Clone the Venia Project
You clone the Venia Project and then override the default styles.
Run the following git command so you can clone the project:
$ git clone
Build and deploy the project to a local instance of AEM:
$ cd aem-cif-guides-venia/ $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage -Pclassic
Add the necessary OSGi configurations so you can connect your AEM instance to an Adobe Commerce instance or add the configurations to the newly created project.
At this point, you should have a working version of a storefront that is connected to an Adobe Commerce instance. Navigate to the
page at: http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/venia/us/en.html.You should see that the storefront currently is using the Venia theme. Expanding the Main Menu of the storefront, you should see various categories, indicating that the connection to Adobe Commerce is working.
Author the Product Teaser
The Product Teaser Component is extended throughout this tutorial. As a first step, add an instance of the Product Teaser to the Home page to understand the baseline functionality.
Navigate to the Home Page of the site: http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/acme/us/en.html
Insert a new Product Teaser Component into the main layout container on the page.
Expand the Side Panel (if not already toggled) and switch the asset finder dropdown to Products. This should display a list of available products from a connected Adobe Commerce instance. Select a product and drag+drop it onto the Product Teaser component on the page.
Note, you can also configure the displayed product by configuring the component using the dialog (clicking the wrench icon). -
You should now see a Product being displayed by the Product Teaser. The Name of the product and the Price of the product are default attributes that are displayed.
Add a Custom Attribute in Adobe Commerce
The products and product data displayed in AEM are stored in Adobe Commerce. Next, add an attribute for Eco Friendly as part of the product attribute set by using the Adobe Commerce UI.
Log in to your Adobe Commerce instance.
Navigate to Catalog > Products.
Update the search filter so you can find the Configurable Product used when added to the Teaser component in the previous exercise. Open the product in edit mode.
From the product view, click Add Attribute > Create New Attribute.
Fill out the New Attribute form with the following values (leave default settings for other values)
Field Set Field Label Value Attribute Properties Attribute Label Eco Friendly Attribute Properties Catalog Input Type Yes/No Advanced Attribute Properties Attribute Code eco_friendly Click Save Attribute when finished.
Scroll to the bottom of the product and expand the Attributes heading. You should see the new Eco Friendly field. Switch the toggle to Yes.
Save the changes to the product.
More details about managing Product Attributes can be found in the Adobe Commerce user guide. -
Navigate to System > Tools > Cache Management. Because an update was made to the data schema, you must invalidate some of the Cache Types in Adobe Commerce.
Check the box next to Configuration and submit the cache type for Refresh
More details about Cache Management can be found in the Adobe Commerce user guide.
Use a GraphQL IDE to Verify Attribute
Before jumping into AEM code, it is useful to explore the Adobe Commerce GraphQL using a GraphQL IDE. The Adobe Commerce integration with AEM is primarily done via a series of GraphQL queries. Understanding and modifying the GraphQL queries is one of the key ways in which the CIF Core Components can be extended.
Next, use a GraphQL IDE to verify that the eco_friendly
attribute has been added to the product attribute set. Screenshots in this tutorial are using the Google Chrome extension Altair GraphQL Client.
Open the GraphQL IDE and enter the URL
in the URL bar of your IDE or extension. -
Add the following products query where
is the SKU of the product used in the previous exercise:{ products( filter: { sku: { eq: "YOUR_SKU" } } ) { items { name sku eco_friendly } } }
Execute the query and you should get a response like the following:
{ "data": { "products": { "items": [ { "name": "Valeria Two-Layer Tank", "sku": "VT11", "eco_friendly": 1 } ] } } }
The value of Yes is an integer of 1. This is useful when you write the GraphQL query in Java™.
Update the Sling Model for the Product Teaser
Next, you extend the business logic of the Product Teaser by implementing a Sling Model. Sling Models are annotation driven “POJOs” (Plain Old Java™ Objects) that implement any of the business logic that is needed by the component. Sling Models are used with the HTL scripts as part of the component. Follow the delegation pattern for Sling Models so that you can extend parts of the existing Product Teaser model.
Sling Models are implemented as Java™ and can be found in the core module of the generated project.
Use the IDE of your choice to import the Venia project. Screenshots used are from the Visual Studio Code IDE.
In your IDE, navigate under the core module to:
is a Java™ Interface that extends the CIF ProductTeaser interface.Already a new method has been added named
to display a badge if the product is considered “New”. -
Add a method
to the interface:@ProviderType public interface MyProductTeaser extends ProductTeaser { // Extend the existing interface with the additional properties which you // want to expose to the HTL template. public Boolean isShowBadge(); public Boolean isEcoFriendly(); }
This is a new method to encapsulate the logic to indicate if the product has the eco_friendly
attribute set to Yes or No.
