Reporting Framework

The reporting framework works on the following principles:

  • It is entirely based on result sets that are returned by a query executed by the CQ5 QueryBuilder.

  • The result set defines the data displayed in the report. Each row in the result set corresponds to a row in the tabular view of the report.

  • The operations available for execution on the result set resemble RDBMS concepts; primarily grouping and aggregation.

  • Most data retrieval and processing is done server-side.

  • The client is solely responsible for displaying the pre-processed data. Only minor processing tasks (for example, creating links in cell content) are executed client-side.

The reporting framework (illustrated by the structure of a standard report) uses the following building blocks, fed by the processing queue:


Report Page

The report page is:

Report Base

The reportbase component forms the basis of any report because it:

  • Preserves the definition of the query that delivers the underlying result set of data.

  • It is an adapted paragraph system that contains all columns ( columnbase) added to the report.

  • Defines which chart types are available and which are currently active.

  • Defines the Edit dialog box, which allows the user to configure certain aspects of the report.

Column Base

Each column is an instance of the columnbase component that:

  • Is a paragraph, used by the parsys ( reportbase) of the respective report.
  • Defines the link to the underlying result set. That is, it defines the specific data referenced within this result set, and how it is processed.
  • Retains additional definitions; such as the aggregates and filters available, together with any default values.

The Query and Data Retrieval

The query:

  • Is defined as part of the reportbase component.

  • Is based on the CQ QueryBuilder.

  • Retrieves the data used as the basis of the report. Each row of the result set (table) is tied to a node as returned by the query. Specific information for individual columns is then extracted from this data set.

  • Usually consists of:

    • A root path.

      This specifies the subtree of the repository to be searched.

      To help minimize the performance impact, it is advisable to (try to) restrict the query to a specific subtree of the repository. The root path can be either predefined in the report template or set by the user in the Configuration (Edit) dialog box.

    • One or more criteria.

      These are imposed to produce the (initial) result set; they include, for example, restrictions on the node type, or property constraints.

The key point here is that each single node returned in the result set of the query is used to generate a single row on the report (so a 1:1 relationship).

The developer has to ensure that the query defined for a report returns a node set appropriate for that report. However, the node itself does not need to hold all the required information, this can also be derived from parent and/or child nodes. For example, the query used for the User Report selects nodes based on the node type (in this case rep:user). However, most columns on this report do not take their data directly from these nodes, but from the child nodes profile.

Processing Queue

The query returns a result set of data to be displayed as rows on the report. Each row in the result set is processed (server-side), in several phases, before being transferred to the client for display on the report.

This allows:

  • Extracting and deriving values from the underlying result set.

    For example, it lets you process two property values as a single value by calculating the difference between the two.

  • Resolving extracted values; this can be done in various ways.

    For example, paths can be mapped to a title (as in the more human-readable content of the respective jcr:title property).

  • Applying filters at various points.

  • Creating compound values, if necessary.

    For example, consisting of a text that is displayed to the user, a value to be used for sorting and an additional URL that is used (on the client side) for creating a link.

Workflow of the Processing Queue

The following workflow represents the processing queue:


Phases of the Processing Queue

Where the detailed steps and elements are:

  1. Transforms the results returned by the initial query (reportbase) into the basic result set using value extractors.

    Value extractors are automatically chosen depending on the column type. They are used for reading values from the underlying JCR Query and creating a result set from them; after which further processing may then be applied. For example, for the diff type, the value extractor reads two properties, calculates the single value that is then added to the result set. The value extractors cannot be configured.

  2. To that initial result set, containing raw data, initial filtering (raw phase) is applied.

  3. Values are preprocessed; as defined for the apply phase.

  4. Filtering (assigned to the preprocessed phase) is executed on the preprocessed values.

  5. Values are resolved; according to the defined resolver.

  6. Filtering (assigned to the resolved phase) is executed on the resolved values.

  7. Data is grouped and aggregated.

  8. Array data is resolved by converting it into a (string-based) list.

    This is an implicit step that converts a multi-value result into a list that can be displayed; it is required for (unaggregated) cell values that are based on multi-value JCR properties.

  9. Values are again preprocessed; as defined for the afterApply phase.

  10. Data is sorted.

  11. The processed data is transferred to the client.

The initial query returning the basis data result set is defined on the reportbase component.
Other elements of the processing queue are defined on the columnbase components.

Report Construction and Configuration

The following are needed to construct and configure a report:

Location of Report Components

The default reporting components are held under /libs/cq/reporting/components.

