OAuth configuration for the existing AMS and On prem users

The below steps can be performed by the system admin in CRXDE. AMS customer may reach out to the Adobe representative or submit a support ticket following the support process.

  1. Add or update the below properties in com.adobe.granite.auth.oauth.accesstoken.provider.<randomnumbers>.config:

    • auth.token.provider.authorization.grants="client_credentials"
    • auth.token.provider.orgId="<OrgID>"
    • auth.token.provider.default.claims=("\"iss\"\ :\ \"<OrgID>\"")
    • auth.token.provider.scope="read_pc.dma_smart_content,\ openid,\ AdobeID,\ additional_info.projectedProductContext"
    • Update the auth.token.provider.client.id with the Client ID of the new OAuth configuration.
    • Update auth.access.token.request to "https://ims-na1.adobelogin.com/ims/token/v3"
  2. Rename the file to com.adobe.granite.auth.oauth.accesstoken.provider-<randomnumber>.config.

    Replace dot (.) with hyphen (-) as a prefix to <randomnumber>.
  3. Perform the steps below in com.adobe.granite.auth.ims.impl.IMSAccessTokenRequestCustomizerImpl.<randomnumber>.config:

    • Update the property auth.ims.client.secret with the Client Secret from the new OAuth integration.
    • Rename the file to com.adobe.granite.auth.ims.impl.IMSAccessTokenRequestCustomizerImpl-<randomnumber>.config
  4. Save all the changes in the content repository development console, for example, CRXDE.

  5. In System/console/configMgr, you can see both older and new configuration files. Delete the older configurations for com.adobe.granite.auth.ims.impl.IMSAccessTokenRequestCustomizerImpl and Access Token provider name adobe-ims-similaritysearch. Ensure that the updated configuration only is in place, rather than the older configurations.

  6. Restart the console.

Validate the configuration

After you have completed the configuration, you can use a JMX MBean to validate the configuration. To validate, follow these steps.

  1. Access your Experience Manager server at https://[aem_server]:[port].

  2. Go to Tools > Operations > Web Console to open the OSGi console. Click Main > JMX.

  3. Click com.day.cq.dam.similaritysearch.internal.impl. It opens SimilaritySearch Miscellaneous Tasks.

  4. Click validateConfigs(). In the Validate Configurations dialog, click Invoke.

The validation results are displayed in the same dialog.

If unsupported_grant_type error occurs, then try installing the Granite hotfix. Refer to migration from Service Account (JWT) to OAuth Server-to-Server credentials.

Integrate with Adobe Developer Console

As a new user, when you integrate with Adobe Developer Console, the Experience Manager server authenticates your service credentials with the Adobe Developer Console gateway before forwarding your request to the Smart Content Service. To integrate, you need an Adobe ID account that has administrator privileges for the organization and a Smart Content Service license purchased and enabled for your organization.

To configure the Smart Content Service, follow these top-level steps:

  1. To generate a public key, create a Smart Content Service configuration in Experience Manager. Download a public certificate for OAuth integration.

  2. [Not applicable if you are an existing user] create an integration in Adobe Developer Console.

  3. Configure your deployment using the API key and other credentials from Adobe Developer Console.

  4. Test the configuration.

Download a public certificate by creating Smart Content Service configuration

A public certificate lets you authenticate your profile on the Adobe Developer Console.

  1. In the Experience Manager user interface, access Tools > Cloud Services > Legacy Cloud Services.

  2. In the Cloud Services page, click Configure Now under Assets Smart Tags.

  3. In the Create Configuration dialog, specify a title and name for the Smart Tags configuration. Click Create.

  4. In the AEM Smart Content Service dialog, use the following values:

    Service URL: https://smartcontent.adobe.io/<region where your Experience Manager author instance is hosted>

    For example, https://smartcontent.adobe.io/apac. You can specify na, emea, or, apac as the regions where your Experience Manager author instance is hosted.

    If the Experience Manager Managed Service is provisioned before September 01, 2022, use the following Service URL:

    Authorization Server: https://ims-na1.adobelogin.com

    Leave the other fields blank for now (to be provided later). Click OK.

    Experience Manager Smart Content Service dialog to provide content service URL

    Figure: Smart Content Service dialog to provide content service URL

    The URL provided as Service URL is not accessible via the browser and generates a 404 error. The configuration works OK with the same value of the Service URL parameter. For the overall service status and maintenance schedule, see https://status.adobe.com.
  5. Click Download Public Certificate for OAuth Integration, and download the public certificate file AEM-SmartTags.crt. Moreover, you are no longer required to upload this certificate in the Adobe Developer console.

    A representation of the settings created for the smart tagging service

    Figure: Settings for smart tagging service.

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