Working example

The following is a sample implementation of a custom template where Forms Portal acquires a custom Geometrixx Gov Card Layout for the Search & Lister component.

<div class="__FP_boxes-container __FP_single-color">
    <div class="boxes __FP_boxes __FP_single-color" data-repeatable="true">
 <div class="__FP_boxes-thumbnail">
     <img src ="${path}/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png"/>
        <h3 class="__FP_single-color" title="${name}" tabindex="0">${name}</h3>
        <div class="boxes-icon-cont __FP_boxes-icon-cont">
            <div class="op-dow">
                <a href="${formUrl}" target="_blank" class="__FP_button ${htmlStyle}" title="${config-htmlLinkText}">${localize-Apply}</a>
                <a href="${pdfUrl}" class="__FP_button ${pdfStyle}" title="${config-pdfLinkText}">${localize-Download}</a>

Technical specifications for custom templates

A custom template for any Forms Portal component includes repeatable and non-repeatable entries. Repeatable entries are basic entities for listing. Examples of repeatable entries are Search & Lister, Drafts & Submissions, and Link components.

Forms Portal provides a syntax for place-holders to display custom/out-of-the-box metadata. The placeholders are populated after displaying the results of forms, drafts, or submissions.

To include a repeatable entry, configure the value of the attribute data-repeatable to true.

In the example discussed, two Div elements are present at the top in the custom template. The first, with “__FP_boxes-container” CSS class, works as a container element for the forms that are listed. The second, with “__FP_boxes” CSS class, is a template for the basic entities, in this case a Form. The data-repeatable attribute present in the Div element has the value true.

Each placeholder has an exclusive out-of-the-box metadata set. To display custom metadata at a particular place on the form, add the ${metadata_prop} property at the place.

In the example, the metadata property is used at multiple instances. For example, it is used in description, name, formUrl, htmlStyle, pdfUrl, pdfStyle, and path in the prescribed manner.

Out of the box metadata

Various Forms Portal components provide exclusive sets of out-of-the-box metadata that you can use for listing.

Search & Lister component

  • Title: Title of the form

  • name: Name of the form (mostly it is the same as the title)

  • description: Description of the form

  • formUrl: URL to render the form as HTML

  • pdfUrl: URL to render the form as PDF

  • assetType: Type of the asset. Valid values include Form, PDF Form, Print Form, and Adaptive Form

  • htmlStyle & pdfStyle: Display style for HTML and PDF icons respectively used for rendering. Valid values are "__FP_display_none" or blank.

Remember to use the __FP_display_none class in your custom style sheet.
  • downloadUrl: URL to download an asset.

Support for localization, sorting, and using configuration properties on the user interface (Search & Lister Only):

  1. Localization Support: To localize any static text use the attribute ${localize-YOUR_TEXT} and make the localized value available, if does not exist already.
    In the example discussed, the attributes ${localize-Apply} and ${localize-Download} are used to localize the Apply and Download text.

  2. Support for Sorting: Click the HTML element to sort search results. To implement sorting in a table layout, add the “data-sortKey” attribute on the particular table header. In addition, add its value as the metadata for which you want to sort.
    For example, for the “Title” header in the grid view, the value of the “data-sortKey” header is “title”. Click the heading so you can sort the values in a particular column.

  3. Using configuration properties: The Search & Lister component has several configurations that you can use on the user interface. For example, to display HTML ToolTip text saved through the edit dialog, use the ${config-htmlLinkText} attribute. Similarly, for PDF tool tip text, use the ${config-pdfLinkText} attribute.

  • Title: Title of the form
  • formUrl: URL to render the form as HTML
  • target: Target attribute of the link. Valid values are “_blank” and “_self.”
  • linkText: Link caption

Drafts & Submissions component

  • Path: Path of the draft/submissions metadata node. Use it with the .HTML extension as a URL so you can open a draft or submission.
  • contextPath: Context path of the AEM instance
  • firstLetter: First letter (uppercase) of the title of the adaptive form, which was saved as Draft or submitted.
  • formName: The title of the adaptive form, which was saved as Draft or submitted.
  • draftID: ID for the draft that is listed (Use only in the template for the Draft section).
  • submitID: ID for the submission that is listed (Use only in the template for the Submission section).
  • status: Status of the submitted form. (Use only in the template for the Submission section).
  • description: Description of the adaptive form associated with the draft or submission.
  • diffTime: Difference between the current time and the last save action for the draft. Alternatively, the difference between the current time and the last submitted action for the submission.
  • iconClass: CSS class used to display the first letter of the draft/submission. Forms Portal includes the following classes, which provide various colored backgrounds.
  • owner: User who created the draft/submission.
  • Today: Date of creation of draft or submission in DD:MM:YYYY format.
  • TimeNow: Time of creation of draft or submission in HH:MM:SS 24-hour format


  1. For the delete option in the Drafts section under the Drafts & Submissions component, name the CSS class “__FP_deleteDraft.” In addition, include the attribute “draftID” with the value ${draftID}, which is the draft id of corresponding draft.

  2. While creating links to open drafts and submissions, you can specify ${path}.html as the value of the href attribute for the anchor tag.

Drafts and Submission node

A. Container element

B. “path” metadata with a fixed hierarchy to obtain the thumbnail stored for each form.

C. Data-repeatable attribute used for the template section for each form

D. Localize “Apply” string

E. Using the configuration property pdfLinkText

F. Using the “pdfUrl” metadata

Tips, tricks, and known issues

  1. Do not use single quote (') in any custom template.
  2. For custom metadata, store this property on the jcr:content/metadata node only. If you store it at any other place, Forms Portal cannot display the metadata.
  3. Ensure that the name of any custom metadata or existing metadata does not include a colon ( : ). If it does, you cannot display it on the user interface.
  4. data-repeatable does not have any significance for a Link component. Adobe recommends that you avoid using this property in the template for a Link component.

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