Client Context JavaScript API client-context-javascript-api

CQ_Analytics.ClientContextMgr cq-analytics-clientcontextmgr

The CQ_Analytics.ClientContextMgr object is a singleton that contains a set of self-registered session stores, and provides methods for registering, persisting, and managing the session stores.

Extends CQ_Analytics.PersistedSessionStore.

Methods methods

getRegisteredStore(name) getregisteredstore-name

Returns a session store of a specified name. See also Accessing a Session Store.


  • name: String. The name of the session store.


A CQ_Analytics.SessionStore object that represents the session store of the given name. Returns null when no store exists of the given name.

register(sessionstore) register-sessionstore

Registers a session store with Client Context. Fires the storeregister and storeupdate events upon completion.


  • sessionstore: CQ_Analytics.SessionStore. The session store object to register.


No returned value.

CQ_Analytics.ClientContextUtils cq-analytics-clientcontextutils

Provides methods for listening for session store activation and registration. See also Checking That a Session Store is Defined and Initialized.

Methods methods-1

onStoreInitialized(storeName, callback, delay) onstoreinitialized-storename-callback-delay

Registers a callback function that is called when a session store is initialized. For stores that are initialized several times, specify a callback delay so that the callback function is called only once:

  • When the store is initialized during the delay period of a previous initialization, the previous function call is cancelled, and the function is called again for the current initialization.
  • If the delay period lapses before a subsequent initialization occurs, the callback function is executed twice.

For example, a session store is based on a JSON object and retrieved via a JSON request. The following intialization scenarios are possible:

  • The request is completed, data retrieved and loaded into the store. In this case, initialization occurs once.
  • The request fails (timeout). In this case initialization does not happen and there is no data in the store.
  • The store is pre-populated with default values (init properties), but the request fails (timeout). There is only one initialization with default values.
  • The store is pre-populated.

When the delay is set to true or several milliseconds, the method waits before calling the callback method. If another initialization event is triggered before the delay is passed, it will wait until the delay time is exceeded with no initialization event. This enables waiting for a second initialization event to be triggered and calls the callback function in the most optimal case.


  • storeName: String. The name of the session store to add the listener.
  • callback: Function. The function to call upon store initialization.
  • delay: Boolean or Number. The amount of time to delay the call to the callback function, in milliseconds. A boolean value of true uses the default delay of 200 ms. A boolean value of false or a negative number causes no delay to be used.


No returned value.

onStoreRegistered(storeName, callback) onstoreregistered-storename-callback

Registers a callback function that is called when a session store is registered. The register event occurs when a store is registered to CQ_Analytics.ClientContextMgr.


  • storeName: String. The name of the session store to add the listener.
  • callback: Function. The function to call upon store initialization.


No returned value.

CQ_Analytics.JSONPStore cq-analytics-jsonpstore

A non-persisted session store that contains JSON data. The data is retrieved from an external JSONP service. Use the getInstance or getRegisteredInstance method to create an instance of this class.

Extends CQ_Analytics.JSONStore.

Properties properties

See CQ_Analytics.JSONStore and CQ_Analytics.SessonStore for inherited properties.

Methods methods-2

Also see CQ_Analytics.JSONStore and CQ_Analytics.SessonStore for inherited methods.

getInstance(storeName, serviceURL, dynamicData, deferLoading, loadingCallback) getinstance-storename-serviceurl-dynamicdata-deferloading-loadingcallback

Creates a CQ_Analytics.JSONPStore object.


  • storeName: String. The name to use as the STORENAME property. The value of the STOREKEY property is set to storeName with all upper-case characters. If no storeName is provided, the method returns null.
  • serviceURL: String. The URL of the JSONP service
  • dynamicData: (Optional) Object. JSON data to append to the store’s initialization data before the callback function is called.
  • deferLoading: (Optional) Boolean. A value of true prevents the JSONP service from being called upon object creation. A value of false causes the JSONP service to be called.
  • loadingCallback: (Optional) String. The name of the function to call for processing the JSONP object that the JSONP service returns. The callback function must define a single parameter that is a CQ_Analytics.JSONPStore object.


The new CQ_Analytics.JSONPStore object, or null if storeName is null.

getServiceURL() getserviceurl

Retrieves the URL of the JSONP service that this object uses to retrieve JSON data.




A String that represents the service URL, or null if no service URL has been configured.

load(serviceURL, dynamicData, callback) load-serviceurl-dynamicdata-callback

Calls the JSONP service. The JSONP URL is the service URL suffixed with a give callback function name.


  • serviceURL: (Optional) String. The JSONP service to call. A value of null causes the already-configured service URL to be used. A non-null value sets the JSONP service to use for this object. (See setServiceURL.)
  • dynamicData: (Optional) Object. JSON data to append to the store’s initialization data before the callback function is called.
  • callback: (Optional) String. The name of the function to call for processing the JSONP object that the JSONP service returns. The callback function must define a single parameter that is a CQ_Analytics.JSONPStore object.


