Using xtypes (Classic UI) using-xtypes-classic-ui

This page describes all the xtypes that are available with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM).

In the ExtJS language, an xtype is a symbolic name given to a class. You can read the “Component XTypes” paragraph of the Overview of ExtJS 2 for a detailed explanation about what an xtype is and how it can be used.

For a complete information on all the available widgets in AEM, see the widget API documentation.

To find out in which components a given xtype is used in AEM, you can use the following Xpath query in CRXDE by replacing ‘checkbox’ with the xtype that you are interested in:

//element(*, cq:Widget)[@xtype='checkbox']

This page describes the usage of ExtJS xtypes within the classic UI.
Adobe recommends that you use the standard, modern, touch-enabled UI based on Coral UI and Granite UI.

xtypes xtypes

Listed below are the available xtypes in Adobe Experience Manager:

  • annotation


    The Dialog is a special kind of window with a form in the body and a button group in the footer. It is typically used to edit content, but can also display information only.

  • arraystore

    Formerly known as “SimpleStore”.

    Small helper class to make creating from Array data easier. An ArrayStore is automatically configured with a

  • asseteditor


    The Asset Editor used in DAM Admin.

  • assetreferencesearchdialog


    The AssetReferenceSearchDialog is a dialog that pops up in case a page references assets or tags.

  • blueprintconfig


    The BlueprintConfig provides a panel to view the Live Copies of a Blueprint and edit this Blueprint properties ( sync trigger and sync actions ).

  • blueprintstatus


    The BlueprintStatus provides a panel to view and edit a Blueprint and its Live Copies relationships. Browsing is done through a CQ.wcm.msm.BlueprintStatus.Tree, edition through a CQ.wcm.msm.BlueprintConfig and a CQ.wcm.msm.LiveCopyProperties.

  • box


    Base class for any Component that is to be sized as a box, using width and height.

    BoxComponent provides automatic box model adjustments for sizing and positioning and works correctly within the Component rendering model.

  • browsedialog


    The BrowseDialog lets the user browse the repository to select a path. It is typically used through a BrowseField.

  • browsefield


    Deprecated: Use CQ.form.PathField instead

  • bulkeditor


    The BulkEditor provides a search engine and a grid to edit search results.

    The BulkEditor must be inserted in an HTML form (required by import functionality). This works perfectly with a CQ.Dialog.

  • bulkeditorform


    The BulkEditorForm provides CQ.wcm.BulkEditor surrounded by an HTML form. This is the standalone version of the CQ.wcm.BulkEditor, HTML form is required for import button.

  • button


    Simple Button class

  • buttongroup


    Container for a group of buttons.

  • chart


    The CQ.Ext.chart package provides the capability to visualize data with flash-based charting. Each chart binds directly to an enabling automatic updates of the chart. To change the look and feel of a chart, see the chartStyle and extraStyle config options.

  • checkbox


    Single checkbox field. Can be used as a direct replacement for traditional checkbox fields.

  • checkboxgroup


    A grouping container for CQ.Ext.form.Checkbox controls.

  • clearcombo


    The ClearableComboBox is a non-editable combo box with a trigger to clear its value.

  • colorfield


    The ColorField lets the user enter a color hex value either directly or using a CQ.Ext.ColorMenu.

  • colorlist


    The ColorList lets the user choose a color from an editable list.

  • colormenu

    A menu containing a CQ.Ext.ColorPalette Component.

  • colorpalette


    Simple color palette class for choosing colors. The palette can be rendered to any container.

  • combo


    A combobox control with support for autocomplete, remote-loading, paging, and many other features.

    A ComboBox works in a similar manner to a traditional HTML <select> field. The difference is that to submit the valueField, you must specify a hiddenName to create a hidden input.

  • component


    Base class for all Ext components. All subclasses of Component may participate in the automated Ext component lifecycle of creation, rendering, and destruction which is provided by the Container class. Components may be added to a Container through the items config option at the time the Container is created.

  • componentextractor


    The ComponentExtractor lets the user extract components from a website/page.

