Upgrading Adobe Commerce

If you are upgrading Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure, try the following to resolve conflicting component dependencies:

Incompatibility with third-party modules:

Conflicting component dependencies can also be caused by third-party modules that depend on earlier Commerce components than the ones you have installed. Try the following:

  1. In the preceding example, the installed package magento/sample-data version 0.74.0-beta15 cannot be upgraded to 1.0.0-beta. However, 0.74.0-beta15 can be upgraded to 0.74.0-beta16 (or others). Edit composer.json to make any of these changes. Typically, the versions your project is requesting will be defined in the require or require-dev property of the object in that JSON file. Depending on the options of package versions provided, they might specify a specific version or a constraint. For general guidance on how to use composer, if you are on our cloud infrastructure, you can refer to Cloud for Adobe Commerce > Technologies and Requirements > Composer in our developer documentation. If you are on Adobe Commerce on-premises, refer to Adobe Commerce > Installation Guide > Install Adobe Commerce Using the Composer .
  2. Now try the readiness check. Review Adobe Commerce Upgrade Overview > Run the Module Manager > Step 1 Readiness Check in our developer documentation.
  3. If the readiness check fails with another Component dependency check failure message, click on the following links depending on whether you are using Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source to get further troubleshooting steps.

Adobe Commerce

  1. Reach out to the developer of the extension so they can assist you. You can find their contact information on the page you purchased the extension from on the Commerce Marketplace. Look for the Contact Seller button shown on the right panel. All Commerce developers are required to provide a user’s and installation guide when they publish an extension on Marketplace. You can find both on the right side of their landing page.
  2. If you do not receive a response from the Seller in a reasonable amount of time, please contact Marketplace Support so that we can remind them of their customer support commitments.

Magento Open Source

Request assistance at our main forum or contact an Adobe Commerce Partner that assists in Open Source issues.

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