No returned value.

registerNewInstance(storeName, serviceURL, dynamicData, callback) registernewinstance-storename-serviceurl-dynamicdata-callback

Creates a CQ_Analytics.JSONPStore object and registers the store with Client Context.


  • storeName: String. The name to use as the STORENAME property. The value of the STOREKEY property is set to storeName with all upper-case characters. If no storeName is provided, the method returns null.
  • serviceURL: (Optional) String. The URL of the JSONP service.
  • dynamicData: (Optional) Object. JSON data to append to the store’s initialization data before the callback function is called.
  • callback: (Optional) String. The name of the function to call for processing the JSONP object that the JSONP service returns. The callback function must define a single parameter that is a CQ_Analytics.JSONPStore object.


The registered CQ_Analytics.JSONPStore object.

setServiceURL(serviceURL) setserviceurl-serviceurl

Sets the URL of the JSONP service to use for retrieving JSON data.


  • serviceURL: String. The URL of the JSONP service that provides JSON data


No returned value.

CQ_Analytics.JSONStore cq-analytics-jsonstore

A container for a JSON object. Create an instance of this class to create a non-persisted session store that contains JSON data:

myjsonstore = new CQ_Analytics.JSONStore

You can define a set of data that populates the store upon initialization.

Extends CQ_Analytics.SessionStore.

Properties properties-1

STOREKEY storekey

The key that identifies the store. Use the getInstance method to retrieve this value.

STORENAME storename

The name of the store. Use the getInstance method to retrieve this value.

Methods methods-3

Also see CQ_Analytics.SessionStore for inherited methods.

clear() clear

Removes the session store data and removes all initialization properties.




No returned value.

getInstance(storeName, jsonData) getinstance-storename-jsondata

Creates a CQ_Analytics.JSONStore object with a given name and initialized with the given JSON data (calls the initJSON method).


  • storeName: String. The name to use as the STORENAME property. The value of the STOREKEY property is set to storeName with all upper-case characters.
  • jsonData: Object. An object that contains JSON data.


The CQ_Analytics.JSONStore object.

getJSON() getjson

Retrieves the data of the session store in JSON format.




An object that represents the store data in JSON format.

init() init

Clears the session store and initializes it with the initialization property. Sets the initialization flag to true and then fires the initialize and update events.




No returned data.

initJSON(jsonData, doNotClear) initjson-jsondata-donotclear

Creates initialization properties from the data in a JSON object. You can optionally remove all existing initialization properties.

The names of the properties are derived from the hierarchy of the data in the JSON object. The following example code represents a JSON object:

A: "valueA",
B: {
     B1: "valueBB1"

For this example, the following properties are created in the store:

A: "valueA"
B/B1: "valueBB1"


  • jsonData: A JSON object that contains the data to store.
  • doNotClear: A value of true preserves the existing initialization properties and adds those derived from the JSON object. A value of false removes existing initialization properties before adding those derived from the JSON object.


No returned value.

registerNewInstance(storeName, jsonData) registernewinstance-storename-jsondata

Creates a CQ_Analytics.JSONStore object with a given name and initialized with the given JSON data (calls the initJSON method). The new object is automatically registered with the Clickstream Cloud Manager.


  • storeName: String. The name to use as the STORENAME property. The value of the STOREKEY property is set to storeName with all upper-case characters.
  • jsonData: Object. An object that contains JSON data.


The CQ_Analytics.JSONStore object.

CQ_Analytics.Observable cq-analytics-observable

Fires events and allows other objects to listen to these events and react. Classes that extend this class can fire events that cause listeners to be called.

Methods methods-4

addListener(event, fct, scope) addlistener-event-fct-scope

Registers a listener for an event. See also Creating a Listener to React to a Session Store Update.


  • event: String. The name of the event to listen for.
  • fct: Function. The function that is called when the event occurs.
  • scope: (Optional) Object. The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function’s “this” context.


No returned value.

removeListener(event, fct) removelistener-event-fct

Removes the given event handler for an event.


  • event: String. The name of the event.
  • fct: Function. The event handler.


No returned value.

CQ_Analyics.PersistedJSONPStore cq-analyics-persistedjsonpstore

A persisted container of a JSON object retrieved from a remote JSONP service.

Extends CQ_Analytics.PersistedJSONStore.

Methods methods-5

Also see CQ_Analytics.PersistedJSONStore for inherited methods.

getInstance(storeName, serviceURL, dynamicData, deferLoading, loadingCallback) getinstance-storename-serviceurl-dynamicdata-deferloading-loadingcallback-1

Creates a CQ_Analytics.PersistedJSONPStore object.


