Modifying Page Size

Records are processed in pages. By default, Adobe Classifications creates pages with a page size of 1000.

A page may be 25000 in size at maximum, per definition in Adobe Classifications and can be modified from the Felix console. During the export, Adobe Classifications locks the source node to prevent concurrent modifications. The node is unlocked after export, on error, or when the session is closed.

To change the page size:

  1. Navigate to the OSGI console at https://<host>:<port>/system/console/configMgr and select Adobe AEM Classifications Exporter.


  2. Update the Export Page Size as required, then click Save.


Adobe Classifications was previously known as the SAINT Exporter.

An Exporter may use a Transformer to transform the export data to a specific format. For Adobe Classifications, a subinterface SAINTTransformer<String[]> implementing the Transformer interface has been provided. This interface is used to restrict the data type to String[] which is used by the SAINT API and to have a marker interface to find such services for selection.

In the default implementation SAINTDefaultTransformer, the child resources of the exporter source are treated as records with property names as keys and property values as values. The Key column is added automatically as first column - its value will be the node name. Namespaced properties (containing :) are disregarded.

Node structure:

  • id-classification nt:unstructured

    • 1 nt:unstructured

      • Product = My Product Name (String)
      • Price = 120.90 (String)
      • Size = M (String)
      • Color = black (String)
      • Color^Code = 101 (String)

SAINT Header & Record:

1My Product Name120.90Mblack101

Properties include the following:

Property pathDescription
transformerA class name of a SAINTTransformer implementation
emailNotification e-mail address.
reportsuitesReport suite IDs to run the import job for.
datasetDataset relation ID to run the import job for.
descriptionJob description.
overwriteFlag to overwrite data collisions. Default is false.
checkdivisionsFlag to check report suites for compatibility. Default is true.
deleteprocessedFlag to delete the processed nodes after export. Default is false.

Automating Adobe Classifications Export

You can create your own workflow, so that any new imports launch the workflow to create the appropriate, and correctly structured, data in /var/export/ so that it can be exported to Adobe Classifications.

Experience Manager