Access Layout mode

Select Layout from the drop-down list that appears at the top of the Interactive Communication authoring interface next to the Preview option. The form displays in the Layout mode.

  1. Log in to the AEM author instance and navigate to Adobe Experience Manager > Forms > Forms & Documents.

  2. Create an Interactive Communication or open an existing one.

  3. Select Layout from the drop-down list that appears at the top next to the Preview option. The form displays in the Layout mode.

    Layout mode for Interactive Communications

Resize components

  1. In Layout mode, select the component to resize. The blue dots display at the start and end of the responsive grid.

  2. Drag-and drop the blue dots to define the position of the component in the responsive grid.

    Resizing using Layout mode

    The toolbar that displays after tapping components consists of the following options:

    • Parent: Select the parent of a component.
    • Float to new line: Shift the component to the next line if there are multiple components within the same line.

    You can undo all resizing changes and apply default layout to the panel containing resized components using the Revert breakpoint layout ( Revert Breakpoint ) option. Select the parent of the resized component to view the option.

    You cannot resize table column, toolbar, toolbar button, and target area components using the Layout mode. Use Style mode to resize these components.


Objective: You want to insert a table component and an Image component and position them parallel to each other in an Interactive Communication.

  1. Insert the table and image components using Edit mode in the Web channel of an Interactive Communication. The image component display after the table component.

  2. Switch to Layout mode and select the Table component. The blue dots to resize the component display at column 1 and 12.

  3. Drag-and-drop the blue dot at column 12 to column 6 of the responsive grid.

    Define the end point of the table

  4. Similarly, select the Image component and drag-and-drop the blue dot at column 1 to column 7 of the responsive grid. The table and image components display parallel to each other.

    Table and the image in parallel in Layout mode

    You can select the Image component and select the Float to new line option available in the toolbar to shift the Image component to the next line.

Resize panels

Execute the following steps if you want to resize the entire panel instead of individual components:

  1. Select any of the components in the panel that you want to resize, select Select Parent , and select the first option in the drop-down list, if the panel is the immediate parent of the component.

    The blue dots display at the start and end of the responsive grid.

  2. Drag-and drop the blue dots to define the position of the panel in the responsive grid.
    You can repeat steps 1 and 2 and select Select Parent to shift the resized panel to the next line.

Define multi-column layout for a panel

Execute the following steps to define the number of columns for a panel:

  1. In Edit mode, select the panel, select Configure , and select Responsive - everything on the page without navigation option from the Panel Layout drop-down list.

  2. Select Save to save the properties.

  3. In the Layout mode, select any of the components in the panel, select Select Parent , and select the panel.

  4. Select multi-column and select the number of columns from the drop-down list. The number of columns can range from 1 to 12. The panel gets divided into a multi-column layout.

multi column in layout mode

Disable Layout mode for forms with old responsive layout

You can disable the Layout mode for forms with old responsive layout by editing properties for the template used in the form.

Perform the following steps to disable the Layout mode:

  1. Select Tools > General > Templates and open the template used in the form in Edit mode.

  2. Select the Document Container in the left pane and select Policy.

    Disable Layout mode

  3. Select the Layout Settings tab and select Disable Layout Mode.

  4. Select Save changes to save the template properties.

Experience Manager

Espressos & Experience Manager: AEM Forms

Espressos & Experience Manager

Thursday, Mar 6, 7:00 PM UTC

Join Adobe's AEM product team as they highlight AEM Forms' latest innovations, including: the new Gen AI Assistant, Unified Composition with AEM Sites, and new ways to deploy forms through conversations.


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