The sitecatalystAfterCollect Event

The cloudservices script triggers the sitecatalystAfterCollect event:


This event is triggered to indicate that page tracking has been completed. If you are performing additional tracking operations on this page, you should listen to this event instead of the document load or document ready event. Using the sitecatalystAfterCollect event avoids collisions or other unpredictable behavior.

The /libs/cq/analytics/clientlibs/sitecatalyst/sitecatalyst.js library includes the code from the Adobe Analytics s_code.js file.

Implementing Adobe Analytics Tracking for Custom Components

Enable your AEM components to interact with the Adobe Analytics framework. Then, configure your framework so that Adobe Analytics tracks the component data.

Components that interact with the Adobe Analytics framework appear in SideKick when you are editing a framework. After dragging the component to the framework, the component properties appear and you can then map them with Adobe Analytics properties. (See Setting Up a Framework For Basic Tracking.)

Components can interact with the Adobe Analytics framework when the component has a child node named analytics. The analytics node has the following properties:

  • cq:trackevents: Identifies the CQ events that the component exposes. (See Custom Events.)
  • cq:trackvars: Names the CQ variables that are mapped with Adobe Analytics properties.
  • cq:componentName: The name for the component that appears in Sidekick.
  • cq:componentGroup: The group in Sidekick that includes the component.

The code in the component JSP adds the JavaScript to the page that triggers the tracking, and defines the data that is tracked. The event name and data names used in the JavaScript must match the corresponding values of the analytics node properties.

When you use these data-tracking methods, the Adobe Analytics integration module automatically performs the calls to Adobe Analytics to record the events and data.

Example: Tracking topnav Clicks

Extend the foundation topnav component so that Adobe Analytics tracks clicks on navigation links at the top of the page. When a navigation link is clicked, Adobe Analytics records the link that was clicked, and the page on which it was clicked.

The following procedures require that you have already performed the following tasks:

  • Created a CQ application.
  • Created an Adobe Analytics Configuration and an Adobe Analytics Framework.

Copy the topnav component

Copy the topnav component to your CQ application. The procedure requires that your application is set up in CRXDE Lite.

  1. Right-click the /libs/foundation/components/topnav node and click Copy.
  2. Right-click the Components folder below your application folder and click Paste.
  3. Click Save All.

Integrating topnav With The Adobe Analytics Framework

Configure the topnav component and edit the JSP file to define the tracking events and data.

  1. Right-click the topnav node and click Create > Create Node. Specify the following property values and then click OK:

    • Name: analytics
    • Type: nt:unstructured
  2. Add the following property to the analytics node so you can name the tracking event:

    • Name: cq:trackevents
    • Type: String
    • Value: topnavClick
  3. Add the following property to the analytics node so you can name the data variables:

    • Name: cq:trackvars
    • Type: String
    • Value: topnavTarget,topnavLocation
  4. Add the following property to the analytics node to name the component for Sidekick:

    • Name: cq:componentName
    • Type: String
    • Value: topnav (tracking)
  5. Add the following property to the analytics node to name the component group for Sidekick:

    • Name: cq:componentGroup
    • Type: String
    • Value: General
  6. Click Save All.

  7. Open the topnav.jsp file.

  8. In the element, add the following attribute:

    onclick = "tracknav('<%= child.getPath() %>.html')"
  9. At the bottom of the page, add the following JavaScript code:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function tracknav(target) {
                if (CQ_Analytics.Sitecatalyst) {
                        event: 'topnavClick',
                        values: {
                            topnavTarget: target,
                            topnavLocation:'<%=currentPage.getPath() %>.html'
                        componentPath: '<%=resource.getResourceType()%>'
  10. Click Save All.

The content of the topnav.jsp file should appear as follows:

<%@page session="false"%><%--
  Copyright 1997-2008 Day Management AG
  Barfuesserplatz 6, 4001 Basel, Switzerland
  All Rights Reserved.

  This software is the confidential and proprietary information of
  Day Management AG ("Confidential Information"). You shall not
  disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in
  accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into
  with Day.


  Top Navigation component

  Draws the top navigation

--%><%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%><%
%><%@ page import="java.util.Iterator,,,,,
        org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils" %><%

    // get starting point of navigation
    long absParent = currentStyle.get("absParent", 2L);
    String navstart = Text.getAbsoluteParent(currentPage.getPath(), (int) absParent);

    //if not deep enough take current node
    if (navstart.equals("")) navstart=currentPage.getPath();

    Resource rootRes = slingRequest.getResourceResolver().getResource(navstart);
    Page rootPage = rootRes == null ? null : rootRes.adaptTo(Page.class);
    String xs = Doctype.isXHTML(request) ? "/" : "";
    if (rootPage != null) {
        Iterator<Page> children = rootPage.listChildren(new PageFilter(request));
        while (children.hasNext()) {
            Page child =;
            %><a onclick = "tracknav('<%= child.getPath() %>.html')"  href="<%= child.getPath() %>.html"><%
            %><img alt="<%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(child.getTitle()) %>" src="<%= child.getPath() %>.navimage.png"<%= xs %>></a><%
%><script type="text/javascript">
    function tracknav(target) {
            if (CQ_Analytics.Sitecatalyst) {
                    event: 'topnavClick',
                    values: {
                        topnavLocation:'<%=currentPage.getPath() %>.html'
                    componentPath: '<%=resource.getResourceType()%>'
It is often desirable to track data from the ContextHub. For information about using JavaScript to obtain this information, see Accessing Values in the ContextHub.

