Creating an adaptive form template using template editor

You can specify the structure and initial content of an adaptive form using Template Editor. For example, you want all form authors to have few text boxes, navigation buttons, and a submit button in an enrollment form. You can create a template that authors can use to create a form that is consistent with other enrollment forms. AEM Template Editor lets you:

  • Add header and footer components of a form in the structure layer
  • Provide the initial content for the form.
  • Specify a theme.
  • Specify actions such as submit, reset, and navigate.

For more informtion, see Template Editor.

Creating an adaptive form template from CRXDE

Instead of using the available templates, you can create a template and use it to create adaptive forms. Custom templates are based on various page components that reference adaptive form containers and page elements, such as header and footer.

You can create these components using the base page component for your website. Alternatively, you can extend the page component of the adaptive form that out of the box templates use.

Perform the following steps to create a custom template, such as simpleEnrollmentTemplate.

  1. Navigate to CRXDE Lite on your authoring instance.

  2. Under the /apps directory, create the folder structure for your application. For example, if the application name is mycompany, create a folder with this name. Typically, the application folder contains components, configuration, templates, src, and installation directories. For this example, create the components, configuration, and templates folders.

  3. Navigate to the folder /libs/fd/af/templates.

  4. Copy the simpleEnrollmentTemplate node.

  5. Navigate to the folder /apps/mycompany/templates. Right-click it and select Paste.

  6. If necessary, rename the template node you copied. For example, rename it as enrollment-template.

  7. Navigate to the location /apps/mycompany/templates/enrollment-template.

  8. Modify the jcr:title and jcr:description properties for the jcr:content node to distinguish the template from the template you copied.

  9. The jcr:content node of the modified template contains the guideContainer and guideformtitle components. guideContainer is the container that holds the adaptive form. The guideformtitle component displays the application name, description, and so on.

    Instead of guideformtitle, you can include a custom component or the parsys component. For example, remove guideformtitle, and add a custom component or the parsys component node. Ensure that the sling:resourceType property of the component references the component and the same is defined in the page component.jsp file.

  10. Navigate to the location /apps/mycompany/templates/enrollment-template/jcr:content.

  11. Open the Properties tab and change the value of the cq:designPath property to /etc/designs/mycompany.

  12. Now create a /etc/designs/mycompany node for the cq:Page type.

Create an adaptive form page component

The custom template has the same styling as the default template because the template references the page component /libs/fd/af/components/page/base. You can find the component reference as the property sling:resourceType defined at the node /apps/mycompany/templates/enrollment-template/jcr:content. Because base is a core product component, do not modify this component.

  1. Navigate to the node /apps/mycompany/templates/enrollment-template/jcr:content and modify the value of the property sling:resourceType to /apps/mycompany/components/page/enrollmentpage

  2. Copy the node /libs/fd/af/components/page/base to the folder /apps/mycompany/components/page.

  3. Rename the copied component to enrollmentpage.

  4. (Only if you already have a contentpage) Perform the following steps (a-d), if you have an existing contentpagecomponent for your website. If you do not have an existing contentpagecomponent for your website, you can leave the resourceSuperTypeproperty to point to the out-of-the-box base page.

    1. For the enrollmentpage node, set value of the property sling:resourceSuperType to mycompany/components/page/contentpage. The contentpage component is the base page component for your site. Other page components can extend it. Remove script files under enrollmentpage, except head.jsp, content.jsp, and library.jsp. The sling:resourceSuperType component, which is contentpage in this case, includes all such scripts. Headers, including navigation bar and footer are inherited from the contentpage component.

    2. Open the file head.jsp.

      The JSP file contains the line <cq.include script="library.jsp"/>.

      The library.jsp file contains the guide.theme.simpleEnrollment client library, which contains the styling for the adaptive form.

      The page component enrollmentpage has an exclusive head.jsp file that overrides the head.jsp file of the contentpage component.

    3. Include all scripts in the head.jsp file for the contentpage component to the head.jsp file for the enrollmentpage component.

    4. In the content.jsp script, you can add additional page content or references to other components that are included when a page renders. For example, if you add the custom component applicationformheader, ensure that you add the following reference to the component in the JSP file:

      <cq:include path="applicationformheader" resourceType="mycompany/components/applicationformheader"/>

      Similarly, if you add a parsys component in the template node structure, also include the custom component.

Creating an adaptive form client library

The head.jsp file of the enrollmentpage component for the new template includes a client library guide.theme.simpleEnrollment. The default template also uses this client library. Change the style in the new template using on of these methods:

  • Define a custom theme and replace the default theme guide.theme.simpleEnrollment with the custom theme.
  • Define a new client library under /etc/designs/mycompany. Include the client library after the default theme entry in the jsp page. Include all overridden styles and additional Java Script files in this client library.
Theme refers to a client library that is included in the page component used to render an adaptive form. The client library mainly governs the appearance of an adaptive form.

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Espressos & Experience Manager: AEM Forms

Espressos & Experience Manager

Thursday, Mar 6, 7:00 PM UTC

Join Adobe's AEM product team as they highlight AEM Forms' latest innovations, including: the new Gen AI Assistant, Unified Composition with AEM Sites, and new ways to deploy forms through conversations.


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