Before Future Upgrade

Asset/Collection Event E-mail Notification Template

Previous location/etc/notification/email/default
New location(s)



Restructuring guidance

If the e-mail templates were modified by the customer, then perform the following actions to align with the new repository structure:

  1. The /libs/settings/dam/notification e-mail template should be copied from /etc/notification/email/default to /apps/settings/notification/email/default
    1. Because the destination is in /apps, this change should be persisted in SCM.
  2. Remove the folder: /etc/dam/notification/email/default after the e-mail templates within it have been moved.
    1. If no updates were made to the e-mail template under /etc/notification/email/default, the folder can be removed as the original e-mail template exists under /libs/settings/notification/email/default as part of AEM 4 install.

Classic Asset Share Designs

Previous location/etc/designs/assetshare
New location(s)



Restructuring guidance

For any Designs that are managed in SCM, and not written to at run-time by way of Design Dialogs, perform the following actions to align to the latest model:

  1. Copy the designs from the Previous Location to the New Location under /apps.
  2. Convert any CSS, JavaScript, and static resources in the Design to a Client Library with allowProxy = true.
  3. Update references to the Previous Location in the cq:designPath property by way of AEM > DAM Admin > Asset Share Page > Page Properties > Advanced Tab > Design Field.
  4. To use the new Client Library category, update any Pages referencing the Previous Location. This requires updating the Page implementation code.
  5. Update the Dispatcher rules so you can allow serving of Client Libraries by way of the /etc.clientlibs/ proxy servlet.

For any Designs that are not managed in SCM, and modified run-time by way of Design Dialogs, do not move authorable designs out of /etc.


Download Asset E-mail Notification Template

Previous location/etc/dam/workflow/notification/email/downloadasset
New location(s)



Restructuring guidance

If the e-mail templates (downloadasset or transientworkflowcompleted) have been modified, then follow the below procedure to align to the new structure:

  1. The updated e-mail template should be copied from /etc/dam/workflow/notification/email/downloadasset to /apps/settings/dam/workflow/notification/email/downloadasset
    1. Because the destination is in /apps, this change should be persisted in SCM.
  2. Remove the folder: /etc/dam/workflow/notification/email/downloadasset after the e-mail templates within it have been moved.
    1. If no updates were made to the e-mail template under /etc, the folder can be removed as the original e-mail template exists under /libs/settings/dam/workflownotification/email/downloadasset as part of AEM 6.4 install.
NotesWhile /conf/global/settings/dam/workflownotification/email/downloadasset is technically supported for look-up (takes precedence before /apps by way of usual Sling CAConfig lookup, but after /etc) the template could be placed in /conf/global/settings/dam/workflownotification/email/downloadasset. However, this is not recommended as there is no runtime UI to facilitate the editing of the e-mail template.

Example DRM Licenses

Previous location/etc/dam/drm/licenses/
New location(s)/libs/settings/dam/drm
Restructuring guidanceN/A
Previous location/etc/dam/adhocassetshare
New location(s)



Restructuring guidance

If the e-mail template was modified by the customer, then to align with the new repository structure:

  1. The updated e-mail template should be copied from /etc/dam/adhocassetshare to /apps/settings/dam/adhocassetshare
    1. Because the destination is in /apps, this change should be persisted in SCM.
  2. Remove the folder: /etc/dam/adhocassetshare after the e-mail templates within it have been moved.
    1. If no updates were made to the e-mail template under /etc, the folder can be removed as the original e-mail template exists under /libs/settings/dam/adhocassetshare as part of AEM 6.4 install.
NotesWhile /conf/global/settings/dam/adhocassetshare is technically supported for look-up (it takes precedence before /apps by way of the usual Sling CAConfig lookup, but after /etc), the template can be placed in /conf/global/settings/dam/adhocassetshare. However, this is not recommended as there is no runtime UI to facilitate the editing of the e-mail template

InDesign Workflow Scripts

Previous location/etc/dam/indesign/scripts
New location(s)



Restructuring guidance

To Align with the new repository structure:

  1. Copy all custom or modified scripts from /etc/dam/indesign/scripts to /apps/settings/dam/indesign/scripts
    1. Only copy new or modified scripts as unmodified scripts provided by AEM are available by way of /libs/settings in AEM 6.5
  2. Locate all Workflow Models that use the Media Extraction Process WF Step and
    1. For each instance of the Workflow Step, update the paths in config to point explicitly at the proper scripts under /apps/settings/dam/indesign/scripts or /libs/settings/dam/indesign/scripts as appropriate.
  3. Remove /etc/dam/indesign/scripts entirely.
NotesIt is recommended customized scripts be stored under /apps, since that is the location where code should be stored.

Video Transcoding Configurations

Previous location/etc/dam/video
New location(s)



Restructuring guidance

Project level customizations must be cut and pasted under equivalent /apps or /conf paths as applicable.

To align with the AEM 6.4 repository structure:

  1. Copy any modified video configurations from /etc/dam/video to /apps/settings/dam/video
  2. Remove /etc/dam/video

Viewer Preset Configurations

Previous location/etc/dam/presets/viewer
New location(s)



Restructuring guidance

For the out of the box Viewer Preset, it is only available in the new location.

For the Custom Viewer preset:

  • run a migration script so you can move the node from /etc to /conf. The script is at https://serveraddress:serverport/libs/settings/dam/dm/presets.migratedmcontent.json
  • or you can edit the configuration and they are auto-saved to the new location.

You do not have to adjust their copyURL/embed code to point to /conf. The existing request to /etc is rerouted to the correct content from /conf.



Previous location




New location(s)/libs/dam/clientlibs
Restructuring guidance

Adjust any references to point to the new resources under /libs using the /etc.clientlibs/ allow proxy prefix.

Finally, clean up by removing the folders for the migrated clientlibs from /etc/clientlibs/foundation/


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