Dependencies, Configuration, and Building

In addition to the expected React dependency, the sample SPA can use additional libraries to make the creation of the SPA more efficient.


The package.json file defines the requirements of the overall SPA package. The minimum AEM dependencies for a working SPA are listed here.

  "dependencies": {
    "@adobe/aem-react-editable-components": "~1.0.4",
    "@adobe/aem-spa-component-mapping": "~1.0.5",
    "@adobe/aem-spa-page-model-manager": "~1.0.3"

Because this example is based on the React framework, there are two React-specific dependencies which are obligatory in the package.json file:


The aem-clientlib-generator is used to make the creation of client libraries automatic as part of the build process.

"aem-clientlib-generator": "^1.4.1",

Further details about the aem-clientlib-generator are available on GitHub.

The minimum version of the aem-clientlib-generator required is 1.4.1.

The aem-clientlib-generator is configured in the clientlib.config.js file as follows.

module.exports = {
    // default working directory (can be changed per 'cwd' in every asset option)
    context: __dirname,

    // path to the clientlib root folder (output)
    clientLibRoot: "./../content/jcr_root/apps/my-react-app/clientlibs",

    libs: {
        name: "my-react-app",
        allowProxy: true,
        categories: ["my-react-app"],
        embed: ["my-react-app.responsivegrid"],
        jsProcessor: ["min:gcc"],
        serializationFormat: "xml",
        assets: {
            js: [
            css: [


Actually building the app uses Webpack for transpilation in addition to the aem-clientlib-generator for automatic client library creation. Therefore the build command will resemble:

"build": "webpack && clientlib --verbose"

Once built, the package can be uploaded to an AEM instance.

AEM Project Archetype

Any AEM project should use the AEM Project Archetype, which supports SPA projects using React or Angular and uses the SPA SDK.

Application Structure

Including the dependencies and building your app as described previously will leave you with a working SPA package which you can upload to your AEM instance.

The next section of this document will take you through how a SPA in AEM is structured, the important files which drive the application, and how they work together.

A simplified image component is used as an example, but all components of the application are based on the same concept.


The entry point into the SPA is the index.js file shown here simplified to focus on the important content.

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';
import { ModelManager, Constants } from "@adobe/aem-spa-page-model-manager";


ModelManager.initialize().then((pageModel) => {
    <App cqChildren={pageModel[Constants.CHILDREN_PROP]} cqItems={pageModel[Constants.ITEMS_PROP]} cqItemsOrder={pageModel[Constants.ITEMS_ORDER_PROP]} cqPath={ModelManager.rootPath} locationPathname={ window.location.pathname }/>
, document.getElementById('page'));


The main function of index.js is to use the ReactDOM.render function to determine where in the DOM to inject the application.

This is a standard use of this function, not unique to this example app.

Static Instantiation

When the component is instantiated statically using the component template (for example, JSX), the value must be passed from the model to the properties of the component.


By rendering the app, index.js calls App.js, which is shown here in a simplified version to focus on the important content.

import {Page, withModel } from '@adobe/aem-react-editable-components';


class App extends Page {

export default withModel(App);

App.js primarially serves to wrap the root components that compose the app. The entry point of any app is the page.


By rendering the page, App.js calls Page.js listed here in a simplified version.

import {Page, MapTo, withComponentMappingContext } from "@adobe/aem-react-editable-components";


class AppPage extends Page {


In this example the AppPage class extends Page, which contains the inner-content methods that can then be used.

The Page ingests the JSON representation of the page model and processes the content to wrap/decorate each element of the page. Further details on the Page can be found in the document SPA Blueprint.


With the page rendered, the components such as Image.js as shown here can be rendered.

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {MapTo} from '@adobe/aem-react-editable-components';


const ImageEditConfig = {

    emptyLabel: 'Image',

    isEmpty: function() {
        return !this.props || !this.props.src || this.props.src.trim().length < 1;

class Image extends Component {

    render() {
        return (<img src={this.props.src}>);

MapTo('my-react-app/components/content/image')(Image, ImageEditConfig);

The central idea of SPAs in AEM is the idea of mapping SPA components to AEM components and updating the component when the content is modified (and conversely). See the document SPA Editor Overview for an summary of this communication model.

MapTo('my-react-app/components/content/image')(Image, ImageEditConfig);

The MapTo method maps the SPA component to the AEM component. It supports the use of a single string or an array of strings.

ImageEditConfig is a configuration object that contributes to enabling the authoring capabilities of a component by providing the necessary metadata for the editor to generate placeholders

If there is no content, labels are provided as placeholders to represent the empty content.

Dynamically Passed Properties

The data coming from the model are dynamically passed as properties of the component.

Exporting Editable Content

You can export a component and keep it editable.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { MapTo } from '@adobe/aem-react-editable-components';


const EditConfig = {...}

class PageClass extends Component {...};


export default MapTo('my-react-app/react/components/structure/page')(PageClass, EditConfig);

The MapTo function returns a Component which is the result of a composition that extends the provided PageClass with the class names and attributes that enable the authoring. This component can be exported to later be instantiated in the markup of your application.

When exported using the MapTo or withModel functions, the Page component, is wrapped with a ModelProvider component which provides standard components access to the latest version of the page model or a precise location in that page model.

For more information see the SPA Blueprint document.

By default you receive the entire model of the component when using the withModel function.

Sharing Information Between SPA Components

It is regularly necessary for components within a single-page application to share information. There are several recommended ways of doing this, listed as follows in increasing order of complexity.

  • Option 1: Centralize the logic and broadcast to the necessary components for example, by using React Context.
  • Option 2: Share component states by using a state library such as Redux.
  • Option 3: Leverage the object hierarchy by customizing and extending the container component.

Next Steps

For a step-by-step guide to creating your own SPA, see the Getting Started with the AEM SPA Editor - WKND Events Tutorial.

For further information about how to oraganize yourself to develop SPAs for AEM see the article Developing SPAs for AEM.

For further details about the dynamic model to component mapping and how it works within SPAs in AEM, see the article Dynamic Model to Component Mapping for SPAs.

If you wish to implement SPAs in AEM for a framework other than React or Angular or simply wish to take a deep dive into how the SPA SDK for AEM works, see the SPA Blueprint article.

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