However, it is recommended that you do not update these nodes, but create your own component nodes under /apps/cq/reporting/components or if more appropriate /apps/<yourProject>/reports/components.

Where (as an example):

    N:cq [nt:folder]
        N:reporting|reports [sling:Folder]
            N:components [sling:Folder]

Under this, you create the root for your report and under this, the report base component and the column base components:

    N:cq [nt:folder]
        N:reporting|reports [sling:Folder]
            N:components [sling:Folder]
                N:<reportname> [sling:Folder]
                        N:<reportname> [cq:Component]  // report base component
                        N:<columnname> [cq:Component]  // column base component

Page Component

A report page must use the sling:resourceType of /libs/cq/reporting/components/reportpage.

A customized page component should not be necessary (usually).

Report Base Component

Each report type requires a container component derived from /libs/cq/reporting/components/reportbase.

This component acts as a container for the report as a whole and provides information for:

N:<reportname> [cq:Component]
    P:sling:resourceSuperType = "cq/reporting/components/reportbase"
    N:dialog [cq:Dialog]

Query Definition

        N:<name> // array of nodes (name irrelevant), each with the following properties:
    P:nodeTypes [String|String[]]
    P:mandatoryProperties [String|String[]
  • propertyConstraints

    Limits the result set to nodes that have specific properties with specific values. If multiple constraints are specified, the node must satisfy all of them (AND operation).

    For example:


    Would return all textimage components that were last modified by the admin user.

  • nodeTypes

    Used to limit the result set to the specified node types. Multiple node types can be specified.

  • mandatoryProperties

    Limits the result set to nodes that have all the specified properties. The value of the properties is not account for.

All are optional and can be combined as necessary, but you must define at least one of them.

Chart Definitions

        N:active [cq:WidgetCollection]
            N:<name> // array of nodes, each with the following property
                P:id   // must match the id of a child node of definitions
    N:definitions [cq:WidgetCollection]
        N:<name> // array of nodes, each with the following properties
            // additional, chart type specific configurations
  • settings

    Holds definitions for the active charts.

    • active

      As multiple settings can be defined, you can use this to define which are currently active. These are defined by an array of nodes (there is no compulsory naming convention for these nodes, but the standard reports often use 0, 1x), each having the following property:

      • id

        Identification for the active charts. This must match the id of one of the chart definitions.

  • definitions

    Defines the chart types that are potentially available for the report. The definitions to be used is specified by the active settings.

    The definitions are specified using an array of nodes (again often named 0, 1x), each having the following properties:

    • id

      The chart’s identification.

    • type

      The type of chart available. Select from:

      • pie
        Pie chart. Generated from current data only.

      • lineseries
        Series of lines (connecting dots representing the actual snapshots). Generated from historic data only.

    • Additional properties are available, dependent on the chart type:

      • for the chart type pie:

        • maxRadius ( Double/Long)

          The maximum radius allowed for the pie chart; therefore the maximum size allowed for the chart (without legend). Ignored if fixedRadius is defined.

        • minRadius ( Double/Long)

          The minimum radius allowed for the pie chart. Ignored if fixedRadius is defined.

        • fixedRadius ( Double/Long)
          Defines a fixed radius for the pie chart.

      • for the chart type lineseries:

        • totals ( Boolean)

          True if an additional line showing the Total should be shown.
          default: false

        • series ( Long)

          Number of lines/series to be shown.
          default: 9 (this is also the maximum allowed)

        • hoverLimit ( Long)

          Maximum number of aggregated snapshots (dots shown on each horizontal line, representing distinct values) for which pop-ups are to be displayed. That is, when the user does mouse over on a distinct value or corresponding label in the chart legend.

          default: 35 (that is, no pop-ups at all are shown if more than 35 distinct values are applicable for the current chart settings).

          There is an additional limit of ten pop-ups that can be shown in parallel (multiple pop-ups can be shown when mouse-over is made over the legend texts).

Configuration Dialog

Every report can have a configuration dialog, allowing the user to specify various parameters for the report. This dialog is accessible through the Edit button when the report page is open.

This dialog is a standard CQ dialog and can be configured as such (see CQ.Dialog for more information).

An example dialog can look as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jcr:root xmlns:cq="" xmlns:jcr=""
    <items jcr:primaryType="cq:WidgetCollection">
        <props jcr:primaryType="cq:Panel">
            <items jcr:primaryType="cq:WidgetCollection">
                    fieldLabel="Root path"
                    rootTitle="Repository root"

Several preconfigured components are provided; these can be referenced in the dialog, using the xtype property with a value of cqinclude:

  • title


    Text field to define the report title.

