Step 1: Retrieve a customer record from the database
You created a form data model by following the create form data model article. Now, you can use the rule editor to invoke the Forms Data Model services to retrieve and add information to the database.
Every customer is assigned a unique Customer ID number, which helps identify relevant customer data in a database. The procedure below uses the Customer ID to retrieve information from the database:
Open the adaptive form for editing.
Select the Customer ID field and select the Edit Rules icon. The Rule Editor window opens.
Select the + Create icon to add a rule. It opens the Visual Editor.
In the Visual Editor, the WHEN statement is selected by default. Also, the form object (in this case, Customer ID) from where you launched the rule editor is specified in the WHEN statement.
Select the Select State drop-down and select is changed.
In the THEN statement, select Invoke Service from the Select Action drop-down.
Select the Retrieve Shipping Address service from the Select drop-down.
Drag-and-drop the Customer ID field from the Form Objects tab to the Drop object or select here field in the INPUT box.
Drag-and-drop the Customer ID, Name, Shipping Address, State, and Zip Code field from the Form Objects tab to the Drop object or select here field in the OUTPUT box.
Select Done to save the rule. On the rule editor window, select Close.
Preview the adaptive form. Enter an ID in the Customer ID field. The form can now retrieve customer details from the database.
Step 2: Add the updated customer address to the database
After the customer details are retrieved from the database, you can update the shipping address, state, and zip code. The procedure below invokes a Form Data Model service to update customer information to the database:
Select the Submit field and select the Edit Rules icon. The Rule Editor window opens.
Select the Submit - Click rule and select the Edit icon. The options to edit the Submit rule appear.
In the WHEN option, the Submit and is clicked options are already selected.
In the THEN option, select the + Add Statement option. Select Invoke Service from the Select Action drop-down.
Select the Update Shipping Address service from the Select drop-down.
Drag-and-drop the Shipping Address, State, and Zip Code field from the Form Objects tab to the corresponding tablename .property (for example, customerdetails .shippingAddress) of the Drop object or select here field in the INPUT box. All the fields prefixed with tablename (For example, customerdetails in this use case) serve as input data for the update service. All the content provided in these fields is updated in the data source.
Do not drag-and-drop the Name and Customer ID fields to the corresponding (for example, It helps avoid updating name and ID of the customer by mistake. -
Drag-and-drop the Customer ID field from the Form Objects tab to the id field in the INPUT box. Fields without a prefixed tablename (for example, customerdetails in this use case) serve as a search parameter for the update service. The id field in this use case uniquely identifies a record in the customerdetails table.
Select Done to save the rule. On the rule editor window, select Close.
Preview the adaptive form. Retrieve details of a customer, update the shipping address, and submit the form. When you retrieve details of the same customer again, the updated shipping address is displayed.
Step 3: (Bonus section) Use the code editor to run validations and display error messages
You should run validation on the form to ensure that the data entered in the form is correct and an error message is displayed if there is incorrect data. For example, if a non-existing Customer ID is entered in the form, an error message should be displayed.
Adaptive forms provide several components with built-in validations, for example, email, and numeric fields that you can use for common use cases. Use the rule editor for advanced use cases, for example, to display an error message when the database returns zero (0) records (no records).
The following procedure shows how to create a rule to displays an error message if the Customer ID entered in the form does not exist in the database. The rule also brings the focus to and resets the Customer ID field. The rule uses the dataIntegrationUtils API of the form data model service to check if the Customer ID exists in the database.
Select the Customer ID field and select the
Edit Rules
icon. The Rule Editor window opens. -
Select the + Create icon to add a rule. It opens the Visual Editor.
In the Visual Editor, the WHEN statement is selected by default. Also, the form object (in this case, Customer ID) from where you launched the rule editor is specified in the WHEN statement.
Select the Select State drop-down and select is changed.
In the THEN statement, select Invoke Service from the Select Action drop-down.
Switch from Visual Editor to Code Editor. The switch control is on the right side of the window. The Code Editor opens, displaying code similar to the following:
Replace the input variable section with the following code:
var inputs = { "id" : this };
Replace the
guidelib.dataIntegrationUtils.executeOperation (operationInfo, inputs, outputs)
section with the following code:guidelib.dataIntegrationUtils.executeOperation(operationInfo, inputs, outputs, function (result) { if (result) { result = JSON.parse(result); customer_Name.value =; customer_Shipping_Address = result.shippingAddress; } else { if(window.confirm("Invalid Customer ID. Provide a valid customer ID")) { customer_Name.value = " "; guideBridge.setFocus(customer_ID); } } });
Preview the adaptive form. Enter an incorrect Customer ID. An error message appears.