  • storeName: String. The name to use as the STORENAME property. The value of the STOREKEY property is set to storeName with all upper-case characters. If no storeName is provided, the method returns null.
  • serviceURL: String. The URL of the JSONP service
  • dynamicData: (Optional) Object. JSON data to append to the store’s initialization data before the callback function is called.
  • deferLoading: (Optional) Boolean. A value of true prevents the JSONP service from being called upon object creation. A value of false causes the JSONP service to be called.
  • loadingCallback: (Optional) String. The name of the function to call for processing the JSONP object that the JSONP service returns. The callback function must define a single parameter that is a CQ_Analytics.JSONPStore object.


The new CQ_Analytics.PersistedJSONPStore object, or null if storeName is null.

getServiceURL() getserviceurl-1

Retrieves the URL of the JSONP service that this object uses to retrieve JSON data.




A String that represents the service URL, or null if no service URL has been configured.

load(serviceURL, dynamicData, callback) load-serviceurl-dynamicdata-callback-1

Calls the JSONP service. The JSONP URL is the service URL suffixed with a give callback function name.


  • serviceURL: (Optional) String. The JSONP service to call. A value of null causes the already-configured service URL to be used. A non-null value sets the JSONP service to use for this object. (See setServiceURL.)
  • dynamicData: (Optional) Object. JSON data to append to the store’s initialization data before the callback function is called.
  • callback: (Optional) String. The name of the function to call for processing the JSONP object that the JSONP service returns. The callback function must define a single parameter that is a CQ_Analytics.JSONPStore object.


No returned value.

registerNewInstance(storeName, serviceURL, dynamicData, callback) registernewinstance-storename-serviceurl-dynamicdata-callback-1

Creates a CQ_Analytics.PersistedJSONPStore object and registers the store with Client Context.


  • storeName: String. The name to use as the STORENAME property. The value of the STOREKEY property is set to storeName with all upper-case characters. If no storeName is provided, the method returns null.
  • serviceURL: (Optional) String. The URL of the JSONP service.
  • dynamicData: (Optional) Object. JSON data to append to the store’s initialization data before the callback function is called.
  • callback: (Optional) String. The name of the function to call for processing the JSONP object that the JSONP service returns. The callback function must define a single parameter that is a CQ_Analytics.JSONPStore object.


The registered CQ_Analytics.PersistedJSONPStore object.

setServiceURL(serviceURL) setserviceurl-serviceurl-1

Sets the URL of the JSONP service to use for retrieving JSON data.


  • serviceURL: String. The URL of the JSONP service that provides JSON data


No returned value.

CQ_Analytics.PersistedJSONStore cq-analytics-persistedjsonstore

A persisted container of a JSON object.

Extends CQ_Analytics.PersistedSessionStore.

Properties properties-2

STOREKEY storekey-1

The key that identifies the store. Use the getInstance method to retrieve this value.

STORENAME storename-1

The name of the store. Use the getInstance method to retrieve this value.

Methods methods-6

Also see CQ_Analytics.PersistedSessionStore for inherited methods.

getInstance(storeName, jsonData) getinstance-storename-jsondata-1

Creates a CQ_Analytics.PersistedJSONStore object with a given name and initialized with the given JSON data (calls the initJSON method).


  • storeName: String. The name to use as the STORENAME property. The value of the STOREKEY property is set to storeName with all upper-case characters.
  • jsonData: Object. An object that contains JSON data.


The CQ_Analytics.PersistedJSONStore object.

getJSON() getjson-1

Retrieves the data of the session store in JSON format.




An object that represents the store data in JSON format.

initJSON(jsonData, doNotClear) initjson-jsondata-donotclear-1

Creates initialization properties from the data in a JSON object. You can optionally remove all existing initialization properties.

The names of the properties are derived from the hierarchy of the data in the JSON object. The following example code represents a JSON object:

A: "valueA",
B: {
     B1: "valueBB1"

For this example, the following properties are created in the store:

A: "valueA"
B/B1: "valueBB1"


  • jsonData: A JSON object that contains the data to store.
  • doNotClear: A value of true preserves the existing initialization properties and adds those derived from the JSON object. A value of false removes existing initialization properties before adding those derived from the JSON object.


No returned value.

registerNewInstance(storeName, jsonData) registernewinstance-storename-jsondata-1

Creates a CQ_Analytics.PersistedJSONStore object with a given name and initialized with the given JSON data (calls the initJSON method). The new object is automatically registered with the Client Context Manager.


  • storeName: String. The name to use as the STORENAME property. The value of the STOREKEY property is set to storeName with all upper-case characters.
  • jsonData: Object. An object that contains JSON data.


The CQ_Analytics.PersistedJSONStore object.