  • description


    Text area to define the report description.

  • processing


    Selector for the report’s processing mode (manually/automatically load data).

  • scheduling


    Selector for scheduling snapshots for the historic chart.

The referenced components must be included using the .infinity.json suffix (see example above).

Root Path

Also, a root path can be defined for the report:

  • rootPath

    This limits the report to a certain section (tree or subtree) of the repository, which is recommended for performance optimization. The root path is specified by the rootPath property of the report node of each report page (taken from the template upon page creation).

    It can be specified by:

    • the report template (either as a fixed value or as the default value for the configuration dialog).
    • the user (using this parameter)

Column Base Component

Each column type requires a component derived from /libs/cq/reporting/components/columnbase.

A column component defines a combination of the following:

N:<columnname> [cq:Component]
    P:sling:resourceSuperType = "cq/reporting/components/columnbase"
    N:cq:editConfig [cq:EditConfig] // <a href="#events-and-actions">Events and Actions</a>
    N:defaults // <a href="#column-default-values">Column Default Values</a>
      N:queryBuilder // <a href="#column-specific-query">Column Specific Query</a>
        P:property [String|String[]] // Column Specific Query
        P:subPath // Column Specific Query
        P:secondaryProperty [String|String[]] // Column Specific Query
        P:secondarySubPath // Column Specific Query
        P:clientFilter [String] // <a href="#client-filter">Client Filter</a>
        P:resolver // <a href="#resolvers-and-preprocessing">Resolvers and Preprocessing</a>
        N:resolverConfig // Resolvers and Preprocessing
        N:preprocessing // Resolvers and Preprocessing
      P:type // <a href="#column-specific-definitions">Column Specific Definitions</a>
      P:groupable [Boolean] // Column Specific Definitions
      N:filters [cq:WidgetCollection] // Column Specific Definitions
      N:aggregates [cq:WidgetCollection] // Column Specific Definitions

Column-Specific Query

This defines the specific data extraction (from the report data result set) for use in the individual column.

        P:property [String|String[]]
        P:secondaryProperty [String|String[]]
  • property

    Defines the property to be used for calculating the actual cell value.

    If a property is defined as String[], multiple properties are scanned (in sequence) to find the actual value.

    For example, if there is:

    property = [ "jcr:lastModified", "jcr:created" ]

    The corresponding value extractor (which is in control here):

    • Checks whether there is a jcr:lastModified property available and if so, use it.
    • If no jcr:lastModified property is available, the contents of jcr:created are used instead.
  • subPath

    If the result is not on the node that is returned by the query, subPath defines where the property is located.

  • secondaryProperty

    A second property that must be used for calculating the actual cell value. This definition is only used for certain column types (diff and sortable).

    For example, if there is the Workflow Instances Report, the property specified is used to store the actual value of the time difference (in milliseconds) between start and end times.

  • secondarySubPath

    Similar to subPath, when secondaryProperty is used.

Usually, only property is used.

Client Filter

The client filter extracts the information to be displayed from the data returned by the server.

This filter is run client-side, after the entire server-side processing has been applied.
        P:clientFilter [String]

The clientFilter is a JavaScript function that:

  • as input, receives one parameter; the data returned from the server (so fully preprocessed)
  • as output, returns the filtered (processed) value; the data extracted or derived from the input information

The following example extracts the corresponding page path from a component path:

function(v) {
    var sepPos = v.lastIndexOf('/jcr:content');
    if (sepPos < 0) {
        return v;
    return v.substring(sepPos + '/jcr:content'.length, v.length);

Resolvers and Preprocessing

The processing queue defines the various resolvers and configures the preprocessing:

  • resolver

    Defines the resolver to be used. The following resolvers are available:

    • const

      Maps values to other values; for example, this is used to resolve constants such as en to its equivalent value English.

    • default

      The default resolver. This is a dummy resolver that actually resolves nothing.

    • page

      Resolves a path value to the path of the appropriate page; more precisely, to the corresponding jcr:content node. For example, /content/.../page/jcr:content/par/xyz is resolved to /content/.../page/jcr:content.

    • path

      Resolves a path value by optionally appending a subpath and taking the actual value from a property of the node (as defined by resolverConfig) at the resolved path. For example, a path of /content/.../page/jcr:content can be resolved to the content of the jcr:title property, this would mean that a page path is resolved to the page title.

