XFA support in XDP-based adaptive forms xfa-support-in-xdp-based-adaptive-forms

Introduction introduction

Adobe recommends using the modern and extensible data capture Core Componentsfor creating new Adaptive Formsor adding Adaptive Forms to AEM Sites pages. These components represent a significant advancement in Adaptive Forms creation, ensuring impressive user experiences. This article describes older approach to author Adaptive Forms using foundation components.

Adaptive forms supports various XFA events, properties, scripts, and validations defined in an XDP file, including:

  • Execution of scripts defined on events in the XDP file.
  • Capturing default values and behavioral properties for fields in the XDP file.
  • Execution of validation scripts defined in the XDP file.

When an adaptive form is created based on an XDP file, the properties, events, and validations are auto-populated in the form authoring UI. However, form authors can override some of these elements to create an alternate experience.

This article lists supported XFA events, properties, and validations honored in adaptive forms and explains how to override them in adaptive forms.

Supported XFA elements and their mapping in adaptive forms supported-xfa-elements-and-their-mapping-in-adaptive-forms-br

Fields fields

When an adaptive form is created using an XDP file, you can drag-drop an XFA field onto the adaptive form. The following table lists how XFA fields are mapped to adaptive form fields.

XFA field or container
Corresponding adaptive form component
Check Box
Check Box
List Box
Drop-down List
Date/Time Field
Date Picker
Signature Scribble
Scribble Signature
Numeric Field
Numeric Box
Decimal Field
Numeric Box
Text Field
Text Box
Password Field
Password Box
Area (Group)
Subform Set

Properties properties

The following table captures how various XFA scripts defined in the XDP files behave in adaptive forms.

XFA component properties
Corresponding behavior in adaptive forms
Mapped to the Bind reference (bindRef) property in adaptive form.
Mapped to the visible property in adaptive form. You can override it using the Visibility expression.
Mapped to the enabled property in adaptive form. You can override it using the Access expression.
Accessibility: role
Mapped to the role property in adaptive form.
Accessibility: speakPriority
Mapped to the speakPriority property in adaptive form.
Accessibility: speakText
Mapped to the custom Accessibility text in adaptive form.
Accessibility: toolTip
Mapped to the short description property in adaptive form.
caption (all Field types)
Mapped to the Title property in adaptive form.
displayFormat (all Field types)
Mapped to the Display Pattern in adaptive form.
rawValue (all Field types)
Mapped to value property in adaptive Form.
items (List Box, Check Box)
Mapped to options property in adaptive form. You can override it using the Options expression.
maxChar (Text Field)
Mapped to the Maximum characters allowed property in adaptive form.
multiline (Text Field)
Mapped to the Allow multiple lines property in adaptive form.
fracDigit (Numeric Field, Decimal Field)
Mapped to the Frac digits property in adaptive form.
leadDigit (Numeric Field, Decimal Field)
Mapped to the Lead digits property in adaptive form.
multiSelect (List Box)
Mapped to the Allows multiple selection property in adaptive form.

Scripts scripts

The following table captures how various XFA scripts defined in the XDP file behave in adaptive forms.

XFA script events
Corresponding behavior in adaptive forms
This script is executed at runtime and cannot be overridden in adaptive form.
Mapped to the Calculate expression in adaptive form.
Mapped to the Validation expression in adaptive form.
This script is executed at runtime and cannot be overridden in adaptive form.
This script is executed at runtime and cannot be overridden in adaptive form.
click (button fields)
Mapped to the Click expression of the button.
Support for server-side script
This script is executed at runtime and cannot be overridden in adaptive form.
Support for web services
This script is executed at runtime and cannot be overridden in adaptive form.
Change (scribble field, radio button, check box)
This script is executed at runtime and cannot be overridden in adaptive form.

Validations validations

The following table captures how XFA validations map to validations in adaptive forms.

XFA validation
Corresponding validation in adaptive form
Validation Pattern (formatTest)
Validation Pattern Message (formatTestMessage)
Required (nullTest )
Empty Message (nullTestMessage)
Validate script (scriptTest)
Validation script Message (scriptTestMessage)
You cannot override mandatory property for adaptive form radio button and check box group that are bound to XFA check buttons.