Securing the Activity Settings Node

Secure the activity settings node cq:ActivitySettings on the publish instance so that it is inaccessible to normal users. The activity settings node should only be accessible to the service handling the activity synchronization to Adobe Target.

The cq:ActivitySettings node is available in CRXDE lite under /content/campaigns/*nameofbrand** under the activities jcr:content node; *for example, /content/campaign/we-retail/master/myactivity/jcr:content/cq:ActivitySettings. This node is only created after you target a component.

The cq:ActivitySettings node under the activity’s jcr:content is protected by the following ACLs:

  • Deny all for everyone
  • Allow jcr:read,rep:write for “target-activity-authors” (author is a member of this group out of the box)
  • Allow jcr:read,rep:write for “targetservice”

These settings ensure that normal users do not have access to the node properties. Use the same ACLs on author and on publish. See User Administration and Security for more information.

When editing an activity in Adobe Target, the URL points to localhost unless you change the URL on the AEM author node. You can configure the AEM Link Externalizer if you want the exported content to point to a specific publish domain.

To configure the AEM externalizer:

For more details see Externalizing URLs.
  1. Navigate to the OSGi web console at https://<server>:<port>/system/console/configMgr.

  2. Find Day CQ Link Externalizer and enter the domain for the author node.

    Day CQ Link Externalizer

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