Preparing the EMC Document Content Server for backup and recovery

This section describes installing and configuring the EMC NetWorker software on the Content Server.

Prepare the EMC Documentum server for backup

  1. On the EMC Documentum Content Server, install the EMC NetWorker modules, accepting all defaults.

    During the installation processes, you are prompted to enter the server name of the Content Server computer as the NetWorker Server Name. When installing the EMC NetWorker Module for your database, choose a “Complete” installation.

  2. Using the sample content below, create a configuration file named nsrnmd_win.cfg and save it to an accessible location on the Content Server. This file will be called by the backup and restore commands.

    The following text contains formatting characters for line breaks. If you copy this text to a location outside this document, copy a portion at a time and remove the formatting characters when you paste it to the new location.

     # NetWorker Module for Documentum v1.2 nsrnmd_win.cfg D5.3+ example with
     # typical set of working parameters.  THIS FILE MUST BE SITE-CUSTOMISED.
     # Parameters not shown can be set in this file (as per site customisation) #or from the command-line.
     # See the user Guides for details on all parameters, including
     # those not listed below.
     # Note: DCTM environment for D6 is slightly different from D5, refer to D6
     # Installation Guide to update the values.
     #Can get values for most of below from doing as the dctm inst owner: cmd> set DOCUMENTUM=C:\Documentum
     PATH=C:\WINNT\system32;C:\WINNT;C:\WINNT\system32\WBEM;C:\Documentum\product\6.0\bin;C:\Documentum\fulltext\fast;C:\Documentum\product\6.0\fusion;C:\Program Files\Documentum\Shared;C:\Program Files\Legato\nsr\bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE;C:\Program Files\Documentum\java\1.5.0_12\bin;C:\Documentum\config;C:\Documentum
     #See also manifest dctm.jar file for class path locations
     CLASSPATH=.;C:\Program Files\Legato\nsr\bin;C:\Program Files\Legato\nsr\bin\nsrnmdde.jar;C:\Program Files\Documentum\java\1.5.0_12\lib\tools.jar;C:\Program Files\Documentum\Shared\dfc.jar;C:\Program Files\Documentum\Shared\aspectjrt.jar;C:\Program Files\Documentum\dctm.jar;C:\Program Files\Documentum\Shared\workflow.jar;C:\Program Files\Documentum\Shared\log4j.jar;C:\Program Files\Documentum\java\1.5.0_12\lib\dt.jar;C:\Documentum\config
     #If not using nsrnmdsv -m ALL|DB|DB_LOG|FTI|FTI_ALL|ICF|SA|SA_ALL, set #for backup
     #Mandatory when scope (backup or restore) is FTI/SA without -a option
     #NMDDE_DM_PASSWD must be set via running: nsrnmdsv -f <nmdcfg> -P <pwd>.
     #DB related hooks to invoke arbitrary scripts:
     #Set if DB is on a remote host
     #Pure basename implies remote host execution; absolute path ... local
     #execution as in NMD v1.0.
     #Remote execution requires script be put in remote nsrexecd bin directory
     #and D5.3+ host be added to remote nsr\res\servers file w/ nsrexecd recycled
     #Refer to user Guides for sample script code.
     #Optional for remote D5.3+ FTI server
     #Recommended for D5.3+ FTI server quiesce/unquiesce
     #The index name: optional for D5.3+ FTI server, used with -M FTI_ALL or
     #-M ALL
     #Recommended for D5.3+ FTI server quiesce/unquiesce
     #NMDDE_FTI_PASSWD must be set via running: nsrnmdsv -f <nmdcfg> -P <pwd>
     #-M FTI.
     #Pure basename implies remote host execution; absolute path ... local execution
     #as in NMD v1.0.
     #Remote execution requires script be put in remote nsrexecd bin directory
     #and D5.3+ host be added to remote nsr\res\servers file w/ nsrexecd
     #See example nsrnmdfti*.bat examples.
     #Mandatory for D5.3+
     #Used for D5.3+ to get InstallProfile.xml FTI file in multinode
     #Optional, if not specified, will treat as single-node FTI.
     #Mandatory for D5.3+. No spaces in paths or around comma separators.
     #For remote FTI, paths must be valid at the FTI host.
     #Mandatory. No spaces in paths or before comma
     #separators in NMD_ICF_SUBDIRS_xxx:
     #Other misc recommended NMD_xxx parameters
     #Recommended to get more meaningful saveset names
     #Use following to skip unwanted ICF, FTI and non-SnapImage SA dirs/files.
     #For example, "<</>> +skip: dm_ftwork_dir" line will skip non-data
     #The path will be the same and must exist on D5.3+, remote FTI host, and
     #RCS hosts correspondingly if used.
     #NMD_DIRECTIVES_FILE=E:\Program Files\Legato\nsr\res\nsrnmddirectives.txt
     #For non-SnapImage SA backup
     # DSA setup
     # Name of the config file at the remote sites;
     # Mandatory, listed in the config file at the primary host.
     # (if skipped, backup is treated as local)
     # NMD_RCS_CFG_FILE=rep_name_rcs.cfg
     # SA-host mapping add, optional, will override far-store list info.
     # No space around comma.
     # NMD_HOST_SAS_MAP=host01,sa_01,sa_02
     # NMD_HOST_SAS_MAP=host02,sa_03
     #Relocation dir will be the same on D5+ and remote FTI/SA hosts.
     NSR_DEBUG_FILE=C:\Program Files\Legato\nsr\applogs\nmd.log