  • componentselector


    A grouped, ordered selection of available Components.

  • componentstyles


  • compositefield


    Base class for panel based, complex form fields which include one form field or a group of form fields.

  • container


    Base class for any CQ.Ext.BoxComponent that may contain other Components. Containers handle the basic behavior of containing items, namely adding, inserting, and removing items.

    The most commonly used Container classes are CQ.Ext.Panel, CQ.Ext.Window, and CQ.Ext.TabPanel.

  • contentfinder


    The ContentFinder is a specialized two-column Viewport which contains the actual Content Finder on the left and the Content Frame on the right.

  • contentfindertab


    ContentFinderTab is a specialized panel providing features used in the tab panels of the CQ.wcm.ContentFinder. Typically it is featuring a search form - the Query Box - and a data view to display the search.

  • cq.workflow.model.combo


    The WorkflowModelCombo is a customized CQ.Ext.form.ComboBox that shows a list of available workflow models.

  • cq.workflow.model.selector


    The WorkflowModelSelector combines a WorkflowModelCombo with a thumbnail image of the workflow, and buttons to create and edit workflow models.

  • createsitewizard


    The CreateSiteWizard is a step-by-step wizard to create (MSM) sites.

  • createversiondialog


    The CreateVersionDialog is a dialog box that allows creating a version of a page.

  • customcontentpanel


    The CustomContentPanel is a special panel for use in CQ.Dialog: Its contents are retrieved from and submitted to a different URL than the other fields in the dialog.

  • cycle


    A specialized SplitButton that contains a menu of elements. The button automatically cycles through each menu item on click, raising the button’s change event (or calling the button’s changeHandler function, if supplied) for the active menu item.

  • dataview


    A mechanism for displaying data using custom layout templates and formatting. DataView uses an CQ.Ext.XTemplate as its internal templating mechanism, and is bound to an so that as the data in the store changes the view is automatically updated to reflect the changes.

  • datefield


    Provides a date input field with a CQ.Ext.DatePicker dropdown and automatic date validation.

  • datemenu

    A menu containing an CQ.Ext.DatePicker Component.

  • datepicker


    A popup date picker. This class is used by the DateField class to allow browsing and selection of valid dates.

  • datetime


    The DateTime lets the user enter a date and a time by combining CQ.Ext.form.DateField and CQ.Ext.form.TimeField.

  • dialog


    The Dialog is a special window with a form in the body and a button group in the footer. It is typically used to edit content, but can also display information only.

  • dialogfieldset


    The DialogFieldSet is a FieldSet for use in Dialogs.

  • directstore

    Small helper class to create an configured with an and to make interacting with an CQ.Ext.Direct Server-side Provider easier.

  • displayfield


    A display-only text field which is not validated and not submitted.

  • editbar


    The EditBar lets the user edit content using buttons on a bar.

    Although not listed here, EditBar has all the members of CQ.wcm.EditBase.

  • editor


    A base editor field that handles displaying/hiding on demand and has some built-in sizing and event handling logic.

  • editorgrid


    This class extends the GridPanel Class to provide cell editing on selected columns. The editable columns are specified by providing an editor in the column configuration.

  • editrollover


    The EditRollover lets the user edit content through double-click and provides more editing actions through a context menu. The editable area is indicated with a frame when the mouse is rolling over the content.

  • feedimporter


    The FeedImporter lets the user import RSS or Atom feeds and create pages for each feed entry.

  • field


    Base class for form fields that provides default event handling, sizing, value handling and other functionality.

  • fieldset


    Standard container used for grouping items within a form.

  • fileuploaddialogbutton


    The FileUploadDialogButton creates a button that opens a new dialog for uploading a file via the FileUploadField. Can be used inside edit dialogs where the upload must happen in a separate form.

  • fileuploadfield


    The FileUploadField lets the user select a single file to be uploaded.

  • findreplacedialog


    The FindReplaceDialog is a dialog for finding and replacing tokens in a page and its child pages.

  • flash


  • grid


    This class represents the primary interface of a component-based grid control to represent data in a tabular format of rows and columns.

