How it works

See it yourself

In your browser, open https://<hostname>:<PublishPort>/wegov. In the We.Gov site, select Applications > All Applications. In the All Applications page, select Apply under Application for FOIA Request.

Sarah starts her application for information under FOIA

Sarah clicks Apply and in the Freedom of Information Act Request Form page, Sarah enters information including the following:

  • Agency: Sarah specifies the agency to which the request was addressed as Department of Justice - Office of Information Policy.

  • Will Pay Up To: Sarah specifies that she is prepared to pay up to USD 100 for printing and postage expenses.

  • Describe the request in detail: Sarah specifies “Requesting copy of the Administration for Children and Families case logs for fiscal years 2013 through 2016.”

Requesting copy of the Administration for Children and Families case logs for fiscal years 2013 through 2016

Requesting copy of the Administration for Children and Families case logs for fiscal years 2013 through 2016

At any time, Sarah can select Save to save a draft of the form and come back to it later to fill in the form and submit it. Sarah submits the form.

The resume-from-email workflow works with logged in users only. In the reference site scenario, ensure that the user Sarah Rose is added. Sarah’s login credentials are srose/password.

John Jacobs receives and approves the application

John Jacobs receives the request and routes it to the right person. AEM Inbox lets John see all the submitted applications in one place.

How it works

When Sarah fills and submits the FOIA application, a record of the application is sent to John Jacobs’s inbox. John Jacobs can view the submitted application and accept or reject it.

See it yourself

You can access the AEM Inbox at https://<hostname>:<PublishPort>/content/we-finance/global/en/login.html?resource=/aem/inbox.html. Log in to the AEM Inbox, using jjacobs/password as the username/password for John Jacobs, and see the FOIA application. For information about using AEM Inbox for forms-centric workflow tasks, see Manage Forms applications and tasks in AEM Inbox.


John Jacobs can see, approve, or reject the application from the application dashboard. John Jacobs selects and opens the request details and after reviewing the request, approves it.


Sarah receives an acknowledgment email

After John Jacobs approves the application, Sarah receives an acknowledgment email from the We.Gov site. Sarah is informed about the fees and time required for processing her application. The email also includes email and phone details Sarah can contact for updates on her application.


Gloria receives the FOIA request for second-level approval

After John Jacobs fills in the required information and approves Sarah’s request, it goes to Gloria Rios for the final approval. Gloria reviews the attached document of record and approves the request.


How it works

When John Jacobs approves the FOIA request, a PDF or Document of Record of the application is created and sent to Gloria Rios’ inbox. Gloria can view the submitted request, and approve or reject it.

See for yourself

You can access the AEM Inbox at https://<hostname>:<PublishPort>/content/we-finance/global/en/login.html?resource=/aem/inbox.html. Log in to the AEM Inbox using grios/password as the username/password for Gloria Rios, and see the FOIS request.

Gloria opens the request and examines the details of the FOIA request. After reviewing the details of the request and checking the feasibility of furnishing the required documents, Gloria approves the request.


Sarah receives notification that her request is approved

After Gloria approves the FOIA request, Sarah receives an email notifying her that her request is approved. The email also includes the information about the tentative timeline for furnishing the document and contact details for follow-up on the request.


Experience Manager