content Reference
- Fragment Reference
- JSON Object
References and Nested Content
Two data types provide references to content outside a specific fragment:
Content Reference
This provides a simple reference to other content of any type.
For example, you can reference an image at a specified location. -
Fragment Reference
This provides references to other Content Fragments.
This type of reference is used to create nested content, introducing the relationships needed to model your content.
The data type can be configured to allow fragment authors to:- Edit the referenced fragment directly.
- Create a content fragment, based on the appropriate model.
Creating Content Fragment Models
At the start, you must enable Content Fragment Models for your site. This enablement is done in the Configuration Browser; under Tools > General > Configuration Browser. You can either select to configure the global entry, or create a configuration. For example:
Then the Content Fragments Models can be created and the structure defined. This can be done under Tools > Assets > Content Fragment Models. For example:
Using the Model to Author Content with Content Fragments
Content Fragments are always based on a Content Fragment Model. The model provides the structure, the fragment holds the content.
Selecting the appropriate model
The first step to actually creating your content is to create a Content Fragment. This is done using Create > Content Fragment in the required folder under Assets > Files. The wizard guides you through the steps.
A Content Fragment is based on a specific Content Fragment Model, that you select as the first step of the creation process.
Creating, and editing, structured content
Once your fragment is created, you can open it in the Content Fragment Editor. Here you can do the following:
- Edit your content in either normal or full-screen mode.
- Format your content as either Full Text, Plain Text, or Markdown.
- Create and manage Variations of your content.
- Associate Content.
- Edit the Metadata.
- Show the Tree Structure.
- Preview the JSON representation.
Creating Content Fragments
After selecting the appropriate model, a Content Fragment is opened for editing in the Content Fragment Editor:
Getting Started with some Examples
For a basic structure as sample, see The Sample Content Fragment Structure.
What’s Next
Now that you have learned how to model your structure, and create content dependent on that, the next step is to Learn how to use GraphQL queries to access and retrieve your Content Fragments content. This introduces and discusses GraphQL, then look at some sample queries to see how things work in practice.
Additional Resources
Working with Content Fragments - The lead-in page for Content Fragments.
- Content Fragments in the Configuration Browser - Enable Content Fragment functionality in the Configuration Browser.
- Content Fragment Models - Creating and editing Content Fragment Models.
- Managing Content Fragments - Creating and authoring Content Fragments; this page leads you to other detailed sections.
AEM GraphQL Schemas - How GraphQL realizes models.
Getting Started with AEM Headless - A short video tutorial series giving an overview of using AEM’s headless features, including content modeling and GraphQL.
- GraphQL Modeling Basics - Learn how to define and use Content Fragments in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) for use with GraphQL.
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