  • groupingstore

    A specialized store implementation that provides for grouping records by one of the available fields. This is used with an CQ.Ext.grid.GroupingView to prove the data model for a grouped GridPanel.

  • heavymovedialog


    The HeavyMoveDialog is a dialog for moving a page and its child pages, also considering reactivation of previously activated pages (‘heavy’ move).

  • hidden


    A basic hidden field for storing hidden values in forms that must be passed in the form submit.

  • historybutton


    The HistoryButton is a small helper class to easily provide back and forward buttons. Usually two related instances are required: The forward button instance is a simple button linked to the back button instance which handles the history.

  • htmleditor


    Provides a lightweight HTML Editor component. Some toolbar features are not supported by Safari and are automatically hidden when needed. These are noted in the config options where appropriate.

    The editor’s toolbar buttons have tooltips defined in the buttonTips property.

  • iframedialog


    A plain dialog showing the contents of an iframe and allowing for forms in iframes.

  • iframepanel


    A panel containing an iframe. Provides easy creation of iframes, an iframe load event, and easy access to the iframe’s contents.

  • inlinetextfield


    The InlineField is a text field which is displayed as a label when not in focus.

  • jsonstore

    Small helper class to make creating from JSON data easier. A JsonStore is automatically configured with a

  • label


    Basic Label field.

  • languagecopydialog


    The LanguageCopyDialog is a dialog for copying language trees.

  • linkchecker


    The LinkChecker is a tool to check external links in a site.

  • listview


    CQ.Ext.list.ListView is a fast and light-weight implementation of a Grid-like view.

  • livecopyproperties


    The LiveCopyProperties provides a panel to view and edit Live Copy properties ( relationship inheritance, sync trigger, and sync actions ).

  • lvbooleancolumn


    A Column definition class which renders boolean data fields. See the xtype config option of CQ.Ext.list.Column for more details.

  • lvcolumn


    This class encapsulates column configuration data to be used in the initialization of a ListView.

  • lvdatecolumn


    A Column definition class which renders a passed date according to the default locale, or a configured format. See the xtype config option of CQ.Ext.list.Column for more details.

  • lvnumbercolumn


    A Column definition class which renders a numeric data field according to a format string. See the xtype config option of CQ.Ext.list.Column for more details.

  • mediabrowsedialog


    Deprecated: Use Content Finder to browse media instead.

    The MediaBrowseDialog is a dialog for browsing the media library.

  • menu

    A menu object. This is the container to which you may add menu items. Menu can also serve as a base class when you want a specialized menu based off another component (like for example).

    Menus may contain either menu items, or general Components.

  • menubaseitem

    The base class for all items that render into menus. BaseItem provides default rendering, activated state management, and base configuration options shared by all menu components.

  • menucheckitem

    Adds a menu item that contains a checkbox by default, but can also be part of a radio group.

  • menuitem

    A base class for all menu items that require menu-related functionality (like submenus) and are not static display items. Item extends the base functionality of by adding menu-specific activation and click handling.

  • menuseparator

    Adds a separator bar to a menu, used to divide logical groups of menu items. Generally, you add one of these by using “-” in you call to add() or in your items config rather than creating one directly.

  • menutextitem

    Adds a static text string to a menu, used as either a heading or group separator.

  • metadata


    Metadata provides a set of fields to determine the information required for a metadata field as used, for example, on Asset Editor pages.

    It provides the following fields:

  • multifield


    The MultiField is an editable list of form fields for editing multi-value properties.

  • mvt


    The Multivariate Testing component can be used to define and edit a set of images that are presented as alternating banners. Click through rate statistics are gathered per banner.

  • notificationinbox


    The NotificationInbox allows the user to subscribe to WCM actions and manage notifications.

  • numberfield


    Numeric text field that provides automatic keystroke filtering and numeric validation.

  • offlineimporter


    The OfflineImporter is a tool to import and convert Microsoft® Word documents to AEM pages. This feature allows content to be edited offline using a word processor.

