
The dashboard shows four panes that provide you with an overview of your lists (of leads), segments, reports and campaigns. Access to basic functionality for these is also available here.



Adobe is not planning to further enhance this capability (Managing Leads).
Recommendation is to use Adobe Campaign and the integration to AEM.

In AEM MCM, you can organize and add leads by either entering them manually or importing a comma-separated list; for example, a mailing list. Additional ways to generate leads are from newsletter sign-ups or community sign-ups (if configured, these can trigger a workflow that populates leads). Leads are usually categorized and put into a list so that later you can perform actions on the whole list; for example, sending out a custom email to a certain list.

Under Leads in the left pane you can create, import, edit and delete your leads, then activate or deactivate as required. You can add a lead to a list, or see which lists it already belongs to.

See Working with Leads for detailed information about specific tasks.



Adobe is not planning to further enhance this capability (Managing Lists).
Recommendation is to use Adobe Campaign and the integration to AEM.

Lists let you organize your leads into groups. With lists, you can target your marketing campaigns to a select group of people; for example, you can send a targeted newsletter to a list.

Under Lists, you can manage your lists by creating, importing, editing, merging and deleting lists which you can then activate or deactivate as required. You can also view the leads within that list, see if the list is a member of another list or view the description.

See Working with Lists for detailed information about specific tasks.



See Teasers and Strategies, Setting up your Campaign and Newsletters for detailed information about specific tasks.

To access existing campaigns, in the MCM click Campaigns.


  • In the left pane:
    There is a list of all brands and campaigns.
    Clicking a brand expands the list to show all related campaigns in the left pane; this list also shows the number of experiences that exist for each campaign. It also opens the brand overview in the right pane.

  • In the right pane:
    Icons are shown for each brand (historical campaigns will not be shown).
    You can double-click these to open the brand overview.

Brand Overview


From here you can:

  • See the number of campaigns and experiences (number shown in the left pane) that exist for this brand.

  • Create a New… campaign for this brand.

  • Change the timespan being viewed; select Week, Month or Quarter, use the arrows to select specific periods or return to Today.

  • Select a campaign (in the right pane) to:

    • Edit the Properties…
    • Delete the campaign.
  • Open the campaign overview (double-click a campaign in the right pane, or single click in the left pane).

Campaign Overview

For the individual campaigns there are two views available:

  1. Calendar View

    Use the icon:

    Calendar view

    This presents a list of all touchpoints (grey) with a horizontal timeframe of the experiences (green) connected to that touchpoint:


    From here you can:

    • Change the timespan you are viewing by using the arrows, or return to Today.

    • Use Add Touchpoint… to add a new touchpoint for an existing experience.

    • Click on a teaser (in the right pane) to set the On Time and Off Time.

  2. List View

    Use the icon:

    List view

    This lists all experiences (for example, teasers and newsletters) for the selected campaign:


    From here you can:

    • Create a New… experience; for example, Adobe Target offers, teasers and newsletters.

    • Edit the details of a specific teaser page or newsletter (a double-click can also be used).

    • Define the Properties… for a specific teaser page or newsletter.

    • Simulate the look and feel of an experience (teaser page or newsletter).
      When the simulated page is open you can then open the sidekick to switch into edit mode for that page.

    • Analyze… the impressions generated for a page.

    • Delete items when they are no longer needed.

    • Search for your text (the Title field of the experience will be searched).

    • Use Advanced search to apply filters to the search.

Simulating your Campaign Experiences

In the MCM, click Campaigns. Ensure that the list view is active, then select the required campaign experience and click Simulate. The touchpoint (teaser or newsletter page) will be opened to show the experience that you have selected - as the visitor will see it.


From here you can also open the sidekick (click the small down arrow) to change to edit mode for updating the page.

Analyzing your Campaign Experiences

In the MCM, click Campaigns. Ensure that the list view is active, then select the required campaign experience and select Analyze…. A chart of the page impressions over time is shown.


Experience Manager