Configuring ExactTarget by way of Tools

To create an ExactTarget configuration in Tools:

  1. On the welcome page, click Tools. Or navigate there directly by going to https://<hostname>:<port>/misadmin#/etc.

  2. Select Tools, then Cloud Services Configurations, then ExactTarget.

  3. Click New to open the **Create Page **window.


  4. Enter the Title and optionally the Name, and click Create.

  5. Enter the configuration information as outlined in step 4 in the previous procedure. Follow that procedure to finish configuring ExactTarget.

Adding multiple configurations

To add multiple configurations:

  1. On the welcome page, click Cloud Services and click ExactTarget. Click Show Configurations which appears if one or more ExactTarget configurations are available. All available configurations are listed.
  2. Click the + sign next to Available configurations. This opens the Create Configurations window. Follow the previous configuration procedure to create a configuration.

Experience Manager