  • ownerdraw


    The OwnerDraw can contain custom HTML code (either entered directly or retrieved from a URL).

  • paging


    As the number of records increases, the time required for the browser to render them increases. Paging is used to reduce the amount of data exchanged with the client.

  • panel


    Panel is a container that has specific functionality and structural components that make it the perfect building block for application-oriented user interfaces.

    Panels are, by virtue of their inheritance from CQ.Ext.Container.

  • paragraphreference


    The paragraph reference field lets you browse pages and select one of their paragraphs. It consists of a trigger field and an associated paragraph browse dialog box.

  • password


    The Password is like a CQ.Ext.form.TextField but keeps its value private, allowing users to enter sensitive data.

  • pathcompletion


    Deprecated: Use CQ.form.PathField instead

  • pathfield


    The PathField is an input field designed for paths with path completion and a button to open a CQ.BrowseDialog for browsing the server repository. It can also browse page paragraphs for advanced link generation.

  • progress


    An updateable progress bar component. The progress bar supports two different modes: manual and automatic.

    In manual mode, you are responsible for showing, updating (via updateProgress) and clearing the progress bar as needed from your own code. This method is most appropriate when you want to show progress.

  • propertygrid


    A specialized grid implementation intended to mimic the traditional property grid as typically seen in development IDEs. Each row in the grid represents a property of some object, and the data is stored as a set of name/value pairs in CQ.Ext.grid.PropertyRecords.

  • propgrid


    The PropertyGrid is a generic grid used for displaying and editing properties of objects.

  • quicktip


    @xtype quicktip A specialized tooltip class for tooltips that can be specified in markup and automatically managed by the global CQ.Ext.QuickTips instance. See the QuickTips class header for additional usage details and examples.

  • radio


    Single radio field. Same as Checkbox, but provided as a convenience for automatically setting the input type. Radio grouping is handled automatically by the browser if you give each radio in a group the same name.

  • radiogroup


    A grouping container for CQ.Ext.form.Radio controls.

  • referencesdialog


    The ReferencesDialog is a dialog for displaying references on a page.

  • restoretreedialog


    The RestoreTreeDialog is a dialog for restoring a previous version of a tree.

  • restoreversiondialog


    The RestoreVersionDialog is a dialog for restoring a previous version of a page.

  • richtext


    The RichText provides a form field for editing styled text information (rich text).

    The RichText component currently provides the following features:

  • rolloutplan


    The RolloutPlan provides a dialog to watch a page rollout progress. RolloutPlan is started by a CQ.wcm.msm.RolloutWizard.

  • rolloutwizard


    The RolloutWizard provides a wizard for rolling out a page. RolloutWizard starts a CQ.wcm.msm.RolloutPlan.

  • searchfield


    The SearchField provides a search field that provides the results in a drop-down list which can be used for searching the repository.

  • selection


    The Selection lets the user choose between several options. The options can be part of the configuration or loaded from a JSON reponse. The Selection can either be rendered as dropdown (select), or a combobox (select plus free text entry).

  • sidekick


    The Sidekick is a floating helper providing the user with common tools for page editing.

  • siteadmin


    The SiteAdmin is a console providing WCM administration functions.

  • siteimporter


    The SiteImporter lets the user import complete websites and create initial projects.

  • sizefield


    The SizeField lets the user enter the width and height (for example, for an image).

  • slider


    Slider which supports vertical or horizontal orientation, keyboard adjustments, configurable snapping, axis clicking and animation. Can be added as an item to any container. Example usage: …

  • slideshow


    The Slideshow provides a component that can be used to define and edit a set of images and image titles that may be viewed as a slideshow.

    The Slideshow component is based on the CQ.form.SmartImage component.

  • smartfile


    The SmartFile is an intelligent file uploader.

    If a Flash plugin (version >= 9) is installed, uploads are executed using the SWFupload library that provides a convenient way to handle uploads.

  • smartimage


    The SmartImage is an intelligent image uploader. It provides tools to process an uploaded image, for example, a tool to define image maps and an image cropper.

    The component is designed for use on a separate dialog tab.

