Quick Start: 3D assets in Dynamic Media

The following step-by-step workflow description is designed to help you get up and running quickly with 3D assets in Dynamic Media - Scene7 mode.

3D assets are not supported in Dynamic Media - Hybrid mode.

Before you work with 3D assets in Dynamic Media, make sure that your Experience Manager administrator has already enabled and configured Dynamic Media Cloud Services in Dynamic Media - Scene7 mode.

See ConfigurE Dynamic Media Cloud Services in Configuring Dynamic Media - Scene7 mode and Troubleshoot Dynamic Media - Scene7 mode.

About viewing and interacting with 3D assets

This section describes how to view and interact with 3D assets two different ways: from within the asset details page and from within the 3D Media component in Experience Manager Sites.

The interactive 3D viewer includes, among other things, a collection of interactive camera controls that let you orbit, zoom, and pan the 3D asset.

The time it takes to open a 3D asset in the Asset Details page view depends on several factors. These factors include such things as the following:

  • Bandwidth to the server.
  • Latencies to the server
  • Complexity of the image.

In addition, the capabilities of the client computer-such as a workstation, notebook, or mobile touch device-are also important to consider when you manipulate the camera interactively. A reasonably powerful system with good graphics capabilities can make the interactive 3D viewing experience smoother and more favorable.

You can open the Dimensional viewer preset in the Viewer Preset Editor to practice navigating a 3D asset without the need to first upload any 3D files. The Dimensional viewer preset has a built-in 3D asset for you to interact with.

View and interact with a 3D asset from the asset details page

See also Preview assets using the software interface.

To view and interact with a 3D asset from the asset details page:

  1. Make sure you have uploaded 3D assets into Experience Manager.

    See Upload your 3D assets for use in Dynamic Media.

  2. From Experience Manager, on the Navigation page, go to Assets > Files.

  3. Near the upper-right corner of the page, from the View drop-down list, select Card View.

  4. Navigate to a 3D asset that you want to view.

  5. Select the card of the 3D asset.

  6. On the details view page for the 3D asset, do any of the following:

    ViewDescriptionMouse actionTouch screen action
    Turn your cameraOrbit your view around the 3D scene and objects.Left click + drag.Single-finger press + drag.
    Pan your cameraPan your view left, right, up, or down.Right-click + drag.Two-finger press + drag.
    Zoom your cameraMove in and out of areas in the 3D scene.Scroll wheel.Two-finger pinch.
    Recenter your cameraRecenter your camera to a point on an object in the 3D scene.Double-click.Double-select.
    ResetNear the lower-right corner of the page, select the Reset icon to restore the view target point to the center of the 3D asset. Reset also moves the camera closer or further away to show the asset in its entirety and at a reasonable viewing size.
    Full screen modeTo enter full-screen mode, in the lower-right corner of the page, select the Fullscreen icon.
  7. In the upper-right corner of the page, select Close to return to the Assets page.

Viewing and interacting with a 3D asset inside a 3D Media component

When a web page is in Edit mode, no interaction is possible with a 3D asset. To make the asset interactive, you can use the Preview feature to view the web page in the page editor with full access to the functionality of the 3D Media component.

You can accomplish this task only after you have added a 3D Media component to a web page and assigned a 3D asset to the component. See Adding the 3D Media component to a web page and Assigning a 3D asset to a 3D Media component.

See also Preview assets using the software interface.

To view and interact with a 3D asset inside a 3D Media component:

  1. While a web page is in Edit mode, do either one of the following:

    • Near the upper right of the page, select Preview to enter Preview mode.
    • Delete /editor.html from the page URL in the browser.

    3D asset showing inside the 3D Media component
    A fully interactive 3D asset as displayed in Preview mode.

  2. While in Preview mode, do any of the following:

    ViewDescriptionMouse actionTouch screen action
    Turn your cameraOrbit your view around the 3D scene and objects.Left click + drag.Single-finger press + drag.
    Pan your cameraPan your view left, right, up, or down.Right-click + drag.Two-finger press + drag.
    Zoom your cameraMove in and out of areas in the 3D scene.Scroll wheel.Two-finger pinch.
    Recenter your cameraRecenter your camera to a point on an object in the 3D scene.Double-click.Double-select.
    ResetNear the lower-right corner of the page, select the Reset icon to restore the view target point to the center of the 3D asset. Reset also moves the camera closer or further away to show the asset in its entirety and at a reasonable viewing size.
    Full screen modeTo enter full-screen mode, in the lower-right corner of the page, select the Fullscreen icon.

About working with the 3D Media component

Dynamic Media includes a Dynamic Media 3D Media component that you can use in Adobe Experience Manager Sites to enable interactive viewing of 3D models on your web pages.

