Create form data model

Ensure that you have configured the data sources you intend to use in the form data model as described in Configure data sources. Do the following to create a form data model based on configured data sources:

  1. In AEM author instance, navigate to Forms > Data Integrations.

  2. Select Create > Form Data Model.

  3. In the Create Form Data Model dialog:

    • Specify a name for the form data model.
    • (Optional) Specify title, description, and tags for the form data model.
    • (Optional and applicable only if data sources are configured) Select the tick icon next to the Data Source Configuration field and select the configuration node where cloud services for the data sources you want to use reside. It restricts the list of data sources available for selection on the next page to the ones available in the selected configuration node. However, any JDBC database and AEM user profile data sources are listed by default. If you do not select a configuration node, data sources from all configuration nodes are listed.

    Select Next.

  4. (Applicable only if data sources are configured) The Select Datasource screen lists available data sources, if any. Select data sources you want to use in the form data model.

  5. Select Create and on the confirmation dialog, select Open to open the form data model editor.

Let us review the different components of the form data model editor UI.

A form data model with three data sources - a RESTful service, AEM user profile, and an RDBMS

A. Data Sources Lists data sources in a form data model. Expand a data source to view its data model objects and services.

B. Refresh Data Source Definitions Fetches any changes in data source definitions from configured data sources and updates them in the Data Sources tab of the form data model editor.

C. Model Content area where added data model objects appear.

D. Services Content area where added data source operations or services appear.

E. Toolbar Tools to work with form data model. The toolbar shows more options depending on the selected object in form data model.

F. Add Selected Adds selected data model objects and services to the form data model.

For more information about form data model editor and how you can work with it to edit and configure form data model, see Work with form data model.

Update data sources

Do the following to add or update data sources to an existing form data model.

  1. Go to Forms > Data Integrations, select the form data model in which you want to add or update data sources, and select Properties.

  2. In the form data model properties, go to the Update Source tab.

    In the Update Source tab:

    • Select the browse icon in the Context-Aware Configuration field and select a configuration node where cloud configuration for the data source you want to add resides. If you do not select a node, cloud configurations residing only in the global node are listed when you select Add Sources.

    • To add a new data source, select Add Sources and select the data sources to add to the form data model. All data sources configured in global and the selected configuration node, if any, are displayed.

    • To replace an existing data source with another data source of the same type, select the Edit icon for the data source and select from the list of available data sources.

    • To delete an existing data source, select the Delete icon for the data source. The Delete icon is disabled if a data model object in the data source is added in the form data model.


  3. Select Save & Close to save the updates.

Once you add new data sources or update existing data sources in a form data model, ensure that you update the binding references, as appropriate, in adaptive forms and interactive communications that use the updated form data model.

Next steps

You now have a form data model with data sources added to it. Next, you can edit the form data model to add and configure data model objects and services, add associations between data model objects, edit properties, add custom data model objects and properties, generate sample data, and so on.

For more information, see Work with form data model.

Experience Manager