    • pathextension

      Resolves a value by prepending a path and taking the actual value from a property of the node at the resolved path. For example, a value de might be prepended by a path such as /libs/wcm/core/resources/languages, taking the value from the property language, to resolve the country code de to the language description German.

  • resolverConfig

    Provides definitions for the resolver. The options available depend on the resolver selected:

    • const

      Use properties to specify the constants for resolving. The name of the property defines the constant to be resolved; the value of the property defines the resolved value.

      For example, a property with Name= 1 and Value =One resolves 1 to One.

    • default

      No configuration available.

    • page

      • propertyName (optional)

        Defines the name of the property that should be used for resolving the value. If not specified, the default value of jcr:title (the page title) is used; for the page resolver, this means that first the path is resolved to the page path, then further resolved to the page title.

    • path

      • propertyName (optional)

        Specifies the name of the property that should be used for resolving the value. If not specified, the default value of jcr:title is used.

      • subPath (optional)

        This property can be used to specify a suffix to be appended to the path before the value is resolved.

    • pathextension

      • path (mandatory)

        Defines the path to be prepended.

      • propertyName (mandatory)

        Defines the property on the resolved path where the actual value is located.

      • i18n (optional; type Boolean)

        Determines whether the resolved value should be internationalized (that is, using CQ5’s internationalization services).

  • preprocessing

    Preprocessing is optional and can be bound (separately) to the processing phases apply or applyAfter:


The resolvers are used to extract the information required. Examples of the various resolvers are:


The following resolves a constant value of VersionCreated to the string New version created.

See /libs/cq/reporting/components/auditreport/typecol/definitions/data.

        P:VersionCreated="New version created"


Resolves a path value to the jcr:description property on the jcr:content (child) node of the corresponding page.

See /libs/cq/reporting/components/compreport/pagecol/definitions/data.



The following resolves a path of /content/.../page to the content of the jcr:title property, this would mean that a page path is resolved to the page title.

See /libs/cq/reporting/components/auditreport/pagecol/definitions/data.


Path Extension

The following prepends a value de with the path extension /libs/wcm/core/resources/languages, then takes the value from the property language, to resolve the country code de to the language description German.

See /libs/cq/reporting/components/userreport/languagecol/definitions/data.



The preprocessing definition can be applied to either the:

  • original value:

    The preprocessing definition for the original value is specified on apply and/or applyAfter directly.

  • value in its aggregated state:

    If necessary, a separate definition can be provided for each aggregation.

    To specify explicit preprocessing for aggregated values, the preprocessing definitions have to reside on a respective aggregated child node ( apply/aggregated, applyAfter/aggregated). If explicit preprocessing for distinct aggregates is required, the preprocessing definition is on a child node with the name of the respective aggregate (for example, apply/aggregated/min/max or other aggregates).

You can specify either of the following to be used during preprocessing:

  • find and replace patterns
    When found, the specified pattern (which is defined as a regular expression) is replaced by another pattern; for example, this can be used to extract a substring of the original.

  • data type formatters

    Converts a numeric value into a relative string; for example, the value ``representing a time difference of one hour would be resolved to a string such as 1:24PM (1 hour ago).

For example:

                P:pattern         // regex
                P:replace         // replacement for regex
                // and/or
                P:format          // data type formatter

Preprocessing - Find and Replace Patterns

For preprocessing you can specify a pattern (defined as a regular expression or regex) that is located and then substituted by the replace pattern:

  • pattern

    The regular expression that is used to locate a substring.

  • replace

    The string, or representation of the string, that is used as a replacement for the original string. Often this represents a substring of the string located by the regular expression pattern.

An example replacement can be broken down as:

  • For the node definitions/data/preprocessing/apply with the following two properties:

    • pattern: (.*)(/jcr:content)(/|$)(.*)
    • replace: $1
  • A string arriving as:

    • /content/geometrixx/en/services/jcr:content/par/text
  • Broken into four sections:

    • $1 - (.*) - /content/geometrixx/en/services
    • $2 - (/jcr:content) - /jcr:content
    • $3 - (/|$) - /
    • $4 - (.*) - par/text
  • And replaced with the string represented by $1:

    • /content/geometrixx/en/services

Preprocessing - Data Type Formatters

These formatters convert a numeric value into a relative string.

For example, this can be used for a time column that allows min, avg and max aggregates. As min/ avg/ max aggregates are displayed as a time difference (for example, 10 days ago), they require a data formatter. For this, a datedelta formatter is applied to the min/ avg/ max aggregated values. If a count aggregate is also available, this does not need a formatter, neither does the original value.