Add the 3D Media component to the page template

  1. Navigate to Tools > General > Templates.

  2. Navigate to the page template that you want to enable the 3D component in and select the template.

  3. Select Edit so you can open the template.

  4. Near the upper right of the page, in the drop-down menu, select Structure mode, if it is not already active.


  5. Select an empty area in the Layout Container region so you select it and open its associated toolbar.

  6. On the toolbar, select the Policy icon to open the Policy Editor.

  7. In the Properties section, under the Allowed Components tab, scroll to Dynamic Media, then expand the list and check 3D Media.

  8. Select Done to save the changes and close the Policy Editor.

    You can now place the Dynamic Media 3D Media component on all pages that use this template.

Add the 3D Media component on a web page

If you use Experience Manager as your web content management system, you can add 3D assets to your web pages by way of the 3D Media component.

See also Add Dynamic Media assets on pages.

To add the 3D Media component on a web page:

  1. Open Experience Manager Sites and select the web page to which you want to add the Dynamic Media 3D Media component.

  2. Select the Edit (pencil) icon so you can open the page into the page editor. Make sure that Edit mode is selected near the upper right of page.


  3. On the toolbar, select the Side Panel icon to toggle or “turn on” the display of the panel.

  4. In the side panel, select the plus sign icon to open the Components list.


  5. Drag the 3D Media component from the Components list to the location on the page where you want the 3D viewer to appear.

You are now ready to assign a 3D asset to the component.

See Assign a 3D asset to the 3D Media component.

Optional - Configure the 3D Media component

  1. In the Experience Manager Sites page editor, select the 3D Media Viewer component that you previously added to the page.

  2. Select the Configuration icon (wrench) so you can open the component configuration dialog box.


  3. In the 3D Media dialog box, from the Viewer Preset drop-down list, select Dimensional to assign the Dimensional viewer preset to the component.


  4. In the upper-right corner, select the check mark to save your changes.

Assign a 3D asset to the 3D Media component

After you have added a 3D Media component to a web page, you can assign a 3D asset to it.

See Add the 3D Media component to a web page.

To assign a 3D asset to the 3D Media component:

  1. In the Experience Manager Sites page editor, select the Assets icon to open Assets in the side panel.

  2. In the drop-down list, select 3D to show only 3D asset file types.

  3. In the side panel, search for or scroll to the 3D asset that you want to view on the page being edited.

  4. Drag the 3D asset from the Assets side panel and drop it onto the 3D Media component that you previously added to the page.

    Assign 3D asset to the 3D Media component

While a web page is in the Experience Manager Sites Edit mode, the 3D Media component displays the 3D asset but no interaction with the asset is possible. To make the asset interactive, you can use the Preview feature to view the web page in the page editor with full access to the functionality of the 3D Media component.

Publish static Dynamic Media 3D assets

Dynamic Media accepts various 3D file formats that are supported as static content in Dynamic Media. Static content means that you can upload and published 3D assets, but there is no support for variable imaging or image refitting that is associated with the 3D asset. The reason is because Dynamic Media Imaging Server does not recognize 3D formats. As such, after you publish a 3D asset in Dynamic Media, you have an instant URL that you can copy. The URL for the 3D asset follows the usual Dynamic Media URL structure. However, you cannot edit any parameters in the asset’s URL, unlike traditional image assets in Dynamic Media.

See also Obtain a URL for a static asset.

In the Card View, a small globe icon appears directly below an asset’s name and to the left of its date and time to indicate that it is published. In the List View, a Published column indicates which assets are published or which are not.

If you use Experience Manager as your WCM, use this publishing method to add the Dynamic Media 3D assets directly on your web page.

See also Publish Dynamic Media assets.

See also Publish pages.

To publish static Dynamic Media 3D assets:

  1. Open a 3D asset (GLB, OBJ, or STL file format) so you can view it in the asset details page.

  2. On the toolbar, select Quick Publish.


  3. Select Close to exit the dialog box and return to the asset details page.

  4. From the drop-down list to the left of the 3D asset’s file name, select Renditions.


  5. Select original. When a 3D asset is published (or “activated”), the URL button appears near the bottom-left corner of the page if all the following 3D asset conditions are met:

    • The 3D asset is a supported format (GLB, OBJ, STL, and USDZ).
    • The 3D asset was ingested into the Dynamic Media Image Production System (IPS).
    • The 3D asset is published.


  6. Select URL so you can display the 3D asset’s direct production URL which you can copy and use on web pages.

Alternate methods for publishing Dynamic Media 3D assets using the Dimensional viewer

Use the following two methods for publishing Dynamic Media 3D assets if you do not use Experience Manager as your WCM.

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