Adding the Tracking Component to Sidekick

Add components that are enabled for tracking with the Adobe Analytics to Sidekick so that you can add them to your framework.

  1. Open your Adobe Analytics framework from your Adobe Analytics Configuration. (http://localhost:4502/etc/cloudservices/sitecatalyst.html)

  2. On Sidekick, click the Design button.

    The Design button featuring a right-angle square.

  3. In the Link Tracking Configuration area, click Configure Inheritance.


  4. In the Allowed Components list, select topnav (tracking) in the General section, then click OK.

  5. Expand Sidekick to enter edit mode. The component is now available in the General group.

Adding the topnav Component to Your Framework

Drag the topnav component to your Adobe Analytics framework and map the component variables and events to Adobe Analytics variables and events. (See Setting Up a Framework For Basic Tracking.)


The topnav component is now integrated with the Adobe Analytics framework. When you add the component to a page, clicking the items in the top navigation bar causes tracking data to be sent to Adobe Analytics.

Sending s.products Data to Adobe Analytics

Components can generate data for the s.products variable that is sent to Adobe Analytics. Design your components to contribute to the s.products variable:

  • Record a value named product of a specific structure.
  • Expose the data members of the product value so that they can be mapped with Adobe Analytics variables in the Adobe Analytics framework.

The Adobe Analytics s.products variable uses the following syntax:


The Adobe Analytics integration module constructs the s.products variable using the product values that AEM components generate. The product value in the JavaScript that AEM components generate is an array of values that have the following structure:

"product": [{
    "category": "",
    "sku"     : "path to product node",
    "quantity": quantity,
    "price"   : price,
    "events   : {
      "eventName1": "eventValue1",
      "eventName_n": "eventValue_n"
    "evars"   : {
      "eVarName1": "eVarValue1",
      "eVarName_n": "eVarValue_n"

When a data item is omitted from the product value, it is sent as an empty string in s.products.

When no event is associated with a product value, Adobe Analytics uses the prodView event by default.

The analytics node of the component must expose the variable names using the cq:trackvars property:

  • product.category
  • product.sku
  • product.quantity
  • product.price
  • product.evars.eVarName1
  • product.evars.eVarName_n

The eCommerce module provides several components that generate s.products variable data. For example, the submitorder component (http://localhost:4502/crx/de/index.jsp#/libs/commerce/components/submitorder/submitorder.jsp) generates JavaScript that is similar to the following example:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function trackCartPurchase() {
        if (CQ_Analytics.Sitecatalyst) {
                "event": ["productsCartPurchase"],
                "values": {
                    "product": [
                            "category": "",
                            "sku"     : "/path/to/prod/1",
                            "quantity": 3,
                            "price"   : 179.7,
                            "evars"   : {
                                "childSku": "/path/to/prod/1/green/xs",
                                "size"    : "XS"
                            "category": "",
                            "sku"     : "/path/to/prod/2",
                            "quantity": 10,
                            "price"   : 150,
                            "evars"   : {
                                "childSku": "/path/to/prod/2",
                                "size"    : ""
                            "category": "",
                            "sku"     : "/path/to/prod/3",
                            "quantity": 2,
                            "price"   : 102,
                            "evars"   : {
                                "childSku": "/path/to/prod/3/m",
                                "size"    : "M"
                "componentPath": "commerce/components/submitorder"
                "event": ["discountRedemption"],
                "values": {
                    "discount": "/path/to/discount/1 - /path/to/discount/2",
                    "product" : [{
                        "category": "",
                        "sku"     : "Promotional Discount",
                        "events"  : {"discountRedemption": 20.00}
                "componentPath": "commerce/components/submitorder"
                "event": ["cartPurchase"],
                "values": {
                    "orderId"       : "00e40e2d-13a2-4a00-a8ee-01a9ebb0bf68",
                    "shippingMethod": "overnight",
                    "paymentMethod" : "Amex",
                    "billingState"  : "NY",
                    "billingZip"    : "10458",
                    "product"       : [{"category": "", "sku": "", "quantity": "", "price": ""}]
                "componentPath": "commerce/components/submitorder"
        return true;

Limiting the Size of Tracking Calls

Generally, web browsers limit the size of GET requests. Because CQ product and SKU values are repository paths, product arrays that include multiple values can exceed the request size limit. Therefore, your components should limit the number of items in the product array of each CQ_Analytics.record function. Create multiple functions if the number of items that you must track can exceed the limit.

For example, the eCommerce submitorder component limits the number of product items in a call to four. When the cart contains more than four products, it generates multiple CQ_Analytics.record functions.

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