Currently the available data type formatters are:

  • format

    Data type formatter:

    • duration

      Duration is the time span between two defined dates. For example, the start and end of a workflow action that took one hour, starting at 2/13/11 11:23h and ending one hour later at 2/13/11 12:23h.

      It converts a numeric value (interpreted as milliseconds) into a duration string; for example, 30000 is formatted as * 30s.*

    • datedelta

      Datadelta is the time span between a date in the past until “now” (so it has a different result if the report is viewed at a later point in time).

      It converts the numeric value (interpreted as a time difference in days) into a relative date string. For example, 1 is formatted as one day ago.

The following example defines datedelta formatting for min and max aggregates:

                        P:format = "datedelta"
                        P:format = "datedelta"

Column-Specific Definitions

The column-specific definitions define the filters and aggregates available for that column.

    P:groupable [Boolean]
    N:filters [cq:WidgetCollection]
        N:<name> // array of nodes (names irrelevant) with the following properties:
    N:aggregates [cq:WidgetCollection]
        N:<name> // array of nodes (names irrelevant) with the following properties:
  • type

    The following are available as standard options:

    • string

    • number

    • int

    • date

    • diff

    • timeslot

      Used for extracting parts of a date needed for aggregation (for example, group by year to get data aggregated for each year).

    • sortable

      Used for values that use different values (as taken from different properties) for sorting and displaying.

    In addition, any of the above can be defined as multi value; for example, string[] defines an array of strings.

    The value extractor is chosen by the column type. If a value extractor is available for a column type, then this extractor is used. Otherwise, the default value extractor is used.

    A type may (optionally) take a parameter. For example, timeslot:year extracts the year from a date field. Types with their parameters:

    • timeslot - The values are comparable to the corresponding constants of java.utils.Calendar.

      • timeslot:year - Calendar.YEAR
      • timeslot:month-of-year - Calendar.MONTH
      • timeslot:week-of-year - Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR
      • timeslot:day-of-month - Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH
      • timeslot:day-of-week - Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK
      • timeslot:day-of-year - Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR
      • timeslot:hour-of-day - Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY
      • timeslot:minute-of-hour - Calendar.MINUTE
  • groupable

    Defines whether the report can be grouped by this column.

  • filters

    Filter definitions.

    • filterType

      Available filters are:

      • string

        A string-based filter.

    • id

      Filter identifier.

    • phase

      Available phases:

      • raw

        The filter is applied on raw data.

      • preprocessed

        The filter is applied on preprocessed data.

      • resolved

        The filter is applied on resolved data.

  • aggregates

    Aggregate definitions.

    • text

      Textual name of the aggregate. If text is not specified, then it takes the default description of the aggregate. For example, minimum is used for the min aggregate.

    • type

      Aggregate type. Available aggregates are:

      • count

        Counts the number of rows.

      • count-nonempty

        Counts the number of non-empty rows.

      • min

        It provides the minimum value.

      • max

        It provides the maximum value.

      • average

        It provides the average value.

      • sum

        It provides the sum of all values.

      • median

        It provides the median value.

      • percentile95

        Uses the 95th percentile of all values.

Column Default Values

Defines default values for the column:


Events and Actions

Edit Configuration defines the necessary events for the listeners to detect and the actions to be applied after those events occurs. See the introduction to component development for background information.

The following values must be defined to ensure that all required actions are catered for:

N:cq:editConfig [cq:EditConfig]
    P:cq:actions [String[]] = "insert", "delete"
    P:cq:dialogMode = "floating"
    P:cq:layout = "auto"
    N:cq:listeners [cq:EditListenersConfig]
        P:aftercreate = "REFRESH_INSERTED"
        P:afterdelete = "REFRESH_SELF"
        P:afteredit = "REFRESH_SELF"
        P:afterinsert = "REFRESH_INSERTED"
        P:aftermove = "REFRESH_SELF"
        P:afterremove = "REFRESH_SELF"

Generic Columns

Generic columns are an extension where (most of) the column definitions are stored on the instance of the column node (rather than the component node).

They use a (standard) dialog box that you can customize for the individual generic component. This dialog box lets the report user define the column properties of a generic column on the report page (using the menu option Column properties…).

An example is the Generic column of the User Report. See /libs/cq/reporting/components/userreport/genericcol.

To make a column generic:

  • Set the type property of the column’s definition node to generic.

    See /libs/cq/reporting/components/userreport/genericcol/definitions

  • Specify a (standard) dialog definition under the column’s definition node.

