Configuring Process Reporting services
Schedule process data publishing
The Process Reporting services publish data from the AEM Forms database to the Process Reporting repository on a scheduled basis.
This operation can be resource-intensive and can impact the performance of the AEM Forms servers. You are recommended to schedule this outside your AEM Forms Server busy time-slots.
By default, the publishing of data is schedule to run every day at 2:00 am.
To change the publishing schedule, perform the following steps:
Stop the AEM Forms Server instance.
- (For Windows) Open the
[JBoss root]/bin/run.conf.bat
file in an editor. - (For Linux®, AIX® and Solaris™)
[JBoss root]/bin/
file in an editor.
- (For Windows) Open the
Add the JVM argument
-Dreporting.publisher.cron = <expression>.
Example: The following cron expression causes Process Reporting to publish AEM Forms data to the Process Reporting repository every five hours:
-Dreporting.publisher.cron = 0_0_0/5_*_*_?
Save and close the
file. -
Restart the AEM Forms Server instance.
Stop the AEM Forms Server instance.
Log in to the WebSphere® Administrative Console. In the navigation tree, click Servers > Application servers and then, in the right pane, click the server name.
Under Server Infrastructure, click Java™ and Process Management > Process Definition.
Under Additional Properties, click Java™ Virtual Machine.
In the Generic JVM arguments box, add the argument
-Dreporting.publisher.cron = <expression>.
Example: The following cron expression causes Process Reporting to publish AEM Forms data to the Process Reporting repository every five hours:
-Dreporting.publisher.cron = 0_0_0/5_*_*_?
Click Apply, click OK, and then click Save directly to the master configuration.
Restart the AEM Forms Server instance.
Stop the AEM Forms Server instance.
Log in to the WebLogic Administration Console. The default address of WebLogic Administration Console is
. -
Under Change Center, click Lock & Edit.
Under Domain Structure, click Environment > Servers and, in the right pane, click the managed server name.
On the next screen, click the Configuration tab > Server Start tab.
In the Arguments box, add the JVM argument
-Dreporting.publisher.cron = <expression>
.Example: The following cron expression causes Process Reporting to publish AEM Forms data to the Process Reporting repository every five hours:
-Dreporting.publisher.cron = 0_0_0/5_*_*_?
Click Save and then click Activate Changes.
Restart the AEM Forms Server instance.
ProcessDataStorage service
The ProcessDataStorageProvider service receives process data from the ProcessDataPublisher service and saves the data to the Process Reporting repository.
At each publishing cycle, the data is saved to subfolders of a pre-defined root folder.
You can use the Administration console to configure the root (default: /content/reporting/pm
) location and subfolder (default: /yyyy/mm/dd/hh/mi/ss
) hierarchy format where the process data would be stored.
To configure the Process Reporting repository locations
Log in to Administration Console with administrator credentials. The default URL of Administration Console is
Navigate to Home > Services > Applications and Services >Service Management and open the ProcessDataStorageProvider service.
The CRX location inside which the process data would be stored for reporting.
Folder Hierarchy
The folder hierarchy inside which the process data would be stored based on the process creation time.
Click Save.
ReportConfiguration service
The ReportConfiguration service is used by Process Reporting for configuring the process reporting query service.
To configure the ReportingConfiguration service
Log in to Configuration Manager with CRX administrator credentials. The default URL of Configuration Manager is
Open the ReportingConfiguration service.
Number of Records
When running a query on the repository, a result can potentially contain many records. If the resultset is large, the query execution can consume server resources.
To handle large resultsets, the ReportConfiguration service splits the query processing into batches of records. Doing so reduces the system load.
CRX Storage Path
The CRX location inside which the process data is to be stored for reporting.
This location is the same as specified in the ProcessDataStorage configuration option Root Folder.If you update the Root Folder option in the ProcessDataStorage configuration, you must update the CRX Storage Path location in the ReportConfiguration service. -
Click Save and close CQ Configuration Manager.
ProcessDataPublisher service
The ProcessDataPublisher service imports process data from the AEM Forms database and publishes the data to the ProcessDataStorageProvider service for storage.
To configure ProcessDataPublisher service
Log in to Administration Console with administrator credentials.
The default URL is
. -
Navigate to Home > Services > Applications and Services >Service Management and open the ProcessDataPublisher service.
Publish Data
Enable this option to start publishing process data. By default, the option is disabled.
Enable Process Reporting only when all the configurations related to Process Reporting components are set up appropriately.
Alternatively, use this option to disable process data publishing when it is no longer required.
: Off
Batch Interval (sec)
Each time the ProcessDataPublisher service runs, the service first splits the time since the last run of the service by the Batch Interval. The service then processes each interval of AEM Forms data separately to help control the size of data the publisher processes end-to-end during each run (batch) within a cycle.
For example, if the publisher runs every day, then instead of processing the entire data for one day in a single run, by default, it splits the processing into 24 batches of one hour each.
: 3600
: Seconds
Lock Timeout (sec)
The publisher service acquires a lock when it starts processing data so that multiple instances of the publisher do not start running and processing data simultaneously.
If a publisher service that has acquired a lock, is idle for the number of seconds defined by the Lock Timeout value, then its lock is released so that other publisher service instances can continue processing.
: 3600
: Seconds
Publish Data From
AEM Forms environment contains data from the time that the environment was set up.
By default, the ProcessDataPublisher service imports all data from the AEM Forms database.
Depending on your reporting needs, if you plan to run reports and queries on data after a certain date and time, it is recommended that you specify the date and time. The publishing service then publishes the date from that time onwards.
: 01-01-1970 00:00:00
: dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss
Accessing the Process Reporting user interface
The user interface for Process Reporting is browser-based.
After you have set up Process Reporting, you can start working with Process Reporting at the following location in your AEM Forms installation:
Log in to Process Reporting
When you navigate to the Process Reporting URL (https://<server>:<port>/lc/pr), the login screen is displayed.
To log on to the Process Reporting module, specify your credentials.
When you log in to Process Reporting, the Home screen displays.
Process Reporting Home screen
Process Reporting tree view: The tree view on the left side of the Home screen contains the items for the Process Reporting modules.
The tree view consists of the following top-level items:
Reports: This item contains the out-of-the-box reports that ship with Process Reporting.
For details on the pre-defined reports, see Pre-defined Reports in Process Reporting.
Adhoc Queries: This item contains options to perform filter-based search for processes and tasks.
For details on ad-hoc queries, see Ad-hoc Queries in Process Reporting.
Custom: The Custom node displays custom reports that you create.
For the procedure to create and display custom reports, see Custom Reports in Process Reporting.
Process Reporting title bar: The Process Reporting title bar contains some generic options that you can use when working in the user interface.
Process Reporting title: The Process Reporting title displays on the left corner of the title bar.
Click the title at any time to go back to the Home screen.
Last Update Time: The process data is published from the AEM Forms database to the Process Reporting repository on a scheduled basis.
The Last Update Time displays the last date and time up to which the data updates were pushed to the Process Reporting repository.
For details on the data publishing service and how to schedule this service, see Schedule process data publishing in the article Getting Started with Process Reporting.
Process Reporting user: The logged in user name displays to the right of the Last Update time.
Procces Reporting title bar drop-down list: The drop-down list at the right corner of the Process Reporting title bar contains the following options:
- Sync: Synchronize the embedded Process Reporting repository with the AEM Forms database.
- Help: View the Help documentation on Process Reporting.
- Logout: Log out of Process Reporting
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Espressos & Experience Manager: AEM Forms
Espressos & Experience Manager
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