Creating a New Synchronization Action

Create custom synchronization actions to use with your rollout configurations. Create a synchronization action when the installed actions do not meet your specific application requirements. To do so, create two classes:

The LiveActionFactory creates instances of the LiveAction class for a given configuration:

  • LiveAction classes include the following methods:

    • getName: Returns the name of the action. The name is used to refer to the action, for example, in rollout configurations.
    • execute: Performs the tasks of the action.
  • LiveActionFactory classes include the following members:

    • LIVE_ACTION_NAME: A field that contains the name of the associated LiveAction. This name must coincide with the value that is returned by the getName method of the LiveAction class.

    • createAction: Creates an instance of the LiveAction. The optional Resource parameter can be used to provide configuration information.

    • createsAction: Returns the name of the associated LiveAction.

Accessing the LiveAction Configuration Node

Use the LiveAction configuration node in the repository to store information that affects the runtime behavior of the LiveAction instance. The node in the repository that stores the LiveAction configuration is available to the LiveActionFactory object at runtime. Therefore, you can add properties to the configuration node to and use them in your LiveActionFactory implementation as needed.

For example, a LiveAction needs to store the name of the blueprint author. A property of the configuration node includes the property name of the blueprint page that stores the information. At runtime, the LiveAction retrieves the property name from the configuration, then obtains the property value.

The parameter of the LiveActionFactory.createAction method is a Resource object. This Resource object represents the cq:LiveSyncAction node for this live action in the rollout configuration; see Creating a Rollout Configuration. As usual when using a configuration node, you should adapt it to a ValueMap object:

public LiveAction createAction(Resource resource) throws WCMException {
        ValueMap config;
        if (resource == null || resource.adaptTo(ValueMap.class) == null) {
            config = new ValueMapDecorator(Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap());
        } else {
            config = resource.adaptTo(ValueMap.class);
        return new MyLiveAction(config, this);

Accessing Target Nodes, Source Nodes, and the LiveRelationship

The following objects are provided as parameters of the execute method of the LiveAction object:

  • A Resource object that represents the source of the Live Copy.

  • A Resource object that represents the target of the Live Copy.

  • The LiveRelationship object for the live copy.

  • The autoSave value indicates whether your LiveAction should save changes that are made to the repository.

  • The reset value indicates the rollout reset mode.

From these objects you can obtain all the information about the LiveCopy. You can also use the Resource objects to obtain ResourceResolver, Session, and Node objects. These objects are useful for manipulating repository content:

In the first line of the following code, source is the Resource object of the source page:

ResourceResolver resolver = source.getResourceResolver();
Session session = resolver.adaptTo(javax.jcr.Session.class);
Node sourcenode = source.adaptTo(javax.jcr.Node.class);
The Resource arguments may be null or Resources objects that do not adapt to Node objects, such as NonExistingResource objects.

Creating a New Rollout Configuration

Create a rollout configuration when the installed rollout configurations do not meet your application requirements:

The new rollout configuration is then available to you when setting rollout configurations on a blueprint or live copy page.

Create the Rollout Configuration

  1. Open CRXDE Lite; for example:

  2. Navigate to :

    This is your project’s customized version of:
    If this is your first configuration, this /libs branch must be used as a template to create the new branch under /apps.
    Do not change anything in the /libs path.
    This is because the content of /libs is overwritten the next time you upgrade your instance (and may well be overwritten when you apply either a hotfix or feature pack).
    The recommended method for configuration and other changes is:
    • Recreate the required item (that is, as it exists in /libs) under /apps
    • Make any changes within /apps
  3. Under this Create a node with the following properties:

    • Name: The node name of the rollout configuration. md#installed-synchronization-actions), for example, contentCopy or workflow.
    • Type: cq:RolloutConfig
  4. Add the following properties to this node:

    • Name: jcr:title
      Type: String
      Value: An identiying title that will appear in the UI.

    • Name: jcr:description
      Type: String
      Value: An optional description.

    • Name: cq:trigger
      Type: String
      Value: The Rollout Trigger to be used. Select from:

      • rollout
      • modification
      • publish
      • deactivate
  5. Click Save All.

