Step 1: Create Bill Details text Document Fragment

The Bill Details Document Fragment includes the following fields:

FieldData Source
Invoice NoAgent UI
Bill PeriodAgent UI
Bill DateAgent UI
Your PlanForm data model

To create variables for fields with Agent UI as the data source, create static text, and use form data model elements in the Document Fragment, do the following:

  1. Select Forms > Document Fragments.

  2. Select Create > Text.

  3. Specify the following information:

    1. Enter bill_details_first_ic as the name in the Title field. The title gets auto-populated in the Name field.

    2. Select Form Data Model from the Data Model section.

    3. Select FDM_Create_First_IC as the form data model and select Select.

    4. Select Next.

  4. Select the Variables tab in the left pane and select Create.

  5. In the Create Variable section:

    1. Enter Invoicenumber as the name of the variable.
    2. Select String as the type.
    3. Select Create.

    Create variable of String type

    Repeat steps 4 and 5 to create the following variables:

    • Billperiod: String type
    • BillDate: Date type

    Bill Details

  6. Create static text for the following fields using the right pane:

    • Invoice No
    • Bill Period
    • Bill Date
    • Your Plan

    Static text

  7. Place the cursor next to the Invoice No field and double-click the InvoiceNumber variable from the Variables tab in the left pane.

  8. Place the cursor next to the Bill Period field and double-click the Billperiod variable.

  9. Place the cursor next to the Bill Date field and double-click the Bill Date variable.

  10. Select the Data Model Objects tab in the left pane.

  11. Place the cursor next to the Your Plan field and double-click the customer > customerplan property.


  12. Click Save to create the Bill Details text Document Fragment.

Step 2: Create Customer Details text Document Fragment

The Customer Details Document Fragment includes the following fields:

FieldData Source
Customer nameForm data model
AddressForm data model
Place of SupplyAgent UI
State CodeAgent UI
Mobile NumberForm data model
Alternate Contact NumberForm data model
Relationship NumberForm data model
Number of ConnectionsAgent UI

To create variables for fields with Agent UI as the data source, create static text, and use form data model elements in the Document Fragment, do the following:

  1. Select Forms > Document Fragments.

  2. Select Create > Text.

  3. Specify the following information:

    1. Enter customer_details_first_ic as the name in the Title field. The title gets auto-populated in the Name field.

    2. Select Form Data Model from the Data Model section.

    3. Select FDM_Create_First_IC as the form data model and select Select.

    4. Select Next.

  4. Select the Variables tab in the left pane and select Create.

  5. In the Create Variable section:

    1. Enter Placesupply as the name of the variable.
    2. Select String as the type.
    3. Select Create.

    Repeat steps 4 and 5 to create the following variables:

    • Statecode: Number type
    • Numberconnections: Number type
  6. Select the Data Model Objects tab, place the cursor in the right pane, and double-click the customer > name property.

  7. Press Enter to move the cursor to the next line and double-click the customer > address property.

  8. Create static text for the following fields using the right pane:

    • Mobile Number
    • Alternate Contact Number
    • Place of Supply
    • Relationship Number
    • State Code
    • Number of connections

    Customer details static text

  9. Place the cursor next to the Mobile Number field and double-click the customer > mobilenum property.

  10. Place the cursor next to the Alternate Contact Number field and double-click the** customer** > alternatemobilenumber property.

  11. Place the cursor next to the Relationship Number field and double-click the customer > relationshipnumber property.

  12. Select the Variables tab, place the cursor next to the Place of Supply field and double-click the Placesupply variable.

