
Your template extends the base template:


And define a resourceType that points to the custom component.

sling:resourceSuperType = cq/cloudserviceconfigs/templates/configpage
allowedChildren = /libs/cq/analytics/templates/sitecatalyst
allowedPaths = /etc/cloudservices/analytics/*, /etc/cloudservices/analytics/.*
componentReference = cq/analytics/components/sitecatalyst
cq:designPath = /etc/designs/cloudservices
sling:resourceType = cq/analytics/components/sitecatalystpage

sling:resourceSuperType = cq/cloudservices/templates/configpage
allowedChildren = /libs/cq/analytics/templates/generictracker
allowedPaths = /etc/cloudservices/analytics/*, /etc/cloudservices/analytics/.*
cq:designPath = /etc/designs/cloudservices
sling:resourceType = cq/analytics/components/generictrackerpage


Your component should extend the base component:




After setting up your template and component, you can add your configuration by adding subpages under:


Content Model

The content model is stored as cq:Page under:



The configurations are stored under the subnode jcr:content.

  • Fixed properties, defined in a dialog should be stored on the jcr:node directly.
  • Dynamic elements (using parsys or iparsys) use a subnode to store the component data.
/etc/cloudservices/service/config/jcr:content as nt:unstructured
par/component/ as cq:Component


For reference documentation on the API, see com.day.cq.wcm.webservicesupport.

AEM Integration

Available services are listed in the Cloud Services tab of the Page Properties dialog (of any page that inherits from foundation/components/page or wcm/mobile/components/page).

The tab also provides:

  • a link to the location where you can enable the service
  • choose a configuration (subnode of the service) from a path field

Password Encryption

When storing user credentials for the service, all passwords should be encrypted.

You can achieve this by adding a hidden form field. This field should have the annotation @Encrypted in the property name; that is, for the password field the name would be written as:


The property will then be automatically encrypted (using the CryptoSupport service) by the EncryptionPostProcessor.

This is similar to the standard [SlingPostServlet](https://sling.apache.org/site/manipulating-content-the-slingpostservlet-servletspost.html) annotations.
By default the EcryptionPostProcessor only encrypts POST requests made to /etc/cloudservices.

Additional Properties for Service Page jcr:content Nodes

componentReferenceReference path to a component to be automatically included in the page.
This is used for additional functionality and JS inclusions.
This includes the component on the page where
is included (normally before the body tag).
In case the of Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target, we use this to include additional functionality, such as JavaScript calls to track visitor behavior.
descriptionShort description of the service.
descriptionExtendedExtended description of the service.
rankingService ranking for use in listings.
selectableChildrenFilter for displaying configurations in page properties dialog.
serviceUrlURL to service website.
serviceUrlLabelLabel for service URL.
thumbnailPathPath to thumbnail for service.
visibleVisibility in page properties dialog; visible by default (optional)

Use Cases

These services are provided by default:

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