The idea is to create the index before the upgrade, against the index definitions of the target AEM version using the Oak-run tool. The above diagram shows the offline reindexing approach.
In addition, this is the order of the steps as described in the approach:
- Text from binaries is extracted first
- Target index definitions are created
- Offline indexes are created
- The indexes are then imported during the upgrade process
Text Extraction
To enable full indexing in AEM, text from binaries such as PDF is extracted and added to the index. This is usually an expensive step in the indexing process. Text extraction is an optimization step advocated especially for reindexing asset repositories as they stores large number of binaries.
Text from binaries stored in the system can be extracted using thge oak-run tool with the tika library. A clone of the production systems can be taken before upgrade and can be used for this text extraction process. This process then creates the text store, by going through the following steps:
1. Traverse the repository and gather the details of binaries
This step produces a CSV file containing a tuple of binaries, containing a path and a blob id.
Execute the below command from the directory where you wish to create the index from. The example below assumes the repository home directory.
java java -jar oak-run.jar tika <nodestore path> --fds-path <datastore path> --data-file text-extraction/oak-binary-stats.csv --generate
Where nodestore path
is the mongo_ur
or crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore/
Use the --fake-ds-path=temp
parameter instead of –fds-path
to speed up the process.
2. Reuse the binary text store available in the existing index
Dump the index data from the existing system and extract the text store.
You can dump the existing index data using the following command:
java -jar oak-run.jar index <nodestore path> --fds-path=<datastore path> --index-dump
Where nodestore path
is the mongo_ur
or crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore/
Then, use the above index dump to populate the store:
java -jar oak-run.jar tika --data-file text-extraction/oak-binary-stats.csv --store-path text-extraction/store --index-dir ./indexing-result/index-dumps/<oak-index-name>/data populate
Where oak-index-name
is the name of the full text index, for example, “lucene”.
3. Run the text extraction process using the tika library for the binaries missed out in the above step
java -cp oak-run.jar:tika-app-1.21.jar tika --data-file text-extraction/oak-binary-stats.csv --store-path text-extraction/store --fds-path <datastore path> extract
Where datastore path
is the path to the binary data store.
The created text store can be updated and reused for reindexing scenarios in the future.
For more details around the text extraction process, see the Oak-run documentation.
Offline Reindexing
Create the Lucene index offline before the upgrade. If using MongoMK, it is recommended to run it directly on one of the MongoMk nodes, as this avoids network overhead.
To create the index offline, follow the below steps:
1. Generate Oak Lucene index definitions for the target AEM version
Dump the existing index definitions. Index definitions which underwent change were generated using the Adobe Granite repository bundle of the target AEM version and oak-run.
To dump the index definition from the source AEM instance, run this command:
java -jar oak-run.jar index --fds-path <datastore path> <nodestore path> --index-definitions
Where datastore path
and nodestore path
are from the source AEM instance.
Then, generate index definitions from the target AEM version using target version’s Granite repository bundle.
java -cp oak-run.jar:bundle-com.adobe.granite.repository.jar org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.index.IndexDefinitionUpdater --in indexing-definitions_source.json --out merge-index-definitions_target.json --initializer com.adobe.granite.repository.impl.GraniteContent
version onwards. Targeting is done using the Granite repository bundle com.adobe.granite.repository-x.x.xx.jar
.The above steps create a JSON file called merge-index-definitions_target.json
which is the index definition.
2. Create a checkpoint in the repository
Create a checkpoint in the production source AEM instance with a long lifetime. This should be done before cloning the repository.
Via JMX console located at http://serveraddress:serverport/system/console/jmx
, go to CheckpointMBean
and create a checkpoint with a long enough lifetime (for example, 200 days). For this, invoke CheckpointMBean#createCheckpoint
with 17280000000
as the argument for the lifetime duration in milliseconds.
Once this is done, copy the newly created checkpoint id and validate the lifetime using JMX CheckpointMBean#listCheckpoints
For more details, consult checkpoint creation from the Oak documentation.
Perform offline indexing for the generated index definitions
Lucene reindexing can be done offline using oak-run. This process creates index data in the disk under indexing-result/indexes
. It does not write to the repository and thus does not require stopping the running AEM instance. The created text store is fed into this process:
java -Doak.indexer.memLimitInMB=500 -jar oak-run.jar index <nodestore path> --reindex --doc-traversal-mode --checkpoint <checkpoint> --fds-path <datastore path> --index-definitions-file merge-index-definitions_target.json --pre-extracted-text-dir text-extraction/store
Sample <checkpoint> looks like r16c85700008-0-8
—fds-path: path to data store.
--pre-extracted-text-dir: Directory of pre-extracted text.
merge-index-definitions_target: JSON file having merged definitions for the target AEM instance. indexes in this file will be re-indexed.
Usage of the --doc-traversal-mode
parameter is handy with MongoMK installations as it improves the reindex time significantly by spooling repository content into a local flat file. However, it requires additional disk space of double the size of the repository.
If there is MongoMK, this process can be accelerated if this step is executed in an instance closer to the MongoDB instance. If run on the same machine, network overhead can be avoided.
Additional technical details can be found in the oak-run documentation for indexing.
Importing indexes
With AEM 6.4 and newer versions, AEM has the built in capability to import indexes from disc on startup sequence. The folder <repository>/indexing-result/indexes
is watched for the presence of index data during startup. You can copy the pre-created index into the above location during the upgrade process before starting with the new version of the target AEM jar. AEM imports it into the repository and removes the corresponding checkpoint from the system. Thus a reindex is completely avoided.
Additional Tips and Troubleshooting
Below you will find some helpful tips and troubleshooting instructions.
Reduce the Impact on the Live Production System
It is recommended to clone the production system and create the offline index using the clone. This eliminates any potential impact on the production system. However, the checkpoint required for importing index needs to be present in the production system. Therefore creating a checkpoint before taking the clone is critical.
Prepare a Runbook and Trial Run
It is recommended to prepare a runbook and perform a few trials before running the upgrade in production.
Doc Traversal Mode With Offline Indexing
Offline indexing requires multiple traversals of the entire repository. With MongoMK installations, the repository is accessed over the network impacting the performance of the indexing process. One option is to run the offline indexing process on the MongoDB replica itself which will eliminate the network overhead. Another option is usage of doc traversal mode.
Doc traversal mode can be applied by adding the command line parameter —doc-traversal
to the oak-run command for offline indexing. This mode spools a copy of the entire repository in the local disk as a flat file and uses it to run the indexing.