Next, inspect the
.The delegation pattern for Sling Models allows
to referenceProductTeaser
model via thesling:resourceSuperType
property:@Self @Via(type = ResourceSuperType.class) private ProductTeaser productTeaser;
For all the methods that are not overridden or changed, you can return the value that the
returns. For example:@Override public String getImage() { return productTeaser.getImage(); }
This minimizes the amount of Java™ code that an implementation must write.
One of the extra extension points provided by AEM CIF Core Components is the
which provides access to specific product attributes. Inspect theinitModel()
method:import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; ... @Model(adaptables = SlingHttpServletRequest.class, adapters = MyProductTeaser.class, resourceType = MyProductTeaserImpl.RESOURCE_TYPE) public class MyProductTeaserImpl implements MyProductTeaser { ... private AbstractProductRetriever productRetriever; /* add this method to intialize the proudctRetriever */ @PostConstruct public void initModel() { productRetriever = productTeaser.getProductRetriever(); if (productRetriever != null) { productRetriever.extendProductQueryWith(p -> p.createdAt()); } } ...
annotation ensures that this method is called when the Sling Model is initialized.Notice that the product GraphQL query has already been extended using the
method to retrieve the additionalcreated_at
attribute. This attribute is later used as part of theisShowBadge()
method. -
Update the GraphQL query to include the
attribute in the partial query:// private static final String ECO_FRIENDLY_ATTRIBUTE = "eco_friendly"; @PostConstruct public void initModel() { productRetriever = productTeaser.getProductRetriever(); if (productRetriever != null) { productRetriever.extendProductQueryWith(p -> p .createdAt() .addCustomSimpleField(ECO_FRIENDLY_ATTRIBUTE) ); } }
Adding to the
method is a powerful way to ensure that additional product attributes are available to the rest of the model. It also minimizes the number of queries executed.In the above code, the
is used to retrieve theeco_friendly
attribute. This illustrates how you can query for any custom attributes that are part of the Adobe Commerce schema.NOTE
method has been implemented as part of the Product Interface. Most of the commonly found schema attributes have been implemented, so only use theaddCustomSimpleField
for truly custom attributes. -
Add a logger so that it can help you debug the Java™ code:
import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; ... @Model(adaptables = SlingHttpServletRequest.class, adapters = MyProductTeaser.class, resourceType = MyProductTeaserImpl.RESOURCE_TYPE) public class MyProductTeaserImpl implements MyProductTeaser { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyProductTeaserImpl.class);
Next, implement the
method:@Override public Boolean isEcoFriendly() { Integer ecoFriendlyValue; try { ecoFriendlyValue = productRetriever.fetchProduct().getAsInteger(ECO_FRIENDLY_ATTRIBUTE); if(ecoFriendlyValue != null && ecoFriendlyValue.equals(Integer.valueOf(1))) {"*** Product is Eco Friendly**"); return true; } } catch (SchemaViolationError e) { LOGGER.error("Error retrieving eco friendly attribute"); }"*** Product is not Eco Friendly**"); return false; }
In the above method, the
is used to fetch the product and thegetAsInteger()
method is used to get the value of theeco_friendly
attribute. Based on the GraphQL queries you ran earlier, you know that the expected value when theeco_friendly
attribute is set to “Yes” is actually an integer of 1.Now that the Sling Model is updated, update the Component markup to display an indicator of Eco Friendly based on the Sling Model.
Customizing the Markup of the Product Teaser
A common extension of AEM components is to modify the markup generated by the component. This is done by overriding the HTL script that the component uses to render its markup. HTML Template Language (HTL), is a lightweight templating language that AEM components use to dynamically render markup based on authored content, allowing the components to be reused. The Product Teaser, for example, can be reused over and over again to display different products.
