What is the process for enabling HTTP/2 for my Dynamic Media account?

  1. Use the Admin Console to create a support case and request to switch over to HTTP/2; it is not automatically done for you.

  2. Provide the following information in your support case:

    • Primary contact name, email, and phone number.

    • All domains to be transitioned over to HTTP2. That is, images.company.com or mycompany.scene7.com.

      To find your domains, open the Dynamic Media Classic desktop application, then sign in to your company account or accounts. Then navigate to Setup > Application Setup > General Settings. Look for the field labeled Published Server Name.

    • Verify that you use secure HTTPS for rich media requests.

    • Verify you are using the CDN through Adobe and not managed with a direct relationship.

    • Verify you are using a dedicated domain. That is, images.company.com or mycompany.scene7.com, not a generic Dynamic Media domain such as s7d1.scene7.com, s7d2.scene7.com, s7d13.scene7.com.

      To find your domains, open the Dynamic Media Classic desktop application, then sign in to your company account or accounts. Then navigate to Setup > Application Setup > General Settings. Look for the field labeled Published Server Name. If you are currently using a generic Dynamic Media domain, you can request moving over to your own custom domain as part of this transition.

  3. Adobe Customer Support adds you to the HTTP/2 customer waitlist based on the order in which requests were submitted.

  4. When Adobe is ready to handle your request, Support contacts you to coordinate the transition and set a target date.

  5. You will be notified after completion and can verify a successful transition over to HTTP2.

When can I expect to transition over to HTTP/2?

Requests are processed in the order that they are received by Adobe Customer Support.

There is a long lead time because the transition to HTTP/2 involves clearing the cache. Therefore, only a few customer transitions can be handled at a time.

What are the risks with moving to HTTP/2?

The transition to HTTP/2 clears out your cache at the CDN because it involves moving to a new CDN configuration.

The non-cached content directly hits Adobe’s origin servers until the cache is rebuilt again. Because of this action, Adobe plans to handle a few customer transitions at a time so that acceptable performance is maintained when pulling requests from Adobe’s origin.

How can you verify whether a URL or website is activated with HTTP/2?

Download an extension that you can use with your Web browser. For Firefox and Chrome, there is an extension called HTTP/2 and SPDY Indicator. Browsers only support HTTP/2 securely, so it is necessary to call a URL with HTTPS to verify. If HTTP/2 is supported, it is indicated by the extension in the form of a blue Flash symbol, and a header “X-Firefox-Spdy” : “h2”.

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