    Keep the configuration file password field NMDDE_DM_PASSWD blank. You will set the password in the next step.

  3. Set the configuration file password as follows:

    • Open a command prompt, and change to [NetWorker_root]\Legato\nsr\bin.
    • Run the following command: -nsrnmdsv.exe -f<path_to_cfg_file> -P <password>
  4. Create the executable batch (.bat) files that are used to back up the database. (See the NetWorker documentation.) Set the details in the batch files according to your installation.

    • Full database backup (nsrnmddbf.bat):

      NetWorker_database_module_root -s<NetWorker_Server_Name> -U``[username] -P[password] -l full<database_name>

    • Incremental database backup (nsrnmddbi.bat):

      [NetWorker_database_module_root] -s<NetWorker_Server_Name> -U``[username] -P``[password] -l 1 -R<database_name>

    • Database log backup (nsrnmddbl.bat):

      [NetWorker_database_module_root] -s``<NetWorker_Server_Name> -U``[username] -P``[password] -l incr -R<database_name>


      [NetWorker_database_module_root] is the installation directory of the NetWorker module. For example, the default installation directory for NetWorker Module for SQL Server is C:\Program Files\Legato\nsr\bin\nsrsqlsv.

      NetWorker_Server_Name is the server that NetWorker is installed on.

      username & password are the user name and password of the database administrator user.

      database_name is the name of the database to back up.

Create a backup device

  1. Create a directory on the EMC Documentum server and share the folder by giving full rights to all users.

  2. Start EMC NetWorker Administrator and click Media Management > Devices.

  3. Right-click Devices and select Create.

  4. Enter the following values and click OK:

    Name: The full path of the shared directory

    Media Type: File

  5. Right-click the new device and select Operations.

  6. Click Label, enter a name, click OK, and then click Mount.

A device is added to which the backed up files will be saved. You can add multiple devices of different formats.

Back up the EMC Documentum Content Server

Perform the following tasks after you complete a full backup of your AEM forms data. (See Backing up the AEM forms data.)

The command scripts require the full path to the nsrnmd_win.cfg file that you created in Preparing the EMC Document Content Server for backup and recovery.
  1. Open a command prompt, and change to [NetWorker_root]\Legato\nsr\bin.

  2. Run the following command:

     - nsrnmdsv.exe -f <path_to_cfg_file>

Restore the EMC Documentum Content Server

Perform the following tasks before you restore your AEM forms data. (See Recovering the AEM forms data.)

The command scripts require the full path to the nsrnmd_win.cfg file that you created in Preparing the EMC Document Content Server for backup and recovery.
  1. Stop the Docbase service that you are restoring.

  2. Start the NetWorker User utility for your database module (for example, NetWorker User for SQL Server).

  3. Click the Restore tool and then select Normal.

  4. On the left side of the screen, select the database for your Docbase and click the Start button on the toolbar.

  5. When the database is restored, restart the Docbase service.

  6. Open a command prompt and change to [NetWorker_root]\Legato\nsr\bin

  7. Run the following command:

     - nsrnmdrs.exe -B <docbase_name> -f <path_to_cfg_file> -C SA

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