HTML5 form drafts submitted by workspace users are not visible on the portal

For HTML5 forms enabled in AEM Forms app with Save as Draft HTML Render Profile, the saved drafts are not visible to workspace users. To view saved drafts of HTML5 forms submitted by workspace users on the portal, perform the following steps:

  1. Open CRXDE and login with administrator credentials.

    URL: https://<server>:<port>/lc/crx/de/index.jsp

  2. In the root path of the CRXDE, in the Access Control List under Access Control, click +.

  3. In the Add New Entry dialog, click the group search button in the Principal field.

  4. In the Name field of the Select Principal dialog, type PERM_WORKSPACE_USER and click Search.

  5. Select PERM_WORKSPACE_USER group in the Select Principal dialog and click OK.

  6. In the Add New Entry dialog, PERM_WORKSPACE_USER group is selected in the Principal field.

    Enable jcr:read privileges for the user group.

  7. Click OK.

HTML5 forms (not cached) fail to load in AEM Forms app

When AEM Forms app is connected to an older version of AEM Forms server, non-cached HTML5 forms fail to load in AEM Forms app.

Perform the following steps to resolve the issue:

  1. In author instance, navigate to Adobe Experience Manager > Tools > Configure Workspace App Offline Service > Configure Now.

  2. In Workspace App Offline Service page, click Manual Resource Cache.

    URL: https://<server>:<port>/libs/fd/workspace-offline/content/config.html

  3. In the Manual Resource Cache tab, click the + button to add a CRX path.

  4. In the Add a New Resource field, type: /etc.clientlibs/fd/xfaforms/I18N/en_US.js and click Add.

  5. Click Save.

AEM Forms do not sync on Windows

In the AEM Forms App on Windows, a form does not sync with the connected server if path of the form or any of its resources contains greater than or equal to 256 characters.

Modify the path of the form and its resources to reduce the number of characters to fewer than 256 characters.

Unsupported version of Gradle

Error Message: The project is using an unsupported version of Gradle.

The error message is displayed when you build AEM Forms app in Android Studio. The issue occurs due to unsupported version of Gradle supported on the system.

Resolution: Click Fix Gradle wrapper and re-import project to resolve the issue.


Gradle and Android Gradle plug-in compatibility issues

Error Message: The versions of the Android Gradle plugin and Gradle are not compatible.

The error message is displayed when you select Build APK option from the Build menu on the Android Studio user interface.


Resolution: Open Gradle Scripts > file and edit the distributionUrl property.

For example, the Android Studio console recommends downgrading the Gradle version to 3.5. Edit the version in distributionUrl of file.

Select Build > Build APK again to resolve the error and generate the .apk file.


Experience Manager