Add Synchronization Actions to the Rollout Configuration

Rollout configurations are stored below the rollout configuration node that you have created under /apps/msm/<your-project>/rolloutconfigs node.

Add child nodes of type cq:LiveSyncAction to add synchronization actions to the rollout configuration. The order of the synchronization action nodes determines the order in which the actions occur.

  1. Still in CRXDE Lite, select your Rollout Configuration node.

    For example:

  2. Create a node with the following node properties:

    • Name: The node name of the synchronization action.
      The name must be the same as the Action Name in the table under Synchronization Actions, for example, contentCopy or workflow.
    • Type: cq:LiveSyncAction
  3. Add and configure as many synchronization action nodes as you require. Rearrange the action nodes so that their order matches the order in which you want them to occur. The topmost action node occurs first.

Creating and Using a Simple LiveActionFactory Class

Follow the procedures in this section to develop a LiveActionFactory and use it in a rollout configuration. The procedures use Maven and Eclipse to develop and deploy the LiveActionFactory:

The Maven project and the source code of the Java class is available in the public Git repository.


You can find the code of this page on GitHub

Create the Maven Project

The following procedure requires that you have added the adobe-public profile to your Maven settings file.

  1. Open a terminal or command-line session and change the directory to point to the location of where to create the project.

  2. Enter the following command:

    mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=multimodule-content-package-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.0 -DarchetypeRepository=adobe-public-releases
  3. Specify the following values at interactive prompt:

    • groupId: com.adobe.example.msm
    • artifactId: MyLiveActionFactory
    • version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
    • package: MyPackage
    • appsFolderName: myapp
    • artifactName: MyLiveActionFactory package
    • packageGroup: myPackages
  4. Start Eclipse and import the Maven project.

Add Dependencies to the POM File

Add dependencies so that the Eclipse compiler can reference the classes that are used in the LiveActionFactory code.

  1. From the Eclipse Project Explorer, open the file:


  2. In the editor, click the pom.xml tab and locate the project/dependencyManagement/dependencies section.

  3. Add the following XML inside the dependencyManagement element and then save the file.

  4. Open the POM file for the bundle from Project Explorer at MyLiveActionFactory-bundle/pom.xml.

  5. In the editor, click the pom.xml tab and locate the project/dependencies section. Add the following XML inside the dependencies element and then save the file:


Implement LiveActionFactory

The following LiveActionFactory class implements a LiveAction that logs messages about the source and target pages, and copies the cq:lastModifiedBy property from the source node to the target node. The name of the live action is exampleLiveAction.

  1. In the Eclipse Project Explorer, right-click the MyLiveActionFactory-bundle/src/main/java/com.adobe.example.msm package and click New > Class. For the Name, enter ExampleLiveActionFactory and then click Finish.

