Configuring the newsletter service component

After configuring the feed importer, configure the From address and the bounce counter.

To configure the newsletter service:

  1. In the OSGi console, at <host>:<port>/system/console/configMgr, navigate to MCM Newsletter.

  2. Configure the service and save the changes when finished.


    The following configurations can be set to adjust the behavior:

    Bounce Counter Maximum (max.bounce.count)Defines the number of bounces until a user is omitted when sending a newsletter. Setting this value to 0 disables the bounce check completely.
    Activity No Cache (sent.activity.nocache)Defines the cache setting to use for the newsletter sent activity

    Once saved, the newsletter MCM service does the following:

    • Writes an activity to the users hidden stream upon successful sending of a newsletter.
    • Writes an activity if a bounce is detected and the users bounce counter changes.

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