    See /libs/cq/reporting/components/userreport/genericcol/definitions/dialog

    • The fields of the dialog box must refer to the same names as the corresponding component property, including its path.

      For example, if you want to make the type of the generic column configurable through the dialog, use a field with the name of ./definitions/type.

    • Properties defined using the UI/dialog take precedence over those defined on the columnbase component.

  • Define the Edit Configuration.

    See /libs/cq/reporting/components/userreport/genericcol/cq:editConfig

  • Use standard AEM methodologies to define (additional) column properties.

    For properties that are defined on both the component and column instances, the value on the column instance takes precedence.

    Properties available for a generic column are:

    • jcr:title - column name
    • definitions/aggregates - aggregates
    • definitions/filters - filters
    • definitions/type- the type of the column (this must be defined in the dialog, either using a selector/combobox or a hidden field)
    • definitions/data/resolver and definitions/data/resolverConfig (but not definitions/data/preprocessing or .../clientFilter) - the resolver and configuration
    • definitions/queryBuilder - the query builder configuration
    • defaults/aggregate - the default aggregate

    If there is a new instance of the generic column on the User Report, the properties defined with the dialog are persisted under:


Report Design

The design defines which column types are available for creating a report. It also defines the paragraph system to which the columns are added.

Adobe recommends that you create an individual design for each report. Doing so ensures full flexibility. See Defining Your New Report.

The default reporting components are held under /etc/designs/reports.

The location for your reports can depend on where your components are located:

  • /etc/designs/reports/<yourReport> is suitable if the report is under /apps/cq/reporting

  • /etc/designs/<yourProject>/reports/<*yourReport*> for reports using the /apps/<yourProject>/reports pattern

Required design properties are registered on jcr:content/reportpage/report/columns (for example, /etc/designs/reports/<reportName>/jcr:content/reportpage/report/columns):

  • components

    Any components and/or component groups that are allowed on the report.

  • sling:resourceType

    Property with value cq/reporting/components/repparsys.

An example design snippet (taken from the design of the component report) is:

<!-- ... -->
        jcr:title="Component Report"
        <reportpage jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
            <report jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
                    components="group:Component Report"/>
<!-- ... -->

Specifying designs for individual columns is not required. Available columns can be defined in design mode.

Adobe recommends that you do not change the standard report designs. This is to ensure that you do not lose any changes when upgrading or installing hotfixes.
Copy the report and its design if you want to customize a standard report.
Default columns can be created automatically when a report is created. These are specified in the template.

Report Template

Each report type must provide a template. These are standard CQ Templates and can be configured as such.

The template must:

  • set the sling:resourceType to cq/reporting/components/reportpage

  • indicate the design to be used

  • create a report child node that references the container ( reportbase) component with the sling:resourceType property

An example template snippet (taken from the component report template) is:

<!-- ... -->
<!-- .. -->

An example template snippet, showing the definition of the root path (taken from the user report template), is:

<!-- ... -->
<!-- .. -->

The default reporting templates are held under /libs/cq/reporting/templates.

However, Adobe recommends that you do not update these nodes. Instead, create your own component nodes under /apps/cq/reporting/templates or if more appropriate /apps/<yourProject>/reports/templates.

Where, as an example (see also Location of Report Components):

    N:cq [nt:folder]
        N:reporting|reports [sling:Folder]
            N:templates [sling:Folder]

Under this, create the root for your template:

    N:cq [nt:folder]
        N:reporting|reports [sling:Folder]
            N:templates [sling:Folder]
                N:<reportname> [sling:Folder]

Creating Your Own Report - An Example

Defining Your New Report

To define a report, create and configure:

  1. The root for your report components.
  2. The report base component.
  3. One, or more, column base components.
  4. The report design.
  5. The root for your report template.
  6. The report template.

To illustrate these steps, the following example defines a report that lists all OSGi configurations within the repository. That is, all instances of the sling:OsgiConfig node.

Copying an existing report, then customizing the new version, is an alternative method.
  1. Create the root node for your new report.

    For example, under /apps/cq/reporting/components/osgireport.

    N:cq [nt:folder]
        N:reporting [sling:Folder]
            N:components [sling:Folder]
                N:osgireport [sling:Folder]
  2. Define your report base. For example, osgireport[cq:Component] under /apps/cq/reporting/components/osgireport.

