Localizing collapsed categories, queues, and processes

AEM Forms workspace uses images to display headers of categories, queues, and processes. You require a development package to localize these headers. For detailed information about creating a development package, see Building AEM Forms workspace code.

In the following steps, it is assumed that the new localized image files are Categories_nw.png, Queue_nw.png, and Processes_nw.png. The recommended width of the images should be set to 19 pixels.

To find the browser language locale code of your browser. Open https://'[server]:[port]'/lc/libs/ws/Locale.html.


To localize the images, perform the following steps:

  1. Using a WebDAV client, place the image files in the /apps/ws/images folder.

  2. Navigate to /apps/ws/css. Open newStyle.css for editing and add the following entries:

    #categoryListBar .content.nw {
         background: #3e3e3e url(../images/Categories_nw.png) no-repeat 10px 10px;
    #filterListBar .content.nw {
        background: #3e3e3e url(../images/Queues_nw.png) no-repeat 10px 10px;
    #processNameListBar .content.nw {
        background: #3e3e3e url(../images/Processes_nw.png) no-repeat 10px 10px;
  3. Perform all the semantic changes listed in the Workspace Customization article.

  4. Navigate to the js/runtime/utility folder and open the usersession.js file for editing.

  5. Locate the code listed in the original code block and add the condition lang !== ‘nw’ to the if statement:

    // Orignal code
    setLocale = function () {
            var lang = $.trim(i18n.lng());
            if (lang === null || lang === '' || (lang !== 'fr-FR' && lang !== 'de-DE' && lang !== 'ja-JP')) {
                window.lcWorkspace.locale = 'en-US';
            } else {
                window.lcWorkspace.locale = lang;
    //new code
     setLocale = function () {
            var lang = $.trim(i18n.lng());
            if (lang === null || lang === '' || (lang !== 'fr-FR' && lang !== 'de-DE' && lang !== 'ja-JP' && lang !== 'nw')) {
                window.lcWorkspace.locale = 'en-US';
            } else {
                window.lcWorkspace.locale = lang;

Localizing Date Picker

You require a development package to localize the datepicker API. For detailed information about creating a development package, see Building AEM Forms workspace code.

  1. Download and extract the jQuery UI Package, navigate to <extracted jquery UI package>\jquery-ui-1.10.2.zip\jquery-ui-1.10.2\ui\i18n.

  2. Copy the jquery.ui.datepicker-nw.js file for locale code nw to apps/ws/js/libs/jqueryui and make locale-specific changes to the file.

  3. Navigate to apps/ws/js and open the jquery.ui.datepicker-nw.js file for editing.

  4. In the main.js file, create an alias for jquery.ui.datepicker-nw.js. The code to create an alias for the jquery.ui.datepicker-nw.js file is:

    jqueryuidatepickernw : pathprefix + 'libs/jqueryui/jquery.ui.datepicker-nw'
  5. Use alias jqueryuidatepickernw to include the jquery.ui.datepicker-nw.js file in all the files that use datepicker. The datepicker is used in the following files:

    • js/runtime/views/outofoffice.js
    • js/runtime/views/searchtemplatedetails.js

    The sample code below shows how to add the entry of jquery.ui.datepicker-nw.js:

    //Original Code
    ], function ($, _, Backbone, jQueryUI, jQueryUIDatePickerJA, jQueryUIDatePickerDE, jQueryUIDatePickerFR, slimScroll, UserSearch, LogManager, Logger) {
    // Code with Date Picker alias for new language
        'jqueryuidatepickernw', // Date Picker alias
    ], function ($, _, Backbone, jQueryUI, jQueryUIDatePickerJA, jQueryUIDatePickerDE, jQueryUIDatePickerFR, jQueryUIDatePickerNW, slimScroll, UserSearch, LogManager, Logger) {
  6. In all the files that use the datepicker API, change the default datepicker API settings. The datepicker API is used in the following files:

    • apps\ws\js\runtime\views\searchtemplatedetails.js
    • apps\ws\js\runtime\views\outofoffice.js

    Change the following code to add the new locale:

    if (locale === 'ja-JP') {
    } else if (locale === 'de-DE') {
    } else if (locale === 'fr-FR') {
    } else {
    if (locale === 'ja-JP') {
    } else if (locale === 'de-DE') {
    } else if (locale === 'fr-FR') {
    } else if (locale === 'nw') {
    } else {

Experience Manager

Espressos & Experience Manager: AEM Forms

Espressos & Experience Manager

Thursday, Mar 6, 7:00 PM UTC

Join Adobe's AEM product team as they highlight AEM Forms' latest innovations, including: the new Gen AI Assistant, Unified Composition with AEM Sites, and new ways to deploy forms through conversations.


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