CQ_Analytics.PersistedSessionStore cq-analytics-persistedsessionstore

A container of properties and values. The data is persisted using CQ_Analytics.SessionPersistence. Create an instance of this class to create a persisted session store:

mypersistedstore = new CQ_Analytics.PersistedSessionStore

Extends CQ_Analytics.SessionStore.

Properties properties-3

STOREKEY storekey-2

Default value is key.

Methods methods-7

See CQ_Analytics.SessionStore for inherited methods.

When the inherited methods clear, setProperty, setProperties, removeProperty are used to change the store data, the changes are automatically persisted, unless the changed properties are flagged as notPersisted.

getStoreKey() getstorekey

Retrieves the STOREKEY property.




The value of the STOREKEY property.

isPersisted(name) ispersisted-name

Determines whether a data property is persisted.


  • name: String. The name of the property.


A Boolean value of true if the property is persisted, and a value of false if the value is not a persisted property.

persist() persist

Persists the session store. The default persistence mode uses browser localStorage using ClientSidePersistence as the name ( window.localStorage.set("ClientSidePersistance", store);)

If localStorage is not available or writeable, then the store is persisted as a property of the window.

Fires the persist event upon completion.




No returned value.

reset(deferEvent) reset-deferevent

Removes all data properties from the store and persists the store. Optionally does not fire the udpate event upon completion.


  • deferEvent: A value of true prevents the update event from being fired. A value of false causes the update event to fire.


No returned value.

setNonPersisted(name) setnonpersisted-name

Flags a data property as not persisted.


  • name: String. The name of the property that is not to be persisted.


No return value.

CQ_Analytics.SessionStore cq-analytics-sessionstore

CQ_Analytics.SessionStore represents a session store. Create an instance of this class to create a session store:

mystore = new CQ_Analytics.SessionStore

Extends CQ_Analytics.Observable.

Properties properties-4

STORENAME storename-2

The name of the session store. Use getName to retrieve the value of this property.

Methods methods-8

addInitProperty(name, value) addinitproperty-name-value

Adds a property and value to the session store initialization data.

Use loadInitProperties to populate the session store data with the initialization values.


  • name: String. The name of the property to add.
  • value: String. The value of the property to add.


No returned value.

clear() clear-1

Removes all data properties from the store.




No return value.

getData(excluded) getdata-excluded

Returns the store data. Optionally, excludes name properties from the data. Calls the init method if the data property of the store does not exist.


excluded: (Optional) An array of property names to exclude from the returned data.


An object of properties and their values.

getInitProperty(name) getinitproperty-name

Retrieves the value of a data property.


  • name: String. The name of the data property to retrieve.


The value of the data property. Returnes null if the session store contains no property of the given name.

getName() getname

Returns the name of the session store.




A String value that represents the store name.

getProperty(name, raw) getproperty-name-raw

Returns the value of a property. The value is returned as the raw property or the XSS-filtered value. Calls the init method if the data property of the store does not exist.


  • name: String. The name of the data property to retrieve.
  • raw: Boolean. A value of true causes the raw property value to be returned. A value of false causes the returned value to be XSS-filtered.


The value of the data property.

getPropertyNames(excluded) getpropertynames-excluded

Returns the names of the properties that the session store contains. Calls the init method if the data property of the store does not exist.


excluded: (Optional) An array of property names to omit from the results.


An array of String values that represent the session property names.

getSessionStore() getsessionstore

Returns the session store attached to the current object.





init() init-1

Marks the store as initialized and fires the initialize event.




No returned value.

isInitialized() isinitialized

Indicates whether the sessions store is initialized.




A value of true if the store is initialized, and a value of false if the store is not initialized.

loadInitProperties(obj, setValues) loadinitproperties-obj-setvalues

Adds the properties of a given object to the intialization data of the session store. Optionally, the object data is also added to the store data.


  • obj: An object that contains enumerable propertes.
  • setValues: When true, the obj properties are added to the session store data if the store data does not already include a property of the same name. When false, no data is added to the session store data.


No returned value.

removeProperty(name) removeproperty-name

Removes a property from the session store. Fires the update event upon completion. Calls the init method if the data property of the store does not exist.


  • name: String. The name of the property to remove.


No returned value.

reset() reset

Restores the initial values of the data store. The default implementation simply removes all data. Fires the update event upon completion.




No returned value.

setProperties(properties) setproperties-properties

Sets the values of multiple properties. Fires the update event upon completion. Calls the init method if the data property of the store does not exist.


  • Properties: Object. An object that contains enumerable properties. Each property name and value is added to the store.


No returned value.

setProperty(name, value) setproperty-name-value

Sets the value of a property. Fires the update event upon completion. Calls the init method if the data property of the store does not exist.


  • name: String. The name of the property.
  • value: String. Property value.


No returned value.
