Quick Start: Image Sets

To get you up and running quickly:

  1. Upload your primary source images for multiple views.

    Start by uploading the images for your Image Sets. When you choose images, remember that your customers can zoom on images in the Image Set Viewer. Make sure that the images are least 2000 pixels in the largest dimension for optimal zoom detail. Dynamic Media can render images up to 25 MP (megapixels) each. For example, you could use a 5000 x 5000 MP image or any other size combination up to 25 MP.

    See Dynamic Media - Supported raster image formats for a list of formats supported by Image Sets.

  1. Create an Image Set.

    In Image Sets, users select thumbnail images in the Image Set Viewer.

    To create an Image Set in Assets, go to Create > Image Sets. Then, add images and select Save.

    You can also create image sets automatically through batch set presets.

    Batch sets are created by the IPS (Image Production System) as part of asset ingestion and are available only in Dynamic Media - Scene7 mode.

    See Prepare Image Set assets for upload and uploading your files.

    See Work with Selectors.

  2. Add Image Set Viewer presets, as needed.

    Administrators can create or modify Image Set Viewer Presets. To see your Image Set with a viewer preset, select the Image Set, and in the left-rail drop-down menu, select Viewers.

    Navigate to Tools > Assets > Viewer Presets if you want to create or edit viewer presets.

  3. (Optional) View an Image Set that were created using batch set presets.

  4. Preview Image Sets.

    Select the Image Set and you can preview it. Select the thumbnail icons so you can examine your Image Set in the selected Viewer. You can choose different viewers from the Viewers menu, available from the left rail drop-down menu.

  5. Publish an Image Set.

    Publishing an Image Set activates the URL and embed code. In addition, you must publish any custom viewer preset that you have created. Out-of-the box viewer presets are already published.

  6. Link URLs to your Web Application or Embed the Video or Image Viewer.

    Experience Manager Assets creates URL calls for Image Sets and activates them after you publish the image sets. You can copy these URLs when you preview assets. Alternatively, you can embed them on your web site.

    Select the Image Set, then in the left rail drop-down menu, select Viewers.

    See Link an Image Set to a web page and Embed the Video or Image Viewer.

To edit Image Sets, see Edit Image Sets. In addition, you can view and edit Image Set properties.

If you have issues creating sets, see Images and Sets in Troubleshooting Dynamic Media - Scene7 mode.

Upload assets in Image Sets

Start by uploading the images for your Image Sets. When you choose images, remember that your customers can zoom on images in the Image Set Viewer. Make sure that the images are least 2000 pixels in the largest dimension. Image Sets supports many image file formats, but lossless TIFF, PNG, and EPS images are recommended.

You can upload images for Image Sets as you would upload any other asset in Assets.

See Dynamic Media - Supported raster image formats for a list of formats supported by Image Sets.

Prepare Image Set assets for upload

Before creating Image Sets, make sure that the images are the right size and format.

To create a multiple-view Image Set, you need images that show an item from different points of view or show different aspects of the same item. The goal is to highlight the important features of an item so viewers have a complete picture of what it looks like or does.

Because users can zoom images in Image Sets, make sure that the images are at least 2000 pixels in the largest dimension.

In addition, if you are using thumbnails to indicate product swatches, you must do the following:
You need vignettes or different shots of the same image showing it in different colors, patterns, or finishes. You also need thumbnail files that correspond to the different colors, patterns, or finishes. For example, to present thumbnails with an Image Set showing the same jacket in black, brown, and green, you need:
  • A black, brown, and green shot of the same jacket.
  • A black, brown, and green color thumbnail.

Create an Image Set

You can create Image Sets through the user interface or via the API. This section describes how to create Image Sets in the UI.

You can also create image sets automatically through batch set presets.
Important: Batch sets are created by the IPS (Image Production System) as part of asset ingestion and are available only in Dynamic Media - Scene7 mode.

When you add assets to your set, they are automatically added in alphanumeric order. You can manually reorder or sort assets after they have been added.

Image sets are not supported for assets with “,” (comma) in the file name.

When you create an Image Set, Adobe recommends the following best practices and enforces the following limits:

Limit typeBest practiceLimit imposed
Number of duplicate assets per setNo duplicates20‡
Maximum number of images per set5-10 images per set1000

‡ Best practice is to not have duplicate assets in a set. The limit is 20 duplicates for a single asset. If you add another duplicate for that asset—within that set—the request either gives an error or ignores the duplicate.

See also Dynamic Media limitations.

To create an Image Set:

  1. In Experience Manager, select the Experience Manager logo to access the global navigation console, then go to Navigation > Assets. Navigate to where you want to create an Image Set, then go to Create > Image Set to open the Image Set Editor page.