In this case, you want to render a banner on top of the teaser to indicate that the product is “Eco Friendly” based on a custom attribute. The design pattern for customizing the markup of a component is standard for all AEM Components, not just for the AEM CIF Core Components.
clientlib for the component dialogs. See Usage of CIF product & category picker for details.-
In the IDE, navigate and expand the
module and expand the folder hierarchy to:ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/venia/components/commerce/productteaser
and inspect the.content.xml
file.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jcr:root xmlns:sling="" xmlns:cq="" xmlns:jcr="" jcr:description="Product Teaser Component" jcr:primaryType="cq:Component" jcr:title="Product Teaser" sling:resourceSuperType="core/cif/components/commerce/productteaser/v1/productteaser" componentGroup="Venia - Commerce"/>
The Component definition for the Product Teaser Component in this project is above. Notice the property
. This is an example of creating a Proxy component. Instead of copying and pasting all the Product Teaser HTL scripts from the AEM CIF Core Components, you can use thesling:resourceSuperType
to inherit all functionality. -
Open the file
. This is a copy of theproductteaser.html
file from the CIF Product Teaser<!--/* productteaser.html */--> <sly data-sly-use.product="com.venia.core.models.commerce.MyProductTeaser" data-sly-use.templates="core/wcm/components/commons/v1/templates.html" data-sly-use.actionsTpl="actions.html" data-sly-test.isConfigured="${properties.selection}" data-sly-test.hasProduct="${product.url}" ></sly>
Notice that the Sling Model for
is used and assigned to theproduct
variable. -
so that it calls theisEcoFriendly
method implemented in the previous exercise:... <div data-sly-test="${isConfigured && hasProduct}" class="item__root" data-cmp-is="productteaser" data-virtual="${product.virtualProduct}" > <div data-sly-test="${product.showBadge}" class="item__badge"> <span>${properties.text || 'New'}</span> </div> <!--/* Insert call to Eco Friendly here */--> <div data-sly-test="${product.ecoFriendly}" class="item__eco"> <span>Eco Friendly</span> </div> ... </div>
When calling a Sling Model method in HTL the
portion of the method is dropped and the first letter is lowercased. SoisShowBadge()
. Based on the boolean value returned from.isEcoFriendly()
determines if the<span>Eco Friendly</span>
is displayed.For more information about
and other HTL block statements see The HTL Specification. -
Save the changes and deploy the updates to AEM using your Maven skills, from a command-line terminal:
$ cd aem-cif-guides-venia/ $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage -Pclassic
Open a new browser window and navigate to AEM and the OSGi console > Status > Sling Models: http://localhost:4502/system/console/status-slingmodels
Search for
and you should see a line like the following:com.venia.core.models.commerce.MyProductTeaserImpl - venia/components/commerce/productteaser
This indicates that the Sling Model has been properly deployed and mapped to the correct component.
Refresh to the Venia Home Page at http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/venia/us/en.html where the Product Teaser has been added.
If the product has the
attribute set to Yes, you should see the text “Eco Friendly” on the page. Try switching to different products to see the behavior change. -
Next, open up the AEM
to see the log statements that were added. Theerror.log
is at<AEM SDK Install Location>/crx-quickstart/logs/error.log
.Search the AEM logs to see the log statements that were added in the Sling Model:
2020-08-28 12:57:03.114 INFO [com.venia.core.models.commerce.MyProductTeaserImpl] *** Product is Eco Friendly** ... 2020-08-28 13:01:00.271 INFO [com.venia.core.models.commerce.MyProductTeaserImpl] *** Product is not Eco Friendly** ...
You may also see some stack traces if the product used in the teaser does not have theeco_friendly
attribute as part of its attribute set.
Add Styles for the Eco Friendly Badge
At this point the logic for when to display the Eco Friendly badge is working, however the plain text could use some styles. Next add an icon and styles to the ui.frontend
module to complete the implementation.
Download the eco_friendly.svg file. This is used as the Eco Friendly badge.
Return to the IDE and navigate to the
folder. -
Add the
file to theui.frontend/src/main/resources/images
folder: -
Open the file
. -
Add the following Sass rules inside the
class:.productteaser { ... .item__eco { width: 60px; height: 60px; left: 0px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; padding: 5px; span { display: block; position: absolute; width: 45px; height: 45px; text-indent: -9999px; background: no-repeat center center url('../resources/images/eco_friendly.svg'); } } ... }
Check out Styling CIF Core Components for more details around front-end workflows. -
Save the changes and deploy the updates to AEM using your Maven skills, from a command-line terminal:
$ cd aem-cif-guides-venia/ $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage -Pclassic
Refresh to the Venia Home Page at http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/venia/us/en.html where the Product Teaser has been added.
You customized your first AEM CIF component! Download the finished solution files here.
Bonus Challenge
Review the functionality of the New badge that has already been implemented in the Product Teaser. Try to add an extra checkbox for authors to control when the Eco Friendly badge should be displayed. Update the component dialog at ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/venia/components/commerce/productteaser/_cq_dialog/.content.xml
Additional Resources
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