Extracting Strings for Translating extracting-strings-for-translating
Use xgettext-maven-plugin to extract strings from your source code that need translating. The Maven plugin extracts strings to an XLIFF file that you send for translating. Strings are extracted from the following locations:
- Java source files
- JavaScript source files
- XML representations of SVN resources (JCR Nodes)
Configuring String Extraction configuring-string-extraction
Configure how the xgettext-maven-plugin tool extracts strings for your project.
/filter { }
/parsers {
/vaultxml { }
/javascript { }
/regexp {
/files {
/java { }
/jsp { }
/extjstemplate { }
/potentials { }
Identifying the Files to Parse identifying-the-files-to-parse
The /filter section of the i18n.any file identifies the files that the xgettext-maven-plugin tool parses. Add several include and exclude rules that identify files that are parsed and ignored, respectively. You should include all files and then exclude the files that you do not want to parse. Typically, you exclude file types that do not contribute to the UI, or files that define UI but are not being translated. The include and exclude rules have the following format:
{ /include "pattern" }
{ /exclude "pattern" }
The pattern part of a rule is used to match the names of the files to include or exclude. The pattern prefix indicate whether you are matching a JCR node (its representation in Vault) or the file system.
When used within a pattern, the / character indicates a subdirectory and the * character matches all. The following table lists several example rules.
Extracting the Strings extracting-the-strings
no POM:
mvn -N com.adobe.granite.maven:xgettext-maven-plugin:1.2.2:extract -Dxgettext.verbose=true -Dxgettext.target=out -Dxgettext.rules=i18n.any -Dxgettext.root=.
With POM: Add this to POM:
the command:
mvn xgettext:extract
Output Files output-files
: extracted strings -
: warnings (if any), ifCQ.I18n.getMessage()
API is used incorrectly. These always need a fix and then a re-run. -
: parser warnings (if any), for example, js parser issues -
: “potential” candidates that are not extracted, but might be human readable strings that need translation (can be ignored, still produces a huge amount of false positives) -
: flattened xliff file, to be imported into ALF -
: allows for quick lookup of source code locations for a given string