1. On the author instance, go to the following page:


  2. Scroll down to the Home Mortgage Calculator.

  3. Highlight the right column’s (calculator’s) panel and select to display the pop-up menu. In the pop-up menu, select Configure. The Edit AEM Forms Container dialog appears.


  4. In the Edit AEM Forms Container dialog, browse the asset path and select home-mortgage-calculator at the following path and select Confirm:

    formsanddocuments/We.Finance/MS Dynamics/


  5. Select Done.

  6. Publish the edited page.

    The binding of the calculator fields with the FDM is preconfigured through the We.Finance reference site package. To view the binding, you can open the form in the authoring mode and see the field bind references.
  7. To create a custom entity for storing applicant record for home mortgage application, import the AEMFormsFSIRefsite_1_0.zip solution package to your Microsoft® Dynamics instance:

    1. Download the package from:


    2. Import the solution package to Microsoft® Dynamics instance. In your Microsoft® Dynamics instance, go to Settings > Solutions and then select Import.

  8. To set up user contact details used in the refsite, import the Sarah Rose Contact.CSV package to your Microsoft® Dynamics instance:

    1. Download the package from:


    2. Import the package to your Microsoft® Dynamics instance. In your Microsoft® Dynamics instance, go to Sales > Contacts and then select Import Data.

Experience Manager