  • spacer


    Used to provide a sizable space in a layout.

  • spinner


    The Spinner is a trigger field for numeric, date, or time values. The value can be increased and decreased by using the provided up and down triggers, the scroll wheel or keys.

  • splitbutton


    A split button that provides a built-in dropdown arrow that can fire an event separately from the default click event of the button. Typically, this would be used to display a dropdown menu that provides additional options to the primary button action, but any custom handler can provide the arrowclick implementation.

  • static


    The Static can be used to display arbitrary text or HTML.

  • statistics


    The Statistics displays the page impressions as a chart. The widget lets you select a period for which the statistics should be displayed.

  • store

    The Store class encapsulates a client-side cache of Record objects which provide input data for Components such as the GridPanel, the ComboBox, or the DataView.

  • suggestfield


    The SuggestField provides the user with suggestions based on their entry.

  • switcher


    The Switcher provides a button group for the header bar in a console to switch between Websites, Digital Assets, Tools, Workflow, and Security.

  • tableedit


    Deprecated: Use CQ.form.TableEdit2 instead.

  • tableedit2


    The TableEdit2 provides a widget for creating tables.

  • tabpanel


    A basic tab container. TabPanels can be used exactly like a standard CQ.Ext.Panel for layout purposes, but also have special support for containing child Components (items).

  • tags


    code language-none

    is a form widget for entering tags. It has a popup menu for selecting from existing tags, includes auto-completion and many other features.

  • textarea


    Multiline text field. Can be used as a direct replacement for traditional textarea fields, plus adds support for auto-sizing.

  • textbutton


    The TextButton provides a text link with the capabilities of a CQ.Ext.Button.

  • textfield


    Basic text field. Can be used as a direct replacement for traditional text inputs, or as the base class for more sophisticated input controls (like CQ.Ext.form.TextArea and CQ.Ext.form.ComboBox).

  • thumbnail


  • timefield


    Provides a time input field with a time dropdown and automatic time validation. Example usage: …

  • tip


    @xtype tip This is the base class for CQ.Ext.QuickTip and CQ.Ext.Tooltip that provides the basic layout and positioning that all tip-based classes require. This class can be used directly for simple, statically positioned tips.

  • titleseparator

    Adds a separator bar to a menu, used to divide logical groups of menu items. The separator can also carry a title.

  • toolbar


    Basic Toolbar class. Although the defaultType for Toolbar is button, Toolbar elements (child items for the Toolbar container) may be virtually any type of Component. Toolbar elements can be created explicitly via their constructors.

  • tooltip


    A standard tooltip implementation for providing additional information when hovering over a target element. @xtype tooltip.

  • treegrid


    @xtype treegrid

  • treepanel


    The TreePanel provides tree-structured UI representation of tree-structured data.

    TreeNodes added to the TreePanel may each contain metadata used by your application in their attributes property.

  • trigger


    Provides a convenient wrapper for TextFields that adds a clickable trigger button (looks like a combobox by default). The trigger has no default action, so you must assign a function to implement the trigger click handler by overriding onTriggerClick. You can create a TriggerField directly, as it renders exactly like a combobox.

  • uploaddialog


    The UploadDialog lets the user upload files to the repository Creates a new UploadDialog.

  • userinfo


    Toolbar item to display the current user name and allow user actions like editing user properties and impersonation.

  • viewport


    A specialized container representing the viewable application area (the browser viewport).

    The Viewport renders itself to the document body, and automatically sizes itself to the size of the browser viewport and manages window resizing. There may only be one Viewport created.

  • window


    A specialized panel intended for use as an application window. Windows are floated, resizable, and draggable by default. Windows can be maximized to fill the viewport, restored to their prior size, and can be minimized.

  • xmlstore

    Small helper class to make creating from XML data easier. An XmlStore is automatically configured with a

    cqinclude Pseudo xtype that includes widget definitions from a different path in the repository. It is most commonly used in page dialogs. There is no actual JavaScript widget class for this xtype. It is processed by the formatData() function of the CQ.Util class. For more information, see this knowledge base article.