    You can also create the set from inside a folder that contains your assets.


  2. In the Image Set Editor page, in the Title field, enter a name for the Image Set. The name appears in the banner across the Image Set. Optionally, enter a description.


  3. Do either one of the following:

    • Near the upper-left corner of the Image Set Editor page, select Add Asset.

    • Near the middle of the Image Set Editor page, select Tap to open Asset Selector.

    Select the assets that you want to include in your Image Set. Selected assets have a checkmark icon over them. When you are finished, near the upper-right corner of the page, select Select.

    With the Asset Selector, you can search for assets by typing in a keyword and tapping or clicking Return. You can also apply filters to refine your search results. You can filter by path, collection, file type, and tag. Select the filter and then select the Filter icon on the toolbar. Change the view by tapping the View icon and selecting Column View, Card View, or List View.

    See Work with Selectors.


  4. When you add assets to your set, they are automatically added in alphanumeric order. You can manually reorder or sort assets after you add them.

    If necessary, drag an asset’s Reorder icon to the right of the asset’s file name to reorder images up or down the set list.


    If you want to change a thumbnail or swatch, select the + thumbnail icon next to the image and navigate to the thumbnail or swatch you want. When done selecting all the images select Save.

  5. (Optional) Do any of the following:

    • To delete an image, select the image and select Delete Asset.

    • To apply a preset, near the upper-right corner of the page, select Preset, then select a preset to apply to all the assets at once.

    When creating the Image Set, you can change the Image Set thumbnail or allow Experience Manager to select the thumbnail automatically based on the assets in the Image Set. To select a thumbnail, select Change thumbnail above the Title field on the Image Set Editor page, then select any image (you can navigate to other folders to find images as well). If you have selected a thumbnail, and then decide that you want Experience Manager to generate one from the Image Set, select Switch to > Automatic thumbnail.
  6. Select Save. Your newly created Image Set appears in the folder you created it in.

View an Image Set

You can create image sets either in the user interface or automatically using batch set presets.

Batch sets are created by the IPS [Image Production System] as part of asset ingestion and are available only in Dynamic Media - Scene7 mode.)

However, sets created using batch set presets, do not appear in the user interface. You can view these sets in three different ways. (These methods are available even if you created the image sets in the user interface).

  • Open the properties of an individual asset. Properties indicate what sets the selected asset is referenced or a member of. Select the name of the set if you want to see the entire set.


  • From a member image of any set. Select the Sets menu to display the sets that the asset is a member of.


  • From search, you can select Filter, then expand Dynamic Media and select Sets.

    The search returns matching sets that were manually created in the UI or automatically created through batch set presets. For automated sets, the search query is conducted using “Starts with” search criteria which is different from Experience Manager search which is based on using “Contains” search criteria. Setting the filter to Sets istheonly way to search automated sets.


You can view sets by way of the user interface as described in Edit Image Sets.

Edit an Image Set

You can perform various editing tasks on Image Sets such as the following:

  • Add images to the Image Set.
  • Reorder images in the Image Set.
  • Delete assets in the Image Set.
  • Apply viewer presets.
  • Delete the Image Set.

To edit an Image Set:

  1. Do any one of the following:

    • Hover over an Image Set asset, then select Edit (pencil icon).
    • Hover over an Image Set asset, select Select (checkmark icon), then select Edit on the toolbar.
    • Select on an Image Set asset, then select Edit (pencil icon) on the toolbar.
  2. To edit the images in the Image Set, do any of the following:

    • To reorder assets, drag an image to a new location (select the reorder icon to move items).

    • To sort items in ascending or descending order, select the column heading.

    • To add an asset or update an existing asset, select the Add Asset. Navigate to an asset, select it, then select Select near the upper-right corner of the page.

      If you delete the image that Experience Manager uses for the thumbnail by replacing it with another image, the original asset still displays.

      * To delete an asset, select it and select **Delete Asset**.

    • To apply a preset, near the upper-right corner of the page, select Preset, then select a viewer preset.

    • To add or change a thumbnail, select the thumbnail icon next to the right of the asset. Navigate to the new thumbnail or swatch asset, select it, then select Select.

    • To delete an entire Image Set, navigate to the Image Set, select it, and select Delete.

    You can edit the images in an Image Set by navigating to the set, select Set Members in the left rail, and then select the Pencil icon on an individual asset to open the editing window.
  3. Select Save when you are done editing.

Preview an Image Set

See Previewing assets.

Publish an Image Set

See Publishing Assets.

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