Supported platforms

Imaging Transcoding Library is available only for RHEL 8, RHEL 7 and CentOS 7 distributions.

Mac OS and other *nix distributions (for example, Debian and Ubuntu) are not supported.


The command line arguments for Imaging Transcoding Library can include the following:

 -destMime PNG/JPEG: Mime type of output rendition
 -BitDepth 8/16: Preserves Bit Depth. Bitdepth '4' is automatically converted to '8'
 -preserveBitDepth: Downscales Bit Depth (No upscaling)
 -preserveCMYK: Preserves CMYK color space
 -jpegQuality: Provides jpeg quality parameter (0-12 , corresponding to Photoshop qualities)
 -ResamplingMethod BiCubic/Lanczos/PSBicubic: Provides resampling methods. PSBicubic is a Photoshop quality resampling method.

You can configure the following options for the -resize parameter:

  • X: Works similar to Experience Manager. For example, -resize 319.
  • WxH: Aspect ratio is not maintained, For example, -resize 319x319.
  • Wx: Fixes the width and calculates the height maintaining the aspect ratio. For example, -resize 319x.
  • xH: Fixes the height and calculates the width maintaining the aspect ratio. For example, -resize x319.
 -AllowUpsampling (Resizes smaller images)
 -input <fileName>
 -output <fileName>

Configure Imaging Transcoding Library

To configure ITL processing, create a configuration file and update the workflow to execute it.

Create configuration file for extracted bundle

To configure the library, create a CONF file to indicate the libraries using the following steps. You need administrator or root permissions.

  1. Download the Imaging Transcoding Library package from Software Distribution and install it using the Package Manager. The package is compatible with Experience Manager 6.5.

  2. To know a bundle id for, log in to the Web Console and click OSGi > Bundles. Alternatively, to open the bundles console, access https://[aem_server:[port]/system/console/bundles/ URL. Locate bundle and its ID.

  3. Ensure that all the required libraries are extracted, by checking the folder using the command ls -la /aem65/author/crx-quickstart/launchpad/felix/bundle<id>/data/binaries/, where the folder name is constructed using the bundle ID. For example, the command is ls -la /aem65/author/crx-quickstart/launchpad/felix/bundle588/data/binaries/ if bundle id is 588.

  4. Create SWitchEngineLibs.conf file to link to the library.

    cd `/etc/`
    touch SWitchEngineLibs.conf
    vi SWitchEngineLibs.conf
  5. Add /aem65/author/crx-quickstart/launchpad/felix/bundle<id>/data/binaries/ path to the conf file using cat SWitchEngineLibs.conf command.

  6. Execute ldconfig command to create the necessary links and cache.

  7. In the account that is used to start Experience Manager, edit .bash_profile file. Add LD_LIBRARY_PATH by adding the following.

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  8. To ensure that the value of the path is set to ., use echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH command. The output should just be .. If the value is not set to ., restart the session.

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