Creating new email content

When adding email templates, be sure to add them under /content/campaigns to make them available.
  1. In AEM, select the Websites folder then browse your explorer to find where your email campaigns are managed. In the following example, the node concerned is Websites > Campaigns > Geometrixx Outdoors > Email Campaigns.

    Email samples are only available in Geometrixx. Download sample Geometrixx content from Package Share.


  2. Select New > New Page to create new email content.

  3. Select one of the available templates specific to Adobe Campaign, then fill the general properties of the page. Three templates are available by default:

    • Adobe Campaign Email (AC 6.1): lets you add content to a predefined template before sending it to Adobe Campaign 6.1 for delivery.
    • Adobe Campaign Email (ACS): lets you add content to a predefined template before sending it to Adobe Campaign Standard for delivery.


  4. Click Create to create your email or newsletter.

Selecting the Adobe Campaign cloud service and template

To integrate with Adobe Campaign, you need to add an Adobe Campaign cloud service to the page. Doing so provides you with access to personalization and other Adobe Campaign information.

In addition you may also need to select the Adobe Campaign template and change the subject and add plain text content for those users who will not view the email in HTML.

  1. Select the Page tab in the sidekick, then select Page properties.

  2. In the Cloud services tab in the pop-up window, select Add Service to add the Adobe Campaign service and click OK.


  3. Select the configuration that matches your Adobe Campaign instance from the drop-down list, then click OK.

    Be sure to click OK or Apply after adding the cloud service. This enables the Adobe Campaign tab to work properly.
  4. If you would like to apply a specific email delivery template (from Adobe Campaign), other than the default mail template, select Page properties again. In the Adobe Campaign tab, enter the email delivery template’s internal name in the related Adobe Campaign instance.

    In Adobe Campaign Standard, the template is Delivery with AEM Content. In Adobe Campaign 6.1, the template is Email delivery with AEM content.

    When you select the template, AEM automatically enables the Adobe Campaign Newsletter components.

Editing email content

You can edit email content in either the classic user interface or the touch-optimized user interface.

  1. Enter the subject and the text version of the email by selecting Page properties > Email from the toolbox.


  2. Edit email content by adding the elements you would like from those available in the sidekick. To do this, drag and drop them. Then double-click the element you want to edit.

    For example, you can add text containing personalization fields.


    See Adobe Campaign Components for a description of components available for Adobe Campaign newsletters/email campaigns.


Inserting personalization

When editing your content, you can insert:

  • Adobe Campaign context fields. These are fields that you can insert within your text that will adapt according to the recipient’s data (for example, first name, last name, or any data of the target dimension).
  • Adobe Campaign personalization blocks. These are blocks of predefined content that are not related to the recipient’s data, such as a brand logo, or link to a mirror page.

See Adobe Campaign Components for a full description of the Campaign components.

  • Only the fields of the Adobe Campaign Profiles targeting dimension are taken into account.
  • When viewing Properties from Sites, you do not have access to the Adobe Campaign context fields. You can access those directly from the email while editing.
  1. Insert a new Newsletter > Text & Personalization (Campaign) component.

  2. Open the component by double-clicking it. The Edit window has a functionality that lets you insert the personalization elements.

    The available context fields correspond to the Profiles targeting dimension in Adobe Campaign.


  3. Select Client Context in the sidekick to test the personalization fields using the data in the persona profiles.


  4. A window appears and lets you select the persona you like. The personalization fields are automatically replaced by data from the selected profile.


Previewing a newsletter

You can preview how the newsletter will look and preview the personalization.

  1. Open the newsletter you want to preview and click Preview (magnifying glass) to shrink the sidekick.

  2. Click one of the email client icons to see what your newsletter looks like in each email client.


  3. Expand the sidekick to begin editing again.

Approving content in AEM

After the content is finished, you can start the approval process. Go to the Workflow tab of the toolbox and select the Approve for Adobe Campaign workflow.

This out-of-the-box workflow has two steps: revision then approval, or revision then rejection. Nevertheless, this workflow can be extended and adapted to a more complex process.


To approve content for Adobe Campaign, apply the workflow by selecting Workflow in the sidekick and selecting Approve for Adobe Campaign and click Start Workflow. Go through the steps and approve the content. You can also reject the contents by selecting Reject instead of Approve in the last workflow step.


After content is approved, it appears as approved in Adobe Campaign. The email can then be sent.

In Adobe Campaign Standard:


In Adobe Campaign 6.1:


Unapproved content can be synched with a delivery in Adobe Campaign but the delivery cannot be executed. Only approved content can be sent via Campaign deliveries.

Linking AEM with Adobe Campaign Standard and Adobe Campaign 6.1

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