    N:osgireport [sling:Folder]
        N:osgireport [cq:Component]
            P:sling:resourceSuperType [String] = "cq/reporting/components/reportbase"
            N:charting [nt:unstructured]
                N:settings [nt:unstructured]
                    N:active [cq:WidgetCollection]
                        N:0 [nt:unstructured]
                            P:id [String] = "pie"
                        N:1 [nt:unstructured]
                            P:id [String] = "lineseries"
                N:definitions [cq:WidgetCollections]
                    N:0 [nt:unstructured]
                        P:id [String] = "pie"
                        P:maxRadius [Long] = 180
                        P:type [String] = "pie"
                    N:1 [nt:unstructured]
                        P:id [String] = "lineseries"
                        P:type [String] = "lineseries"
            N:dialog [cq:Dialog]
                P:height [Long] = 424
                N:items [cq:WidgetCollection]
                    N:props [cq:Panel]
                        N:items [cq:WidgetCollection]
                            N:title [cq:Widget]
                                P:path [String] = "/libs/cq/reporting/components/commons/title.infinity.json"
                                P:xtype [String] = "cqinclude"
                            N:description [cq:Widget]
                                P:path [String] = "/libs/cq/reporting/components/commons/description.infinity.json"
                                P:xtype [String] = "cqinclude"
                            N:rootPath [cq:Widget]
                                P:fieldLabel [String] = "Root path"
                                P:name [String] = "./report/rootPath"
                                P:xtype [String] = "pathfield"
                            N:processing [cq:Widget]
                                P:path [String] = "/libs/cq/reporting/components/commons/processing.infinity.json"
                                P:xtype [String] = "cqinclude"
                            N:scheduling [cq:Widget]
                                P:path [String] = "/libs/cq/reporting/components/commons/scheduling.infinity.json"
                                P:xtype [String] = "cqinclude"
            N:queryBuilder [nt:unstructured]
                P:nodeTypes [String[]] = "sling:OsgiConfig"

    This defines a report base component that:

    • searches for all nodes of type sling:OsgiConfig
    • displays both pie and lineseries charts
    • provides a dialog for the user to configure the report
  3. Define your first column (columnbase) component. For example, bundlecol[cq:Component] under /apps/cq/reporting/components/osgireport.

    N:osgireport [sling:Folder]
        N:bundlecol [cq:Component]
            P:componentGroup [String] = "OSGi Report"
            P:jcr:title = "Bundle"
            P:sling:resourceSuperType [String] = "cq/reporting/components/columnbase"
            N:cq:editConfig [cq:EditConfig]
                P:cq:actions [String[]] = "insert", "delete"
                P:cq:dialogMode [String] = "floating"
                P:cq:layout [String] = "auto"
                N:cq:listeners [cq:EditListenersConfig]
                    P:aftercreate [String] "REFRESH_INSERTED"
                    P:afterdelete [String] "REFRESH_SELF"
                    P:afteredit [String] "REFRESH_SELF"
                    P:afterinsert [String] "REFRESH_INSERTED"
                    P:aftermove [String] "REFRESH_SELF"
                    P:afterremove [String] "REFRESH_SELF"
            N:defaults [nt:unstructured]
                P:aggregate [String] = "count"
            N:definitions [nt:unstructured]
                P:groupable [Boolean] = false
                P:type [String] = "string"
                N:queryBuilder [nt:unstructured]
                    P:property [String] = "jcr:path"

    This defines a columnbase component that:

    • searches for and returns the value that it receives from the server; in this case the property jcr:path for every sling:OsgiConfig node
    • provides the count aggregate
    • is not groupable
    • has the title Bundle (column title within the table)
    • is in the sidekick group OSGi Report
    • refreshes on specified events
    In this example, there are no definitions of N:data and P:clientFilter. This is because the value received from the server is returned on a 1:1 basis - which is the default behavior.
    This is the same as the definitions:
    N:data [nt:unstructured]
      P:clientFilter [String] = "function(v) { return v; }"
    Where the function simply returns the value that it receives.
  4. Define your report design. For example, osgireport[cq:Page] under /etc/designs/reports.

    N:osgireport [cq:Page]
        N:jcr:content [nt:unstructured]
            P:jcr:title [String] = "OSGi report"
            P:sling:resourceType [String] = "wcm/core/components/designer"
            N:reportpage [nt:unstructured]
                N:report [nt:unstructured]
                    N:columns [nt:unstructured]
                        P:components [String] = "group:OSGi Report"
                        P:sling:resourceType [String] = "cq/reporting/components/repparsys"
  5. Create the root node for your new report template.

    For example, under /apps/cq/reporting/templates/osgireport.

