Integrate AEM Forms Workspace with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

Perform the following steps to integrate AEM Forms Workspace into a Web Part:

  1. In a web browser, navigate to the SharePoint site such as, https://[myMOSSserver]:44299/default.aspx where [myMOSSserver] is the name or the IP address of the Sharepoint server.

    44299 is the default port number for the SharePoint server. The port number depends on your installation of SharePoint Server.
  2. On the upper-right side of the web page, click Site Actions and select Edit Page.

  3. Click the Add a Web Part button.

  4. In the Add Web Parts - web page Dialog dialog box, under Miscellaneous, select Page Viewer Web Part and then click Add.

  5. In the Page Viewer Web Part box, click edit and select Modify Shared Web Part.

    The Page Viewer Web Part box appears under the Add a Web Part button that you clicked in step 3 as shown in the following illustration (Figure 1):

    Page Viewer Web Part box in Microsoft Office SharePoint server.

    Figure 1. – The Page Viewer Web Part box in Microsoft Office SharePoint server.

  6. On the Page Viewer page, perform the following tasks:

    1. In the Link box, type the URL of AEM Forms Workspace, such as https://[AEM_forms_Server]:8080/lc/ws where [AEM_forms_Server] represents the IP or Name of AEM Forms Server.

    2. Click Appearance and modify the height, width, and title so that you can see the entire Workspace user interface. For example, you can set height and width to 6 inches and 11 inches, respectively.

    3. Click Test Link. A new web browser window appears with Workspace displayed in it.

    4. (Optional) Click Layout and modify the layout of Workspace in Web Part.

    5. (Optional) Click Advanced and modify other settings, such as the description and whether Workspace can be minimized or closed in the Web Part.

      Click Apply.

  7. Click Exit Edit Mode and verify that you can access Workspace.

After you complete the above steps, your SharePoint site looks similar to the following illustration (Figure 2):

AEM Forms Workspace integrated with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server

Figure 2 - AEM Forms Workspace integrated with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server

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