The Default Analytics Page Name Provider Service

The DefaultPageNameProvider service is the default service that determines the value of the s.pageName property to use for retrieving Analytics data for a page. The service works in conjunction with the AEM foundation page component ( /libs/foundation/components/page). This page component defines the following CQ variables that are meant to be mapped to the s.pageName property:

  • pagedata.path: The value is set to the page path.
  • pagedata.title: The value is set to the page title.
  • pagedata.navTitle: The value is set to the page navigation title.

The DefaultPageNameProvider service determines which of these CQ variables is mapped to the s.pageName property in the Analytics cloud service framework. The service then determines the appropriate page property to use for retrieving analytics report data:

  • pagedata.path: The service uses page.getPath()

  • pagedata.title: The service uses page.getTitle()

  • pagedata.navTitle: The service uses page.getNavigationTitle()

The page object is the is the Java object for the page.

If you do not map a CQ variable to the s.pageName property in the framework, the value for s.pageName is generated from the page path. For example, the page with the path /content/geometrixx/en uses the value content:geometrixx:en for s.pageName.

The DefaultPageNameProvider service uses a service ranking of 100.

Maintaining Continuity in Analytics Reporting

Maintaining a complete history of analytics data for a page requires that the value of the s.pageName property that is used for a page never changes. However, the analtyics properties that the foundation page component defines can be easily changed. For example, moving a page changes the value of pagedata.path and breaks the continuity of the reporting history:

  • Data that was collected for the previous path is no longer associated with the page.
  • If a different page uses the path that another page once used, the different page inherits the data for that path.

To ensure reporting continuity, the value of s.pageName should have the following characteristics:

  • Unique.
  • Stable.
  • Human-readable.

For example, a custom pag component can include a page property that authors use to specify a unique ID for the page that is used as the value for the s.pageProperties property:

  • The page includes an analytics variable that is set to the value of the unique ID that is stored in the page property.
  • The analytics variable is mapped to the s.pageProperties property in the Analytics framework.
  • Your implementation of the AnalytcsPageNameProvider interface retrieves the value of the page property to use for querying the page Analytics data.
Ask your Analytics consultant for help in developing an effective strategy for your s.pageName value.

Implementing an Analytics Page Name Provider Service

Implement the interface as an OSGi service to customize the logic that retrieves the s.pageName property value. The Sites page analytics and Content Insight use the service to retrieve report data from Analytics.

The AnalyticsPageNameProvider interface defines two methods that you must implement:

  • getPageName: Returns a String value that represents the value to use as the s.pageName property.

  • getResource: Returns an object that represents the page that is associated with the s.pageName property.

Both methods take a object as a parameter. The AnalyticsPageNameContext class provides information about the context of the analytics calls:

  • The base path of the page resource.
  • The Framework object for the Analytics cloud service configuration.
  • The Resource object for the page.
  • The ResourceResolver object for the page.

The class also provides a setter for the page name.

Example AnalyticsPageNameProvider Implementation

The following example AnalyticsPageNameProvider implementation supports a custom page component:

  • The component extends the foundation page component.
  • The dialog box includes a field that authors use to specify the value of the s.pageName property.
  • The property value is stored in the pageName property of the jcr:contentnode of the page instances.
  • The analytics property that stores the s.pageName property is called pagedata.pagename. This property is mapped to the s.pageName property in the Analytics framework.

The following implementation of the getPageName method returns the value of the pageName node property if the framework mapping is configured correctly:

public String getPageName(AnalyticsPageNameContext context) {
        String pageName = null;

        Framework framework = context.getFramework();
        Resource resource = context.getResource();

        if (resource != null && framework != null && framework.mapsSCVariable(S_PAGE_NAME)) {
            String cqVar = framework.getMapping(S_PAGE_NAME);
            Page page = resource.adaptTo(Page.class);
            if (cqVar.equals("pagedata.pagename")) {
                pageName = page.getProperties().get("pageName",null);
        return pageName;

The following implementation of the getResource method returns the Resource object for the page:

     public Resource getResource(AnalyticsPageNameContext context) {
        Resource res = null;

        Framework framework = context.getFramework();
        ResourceResolver resolver = context.getResourceResolver();
        String pageName = context.getPageName();
        String basePath = context.getBasePath();

        if (pageName != null && basePath != null && resolver != null
                && framework != null && framework.mapsSCVariable(S_PAGE_NAME)) {
            String cqVar = framework.getMapping(S_PAGE_NAME);
            if (cqVar.equals("pagedata.pagename")) {
             hits = resolver.findResources(createQuery(pageName, basePath, "pagename"), Query.JCR_SQL2);
             if (hits.hasNext()) {
              res =;
              res = res.getParent();
        return res;

    private String createQuery(String pageName, String basePath, String propName) {
        return "SELECT * FROM [cq:PageContent] WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(["
                + basePath + "]) and [" + propName + "] = \"" + pageName + "\"";

The following code represents the entire class, including SCR annotations that configure the service. The service ranking is 200 which overrides the default service.

 * __________________
 * Copyright 2019 Adobe Systems Incorporated
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains
 * the property of Adobe Systems Incorporated and its suppliers,
 * if any.  The intellectual and technical concepts contained
 * herein are proprietary to Adobe Systems Incorporated and its
 * suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents,
 * patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law.
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material
 * is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained
 * from Adobe Systems Incorporated.

import java.util.Iterator;

import javax.jcr.query.Query;

import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;


import static;

 * Default implementation of {@link AnalyticsPageNameProvider} that resolves
 * page title, path or navTitle if mapped in {@link Framework}.
    service = { AnalyticsPageNameProvider.class },
    property = {
        Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION + "=Example Page Name Resolver implementation",
        Constants.SERVICE_RANKING + ":Integer=200"
public class ExamplePageNameProvider implements AnalyticsPageNameProvider {
    public String getPageName(AnalyticsPageNameContext context) {
        String pageName = null;

        Framework framework = context.getFramework();
        Resource resource = context.getResource();

        if (resource != null && framework != null && framework.mapsSCVariable(S_PAGE_NAME)) {
            String cqVar = framework.getMapping(S_PAGE_NAME);
            Page page = resource.adaptTo(Page.class);
            if (cqVar.equals("pagedata.path")) {
                pageName = page.getProperties().get("pageName",null);
        return pageName;

    public Resource getResource(AnalyticsPageNameContext context) {
        Resource res = null;

        Framework framework = context.getFramework();
        ResourceResolver resolver = context.getResourceResolver();
        String pageName = context.getPageName();
        String basePath = context.getBasePath();

        if (pageName != null && basePath != null && resolver != null
                && framework != null && framework.mapsSCVariable(S_PAGE_NAME)) {
            String cqVar = framework.getMapping(S_PAGE_NAME);
            if (cqVar.equals("pagedata.pagename")) {
                hits = resolver.findResources(createQuery(pageName, basePath, "pagename"), Query.JCR_SQL2);
                if (hits.hasNext()) {
                    res =;
                    res = res.getParent();
        return res;

    private String createQuery(String pageName, String basePath, String propName) {
        return "SELECT * FROM [cq:PageContent] WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(["
                + basePath + "]) and [" + propName + "] = \"" + pageName + "\"";

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