    N:cq [nt:folder]
        N:reporting [sling:Folder]
            N:templates [sling:Folder]
                N:osgireport [cq:Template]
  6. Define your report template. For example, osgireport[cq:Template] under /apps/cq/reporting/templates.

    N:osgireport [cq:Template]
        P:allowedPaths [String[]] = "/etc/reports(/.*)?"
        P:jcr:description [String] = "Use this report generator to create an OSGi report."
        P:jcr:title [String] = "OSGi Report Template"
        P:ranking [Long] = 100
        P:shortTitle [String] = "OSGi Report"
        N:jcr:content [cq:PageContent]
            P:cq:designPath [String] = "/etc/designs/reports/osgireport"
            P:sling:resourceType [String] = "cq/reporting/components/reportpage"
            N:report [nt:unstructured]
                P:rootPath [String] = "/"
                P:sling:resourceType [String] = "cq/reporting/components/osgireport/osgireport"
        N:thumbnail.png [nt:file]

    This defines a template that:

    • defines the allowedPaths for the resulting reports - in the above case anywhere under /etc/reports
    • provides titles and descriptions for the template
    • provides a thumbnail image for use in the template list (the full definition of this node is not listed above - it is easiest to copy an instance of thumbnail.png from an existing report).

Creating an Instance of Your New Report

An instance of your new report can now be created:

  1. Open the Tools console.

  2. Select Reports in the left-hand pane.

  3. Then New… from the toolbar. Define a Title and Name, select your new report type (the OSGi Report Template) from the list of templates, then click Create.

  4. Your new report instance appears in the list. Double-click this to open.

  5. Drag a component (for this example, Bundle in the OSGi Report group) from the sidekick to create the first column and start the report definition.

    As this example does not have any groupable columns, the charts are not available. To see charts, set groupable to true:
    N:osgireport [sling:Folder]
     N:bundlecol [cq:Component]
     N:definitions [nt:unstructured]
     P:groupable [Boolean] = true

Configuring the Report Framework Services

This section describes advanced configuration options for the OSGi services that implement the report framework.

These can be viewed using the Configuration menu of the web console (available at http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr, for example). When working with AEM, there are several methods of managing the configuration settings for such services; see Configuring OSGi for more details and the recommended practices.

Basic Service (Day CQ Reporting Configuration)

  • Timezone defines the timezone historic data is created for. This is to ensure that the historic chart displays the same data for each user around the globe.

  • Locale defines the locale to be used with Timezone for historic data. The locale is used to determine some locale-specific calendar settings (for example, whether the first day of a week is Sunday or Monday).

  • Snapshot path defines the root path where snapshots for historic charts are stored.

  • Path to reports defines the path where reports are located. This is used by the snapshot service to determine the reports to actually take snapshots for.

  • Daily snapshots defines the hour of each day when daily snapshots are taken. The specified hour is in the local timezone of the server.

  • Hourly snapshots defines the minute of each hour when hourly snapshots are taken.

  • Rows (max) defines the maximum number of rows that are stored for each snapshot. This value should be chosen reasonably. If it is too high, this affects the size of the repository, if too low, data may not be accurate because of the way historic data is handled.

  • Fake data, if enabled, fake historic data can be created by using the fakedata selector; if disabled, then use of the fakedata selector throws an exception.

    Because the data is fake, it must only be used for testing and debugging purposes.

    Using the fakedata selector finishes the report implicitly, so all existing data is lost. Data can be restored manually, but this can be a time-consuming process.

  • Snapshot user defines an optional user that can be used for taking snapshots.

    Basically, snapshots are taken for the user that has finished the report. There might be situations (for example, on a publish system, where this user is nonexistent as their account has not been replicated) where you want to specify a fallback user that is used instead.

    Also, specifying a user might impose a security risk.

  • Enforce snapshot user, if enabled, all snapshots are taken with the user specified under Snapshot user. This might have a serious security impact if not handled correctly.

Cache Settings (Day CQ Reporting Cache)

  • Enable lets you enable or disable the caching of report data. Enabling the report cache keeps report data in memory during several requests. This may boost performance, but leads to higher memory consumption and may, in extreme circumstances, lead to out-of-memory situations.
  • TTL defines the time (in seconds) for which report data is cached. A higher number boosts performance, but may also return inaccurate data if the data changes within the time period.
  • Max entries defines the maximum number of reports to be cached at any one time.
Report data may be different for each user and language. Therefore report data is cached per report, user, and language. This means that a Max entries value of 2 actually caches data for either:
  • one report for two users with different language settings
  • one user and two reports

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