  13. Place the cursor next to the State Code field and double-click the Statecode variable.

  14. Place the cursor next to the Number of Connections field and double-click the Numberconnections variable.

    Customer details

  15. Click Save to create the Customer Details text Document Fragment.

Step 3: Create Bill Summary text Document Fragment

The Bill Summary Document Fragment includes the following fields:

FieldData Source
Previous BalanceAgent UI
PaymentsAgent UI
AdjustmentsAgent UI
Charges current bill periodForm data model
Amount DueAgent UI
Due DateAgent UI

To create variables for fields with Agent UI as the data source, create static text, and use form data model elements in the Document Fragment, do the following:

  1. Select Forms > Document Fragments.

  2. Select Create > Text.

  3. Specify the following information:

    1. Enter bill_summary_first_ic as the name in the Title field. The title gets auto-populated in the Name field.

    2. Select Form Data Model from the Data Model section.

    3. Select FDM_Create_First_IC as the form data model and select Select.

    4. Select Next.

  4. Select the Variables tab in the left pane and select Create.

  5. In the Create Variable section:

    1. Enter Previousbalance as the name of the variable.
    2. Select Number as type.
    3. Select Create.

    Repeat steps 4 and 5 to create the following variables:

    • Payments: Number type
    • Adjustments: Number type
    • Amountdue: Number type
    • Duedate: Date type
  6. Create static text for the following fields using the right pane:

    • Previous Balance
    • Payments
    • Adjustments
    • Charges current bill period
    • Amount Due
    • Due Date
    • Late payment charges after the Due Date is $ 20

    Bill Summary static text

  7. Place the cursor next to the Previous Balance field and double-click the Previousbalance variable.

  8. Place the cursor next to the Payments field and double-click the Payments variable.

  9. Place the cursor next to the Adjustments field and double-click the Adjustments variable.

  10. Place the cursor next to the Amount Due field and double-click the Amountdue variable.

  11. Place the cursor next to the Due Date field and double-click the Duedate variable.

  12. Select the Data Model Objects tab, place the cursor next to the Charges current bill period field in the right pane, and double-click the bills > usagecharges property.

    Bill summary

  13. Click Save to create the Customer Details text Document Fragment.

Step 4: Create Summary of charges text Document Fragment

The Summary of charges Document Fragment includes the following fields:

FieldData Source
Call ChargesForm data model
Conference Call ChargesForm data model
SMS ChargesForm data model
Mobile Internet ChargesForm data model
National Roaming ChargesForm data model
International Roaming ChargesForm data model
Value Added Services ChargesForm data model
Total ChargesForm data model
TOTAL PAYABLEForm data model

To create static text and use form data model elements in the Document Fragment, do the following:

  1. Select Forms > Document Fragments.

  2. Select Create > Text.

  3. Specify the following information:

    1. Enter summary_charges_first_ic as the name in the Title field. The title gets auto-populated in the Name field.

    2. Select Form Data Model from the Data Model section.

    3. Select FDM_Create_First_IC as the form data model and select Select.

    4. Select Next.

  4. Create static text for the following fields using the right pane:

    • Call Charges
    • Conference Call Charges
    • SMS Charges
    • Mobile Internet Charges
    • National Roaming Charges
    • International Roaming Charges
    • Value Added Services Charges
    • Total Charges

    Summary Charges

  5. Select the Data Model Objects tab.

  6. Place the cursor next to the Call Charges field and double-click the bills > callcharges property.

  7. Place the cursor next to the Conference Call Charges field and double-click the bills > confcallcharges property.

  8. Place the cursor next to the SMS Charges field and double-click the bills > smscharges property.

  9. Place the cursor next to the Mobile Internet Charges field and double-click the bills > internetcharges property.

  10. Place the cursor next to the National Roaming Charges field and double-click the bills > roamingnational property.

  11. Place the cursor next to the International Roaming Charges field and double-click the bills > roamingintnl property.

  12. Place the cursor next to the Value Added Services Charges field and double-click the bills > vas property.

  13. Place the cursor next to the Total Charges field and double-click the bills > usagecharges property.

  14. Place the cursor next to the TOTAL PAYABLE field and double-click the bills > usagecharges property.

    Summary of Charges

  15. Select the text in the Value Added Services Charges row and select Create Rule to create a condition based on which the row is displayed in the Interactive Communication:

  16. On the Create Rule pop-up window:

    1. Select Data Models and Variables and then bills > callcharges.

    2. Select is less than as the operator.

    3. Select Number and enter the value as 60.

    Based on this condition, the Value Added Services Charges row is displayed only if the value for the Call Charges field is less than 60.


  17. Click Save to create the Summary of charges text Document Fragment.

Experience Manager