
The ModelRouter - when enabled - encapsulates the HTML5 History API functions pushState and replaceState to guarantee a given fragment of model is pre-fetched and accessible. It then notifies the registered front end component that the model has been modified.

Manual vs Automatic Model Routing

The ModelRouter automates the fetching of fragments of the model. But as any automated tooling it comes with limitations. When needed the ModelRouter can be disabled or configured to ignore paths using meta properties (See the Meta Properties section of the SPA Page Component document). Front end developers can then implement their own model routing layer by requesting the PageModelManager to load any given fragment of model using the getData() function.

The We.Retail Journal sample React project illustrates the automated approach while the Angular project illustrates the manual one. A semi-automated approach would also be valid use-case.
The current version of the ModelRouter only support the use of URLs that points to the actual resource path of Sling Model entry points. It does not support the use of Vanity URLs or aliases.

Routing Contract

The current implementation is based on the assumption that the SPA project uses the HTML5 History API for routing to the different application pages.


The ModelRouter supports the concept of model routing as it listens for pushState and replaceState calls to prefetch model fragments. Internally it triggers the PageModelManager to load the model that corresponds to a given URL and fires a cq-pagemodel-route-changed event that other modules can listen to.

By default, this behavior is automatically enabled. To disable it, the SPA should render the following meta property:

<meta property="cq:pagemodel_router" content="disabled"\>

Note that every route of the SPA should correspond to an accessible resource in AEM (for example, " /content/mysite/mypage") since the PageModelManager will automatically try to load the corresponding page model once the route is selected. Though, if needed, the SPA can also define a “block list” of routes that should be ignored by the PageModelManager:

<meta property="cq:pagemodel_route_filters" content="route/not/found,^(.*)(?:exclude/path)(.*)"/>

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