  2. Open the file, replace the content with the following code, and save the file.

    package com.adobe.example.msm;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
    import org.slf4j.Logger;
    import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
    import javax.jcr.Node;
    import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
    import javax.jcr.Session;
    service = LiveActionFactory.class,
    property = {LiveActionFactory.LIVE_ACTION_NAME + "=" + ExampleLiveActionFactory.LIVE_ACTION_NAME})
    public class ExampleLiveActionFactory implements LiveActionFactory<LiveAction> {
      private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExampleLiveActionFactory.class);
      public static final String LIVE_ACTION_NAME = "CustomAction";
      public LiveAction createAction(Resource config) {
        ValueMap configs;
        /* Adapt the config resource to a ValueMap */
        if (config == null || config.adaptTo(ValueMap.class) == null) {
          configs = new ValueMapDecorator(Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap());
        } else {
          configs = config.adaptTo(ValueMap.class);
        return new ExampleLiveAction(LIVE_ACTION_NAME, configs);
      public String createsAction() {
        return LIVE_ACTION_NAME;
      /************* LiveAction ****************/
      private static class ExampleLiveAction implements LiveAction {
        private String name;
        private ValueMap configs;
        private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExampleLiveAction.class);
      public ExampleLiveAction(String nm, ValueMap config){
        name = nm;
        configs = config;
      public void execute(Resource source, Resource target,
                          LiveRelationship liverel, boolean autoSave, boolean isResetRollout)
                        throws WCMException {
        String lastMod = null;
   " *** Executing ExampleLiveAction *** ");
        /* Determine if the LiveAction is configured to copy the cq:lastModifiedBy property */
        if ((Boolean) configs.get("repLastModBy")){
          /* get the source's cq:lastModifiedBy property */
          if (source != null && source.adaptTo(Node.class) !=  null){
            ValueMap sourcevm = source.adaptTo(ValueMap.class);
            lastMod = sourcevm.get(NameConstants.PN_PAGE_LAST_MOD_BY, String.class);
          /* set the target node's la-lastModifiedBy property */
          Session session = null;
          if (target != null && target.adaptTo(Node.class) !=  null){
            ResourceResolver resolver = target.getResourceResolver();
            session = resolver.adaptTo(javax.jcr.Session.class);
            Node targetNode;
              targetNode.setProperty("la-lastModifiedBy", lastMod);
    " *** Target node lastModifiedBy property updated: {} ***",lastMod);
            }catch(Exception e){
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
              try {
              } catch (RepositoryException e1) {
      public String getName() {
        return name;
      /************* Deprecated *************/
      public void execute(ResourceResolver arg0, LiveRelationship arg1,
                         ActionConfig arg2, boolean arg3) throws WCMException {
      public void execute(ResourceResolver arg0, LiveRelationship arg1,
                          ActionConfig arg2, boolean arg3, boolean arg4)
                        throws WCMException {
      public String getParameterName() {
        return null;
        public String[] getPropertiesNames() {
          return null;
      public int getRank() {
        return 0;
      public String getTitle() {
        return null;
      public void write(JSONWriter arg0) throws JSONException {
  3. Using the terminal or command session, change the directory to the MyLiveActionFactory directory (the Maven project directory). Then, enter the following command:

    mvn -PautoInstallPackage clean install

    The AEM error.log file should indicate that the bundle is started.

    For example, https://localhost:4502/system/console/status-slinglogs.

    13.08.2013 14:34:55.450 *INFO* [OsgiInstallerImpl] com.adobe.example.msm.MyLiveActionFactory-bundle BundleEvent RESOLVED
    13.08.2013 14:34:55.451 *INFO* [OsgiInstallerImpl] com.adobe.example.msm.MyLiveActionFactory-bundle BundleEvent STARTING
    13.08.2013 14:34:55.451 *INFO* [OsgiInstallerImpl] com.adobe.example.msm.MyLiveActionFactory-bundle BundleEvent STARTED
    13.08.2013 14:34:55.453 *INFO* [OsgiInstallerImpl] com.adobe.example.msm.MyLiveActionFactory-bundle Service [com.adobe.example.msm.ExampleLiveActionFactory,2188] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
    13.08.2013 14:34:55.454 *INFO* [OsgiInstallerImpl] Started bundle com.adobe.example.msm.MyLiveActionFactory-bundle [316]

Create the Example Rollout Configuration

Create the MSM rollout configuration that uses the LiveActionFactory that you created:

  1. Create and configuration a Rollout Configuration with the standard procedure - and using the properties:

    • Title: Example Rollout Configuration
    • Name: examplerolloutconfig
    • cq:trigger: publish

Add the Live Action to the Example Rollout Configuration

Configure the rollout configuration that you created in the previous procedure so that it uses the ExampleLiveActionFactory class.

  1. Open CRXDE Lite; for example, https://localhost:4502/crx/de.

  2. Create the following node under /apps/msm/rolloutconfigs/examplerolloutconfig/jcr:content:

    • Name: exampleLiveAction
    • Type: cq:LiveSyncAction
  3. Click Save All.

  4. Select the exampleLiveAction node and add the following property:

    • Name: repLastModBy
    • Type: Boolean
    • Value: true

    This property indicates to the ExampleLiveAction class that the cq:LastModifiedBy property should be replicated from the source to the target node.

