Submission data service

To customize the storage of user submission data, you must provide implementation for all the methods of the SubmittedAFDataService interface.

A description of the methods and their arguments are provided in the following code sample of the interface:

public interface SubmittedAFDataService {

  * Submits the user data passed in argument map
  * @param submittedAFUserdataMap contains Form Data (key - "guideState"), Adaptive Form Name (Key - "guideName"), and Draft DataID (Key - "userDataID")
  * @return userData ID is returned that needs to be saved in the metadata node
  * @throws FormsPortalException
 public String submitAFUserData (Map<String, Object> submittedAFUserdataMap) throws FormsPortalException;

  * Gets the user data stored against the ID passed as argument
  * @param submitDataID
  * @return guideState which would be used to open DOR
  * @throws FormsPortalException
 public byte[] getSubmittedAFUSerData(String submitDataID) throws FormsPortalException;

  * Deletes user data stored against the ID passed as argument
  * @param Submit DataID
  * @return status of the delete operation on Submitted User data
  * @throws FormsPortalException

 public Boolean deleteSubmittedAFUserData(String submitDataID) throws FormsPortalException;

  * Submits the attachment bytes passed as argument
  * @param attachmentsBytes would expect byte array of the attachment to be saved
  * @return id for the attachment just saved (so that it could be retrieved later)
  * @throws FormsPortalException
 public String submitAttachments(Object attachmentBytes) throws FormsPortalException;


Experience Manager

Espressos & Experience Manager: AEM Forms

Espressos & Experience Manager

Thursday, Mar 6, 7:00 PM UTC

Join Adobe's AEM product team as they highlight AEM Forms' latest innovations, including: the new Gen AI Assistant, Unified Composition with AEM Sites, and new ways to deploy forms through conversations.


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