Support ticket Contact Reason descriptions

This article lists the support ticket Contact Reason field options and more detailed descriptions of each one.

Contact Reasons

Contact Reason
Store is Down (Unable to process orders, shipments, or emails)
Your Adobe Commerce storefront is down and you are unable to conduct critical business tasks like processing orders, shipments, or sending emails.
You have uncovered a security issue to your Adobe Commerce storefront.
Adobe Commerce Application
You need help with your Adobe Commerce Application.
Adobe Commerce Cloud Infrastructure
You need help with your Adobe Commerce Cloud Infrastructure or have a configuration change request.
Proactive Outage Notification
Proactive Infrastructure Notification

Adobe Commerce Application reasons

These are the options that appear if Adobe Commerce Application is selected as the Contact Reason:

Adobe Commerce Application
Problems Installing or Upgrading Adobe Commerce Application
Questions or Issues related to installing or upgrading your Adobe Commerce Application to a newer version
Performance (Application)
Questions or Issues related to Performance with your Adobe Commerce Storefront and believe it to be application-related
Catalog Service (SaaS)
Questions or Issues related to the Catalog Service. Please provide the Environment ID indicated in the Adobe Commerce admin under System > Commerce Services Connector.
Product Recommendations (SaaS)
Questions or Issues related to Product Recommendations. Please provide the Environment ID indicated in the Adobe Commerce admin under System > Commerce Services Connector.
Live Search (SaaS)
Questions or Issues related to Live Search. Please provide the Environment ID indicated in the Adobe Commerce admin under System > Commerce Services Connector.
PWA Studio
Questions or Issues related to PWA Studio for Adobe Commerce
Core Application (Other)
Questions or Issues related to a part of the Adobe Commerce Application which hasn't been previously specified in the options list

Adobe Commerce Cloud Infrastructure reasons

These are the options that appear if Adobe Commerce Cloud Infrastructure is selected as the Contact Reason:

Adobe Commerce Cloud Infrastructure
Stuck Deployment
Your Adobe Commerce Cloud Environment has a Stuck Deployment.
Performance (Infrastructure)
Questions or Issues related to Performance with your Adobe Commerce Storefront and believe it to be infrastructure-related
Add New Domains (Fastly and Nginx)
Add new domains to the Fastly service and Nginx
Disk/storage capacity request
Increase disk storage in Staging and/or Production environment(s) for your Adobe Commerce Cloud Pro projects
Disable 2FA
Disable Two-Factor Authentication for your Adobe Commerce Cloud Environment
Enable 2FA
Enable Two-Factor Authentication for your Adobe Commerce Cloud Environment
Holiday Surge Capacity Request
Add surge capacity resources to your Adobe Commerce Cloud Environment in advance of peak sales periods
Infrastructure Services Upgrade
Infrastructure change request for your Adobe Commerce Cloud Staging/and or Production environment(s), i.e., modify service versions, ftp user creation, etc.
Temporary Cloud Project Upsize (vCPU)
Add surge capacity resources to your Adobe Commerce Cloud Environment for an upcoming promotion. A minimum of 48 hours' notice is required.
Infrastructure (Other)
Questions or Issues related to a part of the Adobe Commerce Infrastructure Stack which hasn't been previously specified in the options list

Refer to Help Center Guide > Support ticket fields explained to see details about other ticket intake form fields.
