
When adding a teaser paragraph to a page, you must define the Strategy.

This is for the case that several teasers are available for selection as their assigned segments all resolve successfully. The Strategy then specifies an extra criteria used to select the teaser shown:

  • Clickstream Score, is based on the tags and related tag hits held within the visitor’s client context (show how often a visitor has clicked pages that contain the respective tag). The hit rates for tags defined on the teaser page are compared.
  • Random, for “random” selection; uses the random factor generated for a page, this can be seen with the client context.
  • First in the list of resolved segments. The order is that of the teasers within the campaign container page.

The Boost Factor of the segment also has an impact on the selection. This is a weighting factor added to a segment definition to increase/decrease the relative likelihood of it being selected.

The process and interrelationships of the various selection criteria are best illustrated with an example (a method that can also be used to ensure that your teasers will reach the required audience).

If the following segments have already been created and assigned their respective Boost Factor:

SegmentBoost Factor

And we use the following teaser definitions:

CampaignTeaserAssigned SegmentsAssigned Tags
C1T1S1, S2Business, Marketing
C1T3S3, S4
C1T4S2, S5
C1T5S1, S2, S6Marketing

Then if we apply this to a visitor where:

  • S1, **S2, and S6 resolve successfully

  • the tag marketing has three hits

  • the tag business has six hits

We can see the resulting:

  • match success - do any of the segments assigned to the teaser resolve successfully for the current visitor?
  • boost factor - the highest boost factor of all applicable segments
  • clickstream score - the accumulative total for all applicable tag hits

that are calculated before applying the appropriate strategy:

CampaignTeaserAssigned SegmentsTagsSuccessful Match?Resulting Boost FactorResulting Clickstream Score
C1T1S1, S2Business, MarketingYes09
C1T3S3, S4No
C1T4S2, S5Yes0
C1T5S1, S2, S6MarketingYes1003

These values are used to determine the teasers that the visitor will see, depending on the Strategy applied to the teaser paragraph:

StrategyResulting TeaserComments
FirstT5Only T5 and T6 are considered as their segments all resolve and they have the highest boost factor. The list returned is in the order T5, T6; so T5 is selected and shown.
RandomT5 or T6Both teasers have segments that all resolve and the same boost factor. Therefore, the two teasers are shown in equal proportion.
Clickstream ScoreT6Segments for T1, T4, T5 and T6 all resolve for the visitor. The higher boost factors of T5 and T6 then excludes T1 and T4. Finally the higher Clickstream Score of T6 result in this being selected.
If, after the above resolution techniques, multiple teasers are available for selection, then an internal selection (random) will select a single teaser for display.
For example, if the strategy was Clickstream Score and T5 had the same Clickstream Score as T6 (that is, six instead of three) then the internal selection (random) would be used to select one of these two.

Teaser Pages / Paragraphs are used to steer specific visitor segments to content that is focused on their interests. They can present a range of options for the visitor to choose from, or show only one teaser paragraph that is based on the specific visitor segment. For example, the teaser paragraph shown may be dependent on the age of the visitor.

Typically a teaser page is a temporary action that will last for a specific amount of time, until it is replaced by the next teaser page.

After creating your brand and campaign, you can create and set up your teaser experience.

Creating a Touchpoint for your Teaser

The Teaser component is now deprecated in AEM 6.2. Instead, use the Target component.
  1. Navigate to the content page where you want to place the teaser paragraph that will lead to your campaign page.

  2. Add a Teaser component (available in the Personalization section of sidekick) in the required position. When first created, it will show that the campaign path is not yet configured:


  3. Edit the teaser component to add the:

    • Campaign Path
      Path to the campaign page that holds the individual teaser page; segments determine exactly which teaser is shown.

    • Strategy
      Method used for selection when multiple segments resolve successfully.


  4. Click OK to save. Depending on the segments you have set on the teaser and the profile of the user you are currently logged in as, the appropriate content will be displayed:


  5. Mouse over the teaser paragraph to reveal the question mark icon (bottom-right corner of the component). Click this to view the segments applied and whether they currently resolve.


Teaser Overview

As well as the campaign view in the MCM, the campaign page also gives information about the teasers connected to it:

  1. From the Websites console, open the campaign page; for example:


    This shows an overview of the teaser definitions and viewing statistics:


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