  5. Click Save All.

Create the Live Copy

Create a live copy of the English/Products branch of the We.Retail Reference Site using your rollout configuration:

  • Source: /content/we-retail/language-masters/en/products

  • Rollout Configuration: Example Rollout Configuration

Activate the Products (english) page of the source branch and observe the log messages that the LiveAction class generates:

16.08.2013 10:53:33.055 *INFO* [Thread-444535] com.adobe.example.msm.ExampleLiveActionFactory$ExampleLiveAction  ***ExampleLiveAction has been executed.***
16.08.2013 10:53:33.055 *INFO* [Thread-444535] com.adobe.example.msm.ExampleLiveActionFactory$ExampleLiveAction  ***Target node lastModifiedBy property updated: admin ***

Changing language names and default countries

AEM uses a default set of language and country codes.

  • The default language code is the lower-case, two-letter code as defined by ISO-639-1.
  • The default country code is the lower-case or upper-case, two-letter code as defined by ISO 3166.

MSM uses a stored list of language and country codes to determine the name of the country that is associated with the name of the language version of your page. You can change the following aspects of the list if necessary:

  • Language titles
  • Country names
  • Default countries for languges (for codes such as en, de, among others)

The language list is stored below the /libs/wcm/core/resources/languages node. Each child node represents a language or a language-country:

  • The name of the node is the languge code (such as en or de), or the language_country code (such as en_us or de_ch).

  • The language property of the node stores the full name of the language for the code.

  • The country property of the node stores the full name of the country for the code.

  • When the node name consists only of a language code (such as en), the country property is *, and an additional defaultCountry property stores the code of the language-country to indicate the country to use.

Language definition

To modify the languages:

  1. Open CRXDE Lite in your web browser; for example, https://localhost:4502/crx/de

  2. Select the /apps folder and click Create, then Create Folder.

    Name the new folder wcm.

  3. Repeat the previous step to create the /apps/wcm/core folder tree. Create a node of type sling:Folder in core called resources.

  4. Right-click the /libs/wcm/core/resources/languages node and click Copy.

  5. Right-click the /apps/wcm/core/resources folder and click Paste. Modify the child nodes as required.

  6. Click Save All.

  7. Click Tools, Operations then Web Console. From this console click OSGi, then Configuration.

  8. Locate and click Day CQ WCM Language Manager, and change the value of Language List to /apps/wcm/core/resources/languages, then click Save.

    Day CQ WCM Language Manager

Configuring MSM Locks on Page Properties (Touch-Enabled UI)

When creating a custom page property you may need to consider whether the new property should be eligible for roll out to any live copies.

For example, if two new page properties are being added:

  • Contact Email:

    • This property is not required to be rolled out, as it will be different in each country (or brand, and so on).
  • Key Visual Style:

    • The project requirement is that this property is to be rolled out as it is (usually) common to all countries (or brands, and so on).

Then you need to ensure that:

  • Contact Email:

  • Is excluded from the rolled out properties; see Excluding Properties and Node Types from Synchronization.

  • Key Visual Style:

  • Make sure you are not allowed to edit this property in the touch-enabled UI unless inheritance is cancelled, also that you can then reinstate inheritance; this is controlled by clicking the chain/broken-chain links that toggle to indicate the status of the connection.

Whether a page property is subject to roll out and therefore, subject to cancelling/reinstating inheritance when editing, is controlled by the dialog property:

  • cq-msm-lockable

    • is applicable to items in a touch-enabled UI dialog

    • will create the chain-link symbol in the dialog

    • only allows editing if inheritance is cancelled (the chain-link is broken)

    • only applies to the first child level of the resource

      • Type: String

      • Value: holds the name of the property under consideration (and is comparable to the value of the property name; for example, see

When cq-msm-lockable has been defined, breaking/closing the chain will interact with MSM in the following way:

  • if the value of cq-msm-lockable is:

    • Relative (for example, myProperty or ./myProperty)

      • it will add and remove the property from cq:propertyInheritanceCancelled.
    • Absolute (for example, /image)

      • breaking the chain will cancel inheritance by adding the cq:LiveSyncCancelled mixin to ./image and setting cq:isCancelledForChildren to true.

      • closing the chain will revert inheritance.

cq-msm-lockable applies to the first child level of the resource to be edited and it is not functional on any deeper level ancestor regardless if the value is defined as absolute or relative.
When you re-enable inheritance, the live copy page property is not automatically synchronized with the source property. You can manually request a synchronization if this is required.

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