Multiple rows in the database for the same entity

This article provides a solution to the issue where there are multiple rows for the same entity ID in the database.

Affected products and versions:

  • Adobe Commerce (All versions)


There are multiple rows for the same entity ID in the database.

For example, after receiving a list of records with duplicate entity IDs when you run this query:

SELECT * FROM $entityTable WHERE $column = <$entityID> ORDER BY created_in;

Where $entityID = ID of category/product/cart price rule/catalog price rule/CMS page.

Cart Price Rule/Catalog Price Rule
CMS Page


This is the expected behavior. The multiple rows are created by the Content Staging functionality:

  • If you specify a start date without an end date, there will be at least two rows with the same entity/rule/page ID. One row will indicate the original state of the entity (the row in which created_in=1), and one row will indicate the End of the Scheduled Update.

  • If you specify a start date with an end date, there will be at least three rows with the same entity/rule/page ID. One row will indicate the original state of the entity (the row in which created_in=1), one row will be for the Start of the Scheduled Update, and one row will be for the End of the Scheduled Update.

For example, in this query:

SELECT row_id, entity_id, created_in, updated_in FROM catalog_product_entity WHERE entity_id = 483 ORDER BY created_in;


  • The created_in and updated_in values should follow this pattern: The created_in value of the current row is equal to the updated_in value in the previous row. Also, the first row should contain created_in = 1 and the last row should contain updated_in = 2147483647. (If there’s only one row, you must see created_in=1 and updated_in=2147483647).

Why does the second DB entry (and all the next ones) appear in DB for the same entity?

  • The second DB record (and, possibly, the next ones) for the affected entity means there have been Content Staging updates scheduled using the Magento_Staging module, which makes an additional record for an entity in the respective tables.

A problem would only occur if the records have the same values for the created_in or updated_in columns.


This is the expected behavior and will only lead to issues if there are discrepancies between the rows.
