Getting started with AEM Extension for PWA Studio getting-started-pwa

Out of the box, PWA Studio integrates seamlessly with Adobe Commerce via GraphQL providing unlimited options for creating innovative and engaging storefronts and other digital experiences.

Content Fragments are pieces of content with a predefined structure that allows them to be consumed in a headless way using GraphQL as API in different formats (for example, JSON, Markdown) and independently rendered. Content fragments include all the data types and fields required for GraphQL to ensure your application only requests what is available and receives what is expected. The flexibility they provide in terms of how they are structured makes them perfect for use in multiple locations and over multiple channels.

Designing the structure you need is easy with the Content Fragment Model Editor within Adobe Experience Manager. The main challenge to integrating Adobe Experience Manager Content Fragments (or any other data) with your PWA Studio application is fetching data from multiple GraphQL endpoints. The reason is because out of the box, PWA Studio works with a single Adobe Commerce GraphQL endpoint.

Architecture architecture

PWA headless architecture

Setup PWA Studio setup-pwa

To set up your PWA Studio app, follow the Adobe Commerce PWA Studio documentation.

To connect PWA Studio with the GraphQL endpoint of AEM, you can use the AEM Extension for PWA Studio.

  1. Check out the repository

  2. In your PWA Studio application, add the extension as a development dependency.

    code language-javascript
    yarn add --dev file:{path-to-extension}/extension
  3. Add the Apollo Link wrapper to your PWA Studio application. In pwa-root/src/index.js, make the following changes:

    code language-javascript
      import { linkWrapper } from '@adobe/pwa-studio-aem-cfm-blog-extension';
    // ...
    <Adapter apiBase={apiBase} apollo={{ link: linkWrapper(apolloLink) }} store={store}>

    You can find more details on the Apollo Client customization in linkWrapper.js.

  4. To extend the navigation component with a Blog entry, add the following adaptions to pwa-root/local-intercept.js:

    code language-javascript
    const addBlogToNavigation = require('@adobe/pwa-studio-aem-cfm-blog-extension/src/addBlogToNavigation');
    function localIntercept(targets) {

    You can find more details on the customization of the Navigation component in addBlogToNavigation.js and in the Extensibility Framework documentation of PWA Studio.

  5. The Apollo client expects the AEM GraphQL endpoint at <https://pwa-studio/endpoint.js>. To map the endpoint to this location, customize the UPWARD configuration of your PWA Studio application:
    a. To pwa-root/.env, add the AEM_CFM_GRAPHQL variable, and adapt it to point to your AEM Content Fragments GraphQL endpoint.

    Example: AEM_CFM_GRAPHQL=http://localhost:4503/content/graphql/global

    b. Add a proxy resolver to your UPWARD configuration. A sample UPWARD configuration could look like this:

     resolver: conditional
       - matches: request.url.pathname
         pattern: ^/endpoint.json(/|$)
         use: aemProxy
     default: veniaResponse

     resolver: proxy
     target: env.AEM_CFM_GRAPHQL
     ignoreSSLErrors: true

   status: response.status
   headers: response.headers
   body: response.body

Setup AEM setup-aem

Follow the AEM Content Fragments documentation to set up a GraphQL endpoint for your AEM project. Also, in your AEM project, add the following configurations to allow your PWA Studio application to access the GraphQL endpoint:

  • Adobe Granite Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Policy (com.adobe.granite.cors.impl.CORSPolicyImpl)

    Set the allowedorigin property to the full hostname of your PWA application.

    Example: <https://pwa-studio-test-vflyn.local.pwadev:9366>

  • Apache Sling Referrer Filter (

    Set the allow.hosts property to the hostname of your PWA application.

    Example: pwa-studio-test-vflyn.local.pwadev

You can find full examples of both configurations here:

To showcase the GraphQL endpoint, Adobe prepared some sample Content Fragment models and data by way of a content package. These pieces work together with the React Components provided with the PWA Studio extension.

How to Use how-to-use

This extension is considered an example implementation of how to connect a PWA Studio application with AEM to retrieve and render content via GraphQL.

Depending on your use case, you want to create your own custom Content Fragment models which result in a custom GraphQL schema which can then be consumed by your own React components.

Production setups can vary in multiple aspects.

  • You can have a single federated GraphQL endpoint which combines AEM and Adobe Commerce GraphQL data instead of customizing Apollo client.
  • Your PWA Studio application could use the AEM GraphQL endpoint URL directly, without a proxy with UPWARD. The proxy could also be moved to a different layer (for example, CDN).
  • The approach fits best for you also heavily depends on how you deliver the PWA Studio application to the end user.

This extension comes with two examples.

Blog blog

Display blog posts based on some Content Fragment models. In addition, it contains examples of how to configure the Apollo client to work with the AEM GraphQL endpoint and how to extend the navigation component in PWA Studio. See GitHub for more details.

PDP Enrichment pdp-enrichment

Enables marketers to easily enrich PDPs with additional content that is managed as